Class + Achievement Flashcards
List all the Material factors that affects achievement:
- Diet and Health
- Poor Housing & Accommodation
- Financial Restriction/ Support
- Cost of Education
How do Material Factors affect achievement?
- Housing:
= overcrowding = difficultly studying, lack of space for educational activities, disturbed sleep, impaired development for younger children ( no space for safe play and exploration)
=Temporary accommodation = Disrupts learning (moving around)
= Cold/ damp = ill health = absence - Diet & Health
=weakened immune = Absence
-=Behavioral / Emotional Problem = Concentration Difficulty
= Bullying =
What are Internal Factors
factors within the schools and the education system that affects achievement such as interaction between pupils and teachers and inequalities
what are External Factors
factors outside of the education system which influences achievement such as the influences of the home and family background
outline external factors influencing class
- Cultural Deprivation
- Material Deprivation
- Cultural Capital
Outline internal factors influencing attainment
- Labelling
- Self-fulling prophecy
- Streaming
- Pupil subculture & identities
What do Cultural Deprivation theory argue
Argue that working class students arrive at school already under equipped to achieve because the families fails to socialize their children adequately and so these children grow up “culturally deprived”
what are the 3 main aspects of cultural deprivation
- Language
- Working Class subculture
- Parent’s Education
How does language effect education
Effects cognitive development thus their ability to benefit from the process of schooling
What did Hubbs-Tait et al noted in terms of achievement
Hubbs-Tait el al noted that educated parent would use language which challenged their children such as “what do you think?” whereas WC parents tend to use single word, disjoint phrases and closed questions such as “name this animal”
- believed this is the cause for lower educational performance from WC students
What did Fernstein found
Educated parents are more likely to use praise which encourages their children to develop a sense of their own competence
What are the Differences Berstein discover between MC & WC language
WC language use restricted code
- short, unfinished, grammatically simple sentences and context bound
MC language use elaborate code
- Long, grammatically complex sentences, context free, use varies communication styles and abstract ideas
Why are MC children at an immediate advantage
- Because schools favors their habitus and operate on the elaborate code through the likes of teachers, textbook and exams
What did Douglas found ?
WC Families placed less educational value and as a result :
gave less encouragement, were less likely to visit school, less likely to discuss their child’s progress with teachers and took less interest in Education
What does Feinstein found
parent’s education is the most important factor in affecting children’s achievement thus because MC parents were better education, they were able to give their children an immediate educational advantage via their parenting style, income and behaviors
How does Parenting style vary between MC/WC & how does this effect achievement?
MC parents emphasize consistent discipline and place high expectation on their children which supports achievement as it encourages active learning.
WC parents style is marked by harsh and inconsistent discipline which prevents the child from learning independence and self-control thus leading to poorer motivation at school and problems interacting with teachers
How can income effect attainment
MC parents have higher and surplus income thus can spend their income in ways that promote their child’s educational success. for example, Bernstein and Young found that MC mothers are more likely to buy educational toys, books and activities that can encourage reasoning skills and stimulate intellectual development
MC have the income to buy nutritious food to support the children’s development
WC have lower and restricted income so lack resources needed to further their children academically. Hence, WC children start school often without the intellectual skills needed to make progress
What does Sugarman argue
that WC sub-culture has 4 key features that act as a barrier to educational achievement
what are the features of working class subcultures (explain)?
- Fatalism:
belief in fate and there is nothing you can do to change your status - Collectivism
valuing being part of a group more than succeeding as an individual - Immediate Gratification:
seeking pleasure now rather than making the sacrifice for later
-Present time orientation:
seeing the present as more important than the future and not having any long term goals/ plan
What are the features of MC subculture
- Deferred Gratification: delay pleasure now for future reward
- Individualism: individual should be held back by group loyalties
- Meritocracy: believe hard work and effort can change your status
- High Value on Future planning
Criticism of Cultural deprivation theory
- Keddie: believe it is victim blaming. WC culture is not deprived, just different. School should adapt to those who are culturally different and challenges teachers anti-working class prejudices
- Troyna & William: it is not the language of the WC that is the probllem but the school’s attitude toward by failing to adapt to those who do speak in different speech codes
- Blackstone: disagree with the proposal that wc parent’s are not interested in their child’s education. They attend fewer parents evening due to their longer and more irregular working hours as well being put-off by the middle class habitus of school
What did Tanner found and impact on WC pupils?
cost of computers, books, calculators, uniform, sports, music
equipment, trips, food and art equipment put a heavy burden on poorer families. Therefore, children have to go without these equipment’s along with any extra-curricular activities or trip., thus putting them at an educational disadvantage
What did Flaherty found and what does Smith & Noble add on to this?
- found that 20% of those eligible for free school meals did not take up their entitlement for fear of being teased.
- poverty acts as barrier to education in other ways as well such as the inability to afford private schooling or tuition.
What are the impact of financial restriction for wc pupils
- W.C student who do go to universities are less likely to receive financial support from their families, hence more likely to go to local universities which meant they miss the opportunity to go to the higher status university
- University W.C student are more likely to work part-time to fund their studies which makes it more difficult to gain high class degrees
What did Callander and Jackson noted in their survey
- W.C students are more debt averse
- saw more cost than benefit in going to university
- 5 x less likely to apply for university especially with the increase in tuition fees
What does Bordieu argues and what does he use/ why ?
Both cultural and material factors contribute to educational achievement and are not separate but interrelated. He uses the concept of “capital” to explain why MC students are more successful
education system is not neutral as it favors and transmits the dominant mc culture
What are the 3 types of capital Bordieu identifies?
- Economic Capital: wealth
- Cultural Capital: knowledge, attitude, values, language, taste and ability one possess
- Educational Capital: Qualification one has
What did Sullivan found|
- through conducting a survey of 465 pupils in 4 different school, found that those who read complex fiction and watch serious tv documentaries had developed greater level of cultural capital (MC)
- also found that cultural capital only accounted for part of the class difference in achievement as there were some wc pupils with the same level of cultural capital
Evaluation of Material Deprivation
- the fact that some children from poor backgrounds do succeed suggests that material deprivation is only part of the explanation
- Feinstein shows that parents can make positive contributions to their child’s achievement regardless of their income level
- Mortimore and Whitty (1997) argue that material inequalities have the greatest effect on achievement so tackling child poverty would be the most effective way to boost achievement
What does it mean to Label
- means to attach meanings and definition to someone
What has study in regards to teachers labels
Teachers attach labels regardless of pupils ability and attitudes, often the label given is based on stereotyped assumption about pupils background
Teachers label WC student more negatively than MC
What is a SFP?
A prediction that comes true just by the virtue of having it been said and made
outline the SFP process:
1 - teachers label and make predictions about pupils based on label
2- Teachers treat pupils according to the label they give
3- Pupils internalize this label and act accordingly, becoming part of the pupils self-image
4 - prophecy is completed
What has Douglas found in regards to streaming?
Children who are placed in lower stream at the age of 8 suffer decline in their IQ score by age 11 whereas children placed in higher streams at 8 improve their IQ by age 11
What is Streaming?
Involves separating children into different ability group and each ability group separately
What does Study show regarding Streaming?
- WC are more likely to be put in lower streams because teachers view them as lacking “ability” and have lower expectation
- MC benefit from streaming as they are more likely to be placed into higher stream, reflecting teachers view of them as “ideal” pupils
What is a Pupils Subculture
a group of students who have similar values and behavior patterns often emerged as a results of teachers label and streaming
What is Pro-school Subculture
students who remain committed to the values of the schools as they gain their status via academic success
What is Anti-School subculture
a group of student who rejects schools academic aim, ethos and rules by developing a set of delinquent values, behavior and attitude in oppositions to schools because schools undermined their self worth so seek alternative ways of gaining status (peers)
What did Ball study and what does it convey?
studied a school which has abolished streaming and taught mixed ability group but teacher differentiation continued conveying that even without stream, SFP, as a result of labelling, can still occur
Outline Other subcultures
- Retreatism : Day dream and mucking about
- Rebellion : outright rejection of everything the schools stand for
- Ritualism : Go through the motion & stay out of trouble
- Ingratiation : Teachers Pet
Criticism of labelling theory
- critiqued as too deterministic, assumes pupils who are labelled have no choice but to complete prophecy and inevitably fail
- Fuller in her study of black girls shows that labels given can be rejected and succeed
- Marxist argue it ignore the wider structure in which discrimination occurs & fails to explain why teachers label