Class Chapter 9 Flashcards
Accomplished natural growth
Play working class
Concerted cultivation of skills
Tutors, Monitored, Busy schedule
Marx Social Class
Two classes of people- bourgeoisie meaning owners & proletariat meaning workers / working class is more educated = unions
Weber Social Class
Stratification/ What you own shows power & prestige - property and wealth
value of financial assets such as savings real estate stocks minus debts
money received from sources such as wages salaries and
Petite bourgeoisie
small business owners
ane economic arrangement in which the state owns the major means of production (unions)
Marx Class Consciousness
need for political action for social change = revolt for change
Marx False Consciousness
end capitalism - believe in “we” instead of I
Middle class
hourly wages - blue collar
Class mobility
ability to move from one social class to another
Structural mobility
high paying jobs decline - laid off
individual mobility
class position changes w/out any change in class structure - parents class to children
Absolute Poverty
scarcity of resources so severe that it is life threatening