Class 9 Flashcards
Name the somatic symptoms and related disorders
Somatic Symptom Disorder
Illness Anxiety Disorder
Conversion Disorder - Functional Neurological Symptoms Disorder
Psychological Factors Affecting other Medical Conditions
Factitious Disorder
Other Specified Somatic Symptom and Related Disorder
Unspecified Somatic Symptom and Related Disorder
Somatic Symptom Disorder criteria
One or more somatic symptoms that are distressing or
result in significant disruption of daily life
Excessive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors…at least one ofthe following:
-Disproportionate and persistent thoughts about the
seriousness of one’s symptoms
-Persistently high level of anxiety about health or symptoms
-Excessive time and energy devoted to these symptoms
The state of being symptomatic is persistent typically
more than 6 months
Specify: predominate pain, persistent, mild (1B) moderate(2Bs), Severe (2Bs + multiple sx)
Epidemiology Somatic Symptom Disorder
5-6% Female:male = 2 3:1 Increased somatization with age Low socioeconomics, low education, rural onset 20s-30s
Illness Anxiety Disorder criteria
Preoccupation with having or acquiring a serious illness
Somatic symptoms are not present or only mild in
High level of anxiety about health, easily alarmed about
personal health status
Excessive health related behaviors or exhibits
maladaptive avoidance
Illness preoccupation minimum 6 months
Not better accounted for by another mental disorder
Specify: Care seeking type, Care avoidant type
Epidemiology Illness Anxiety Disorder
Gender Differences- None
Increased with age
Body Dysmorphic Disorder criteria
Preoccupation with one or more perceived defects or
Repetitive behaviors or mental acts in response
Significant distress or impairment
Appearance preoccupation in not better explained by
eating disorder
Specify: muscle dysmorphia, good or fair insight,
poor insight, absent insight/delusional beliefs
Epidemiology Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Conversion Disorder criteria
One or more symptoms of altered voluntary motor or
sensory function
Clinical findings incompatible with neurological or
medical conditions
Not better explained by another disorder
Clinically significant distress or impairment
Specify: weakness or paralysis, abnormal movement,
swallowing symptoms, speech symptom, attacks or
seizures, anesthesia or sensory loss, special sensory
symptom (visual, olfactory, hearing), mixed symptoms
Clues to know it’s conversion disorder
Past history Secondary gain Belle indifférence: unconcerned about the problem Pain/ temperature split Vibration/ sensory split Changing pattern Give away weakness
Conversion disorder: good prognosis
Acute onset, comorbid psychiatric disorder,
change in marital status
Conversion disorder: course
30 60% chronic
Psychological Factors Affecting Other Medical
Conditions criteria
A medical symptom or condition is present
Psychological or behavioral factors adversely affect the
medical condition:
-Influence the course
-Interfere with treatment
-Present a well established health risk
-Influence the underlying pathophysiology, precipitating or exacerbating symptoms or necessitating medical attention
Not better accounted for by another disorder
Specify: mild (increases medical risk), Moderate
(aggravates medical condition), Severe (results in
admission or ER visit), Extreme (life threatening ie:
avoiding treatment)
Factitious Disorder imposed on self criteria
Falsification of physical or psychological signs or
symptoms, induction of injury, disease, associated with
identified deception
Presents himself to others as ill, impaired, injured
Absence of obvious external rewards
Not better explained by another disorder
Specify: single or recurrent episodes
Factitious Disorder imposed on others criteria
Same Presents another individual (victim) to others as ill, impaired, injured Same Same Specify single or recurrent episodes
Munchhousen’s syndrome
Triad of:
Simulated illness
Pathological lying “pseudologica fantastica”
Wandering “peregrination”