Class 5 - Alterations in Fluid and Electrolytes, Acid-Base Flashcards
Distribution of Body Fluids
- 66% of body water is intracellular
- 24% of body water is interstitial
- 7% of body water is intravascular (plasma)
- 2% of body water is transcellular
Water Body Content - Age Differences
Lower at younger age
Higher at older age
Isotonic Loss
Water and sodium are lost in proportion, not losing one more than the other
Caused by:
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Not replacing fluids and electrolytes after exercise
- Sweating profusely
Signs and Symtpoms
- Dry skin
- Dry mucous membranes
- Less urine, higher concentration
- Weight loss
- Increase thirst
- Sunken eyes
- Flat, peripheral and jugular veins
- Poor turgor; skin tents
- Blood pressure will decrease
- Heart rate will increase
- Increase fluid intake
Intravascular Fluid Volume Excess - Fluid Overload
Isotonic gain
- Water and sodium are gained in proportion
Caused by
- Over administration of saline
- Too much fluid intake
- Heart disease, liver disease, and kidney disease can aid in fluid overload
Signs and Symptoms
- Excessive urination
- Diuretics
- Dialysis
Edema - Interstitial Space
Increased interstitial fluid volume “swelling”
Caused by
- Increased capillary hydrostatic pressure
- Hydrostatic pressure pushes water out of the capillary membrane into the interstitial space; filtration - Decreased capillary oncotic pressure
- Oncotic pressure is a pulling force, sucks water back into the capillary from the interstitial space; reabsorption - Lymphatic Obstruction
- Lymphatics drain extra fluid from the interstitial space and returns it back into circulation
- Lymph obstruction can occur by having breast and armpit lymph removal due to breast cancer and can increase edema - Increased capillary permeability
- Fluid will be able to flow more freely - Increase interstitial oncotic pressure
- Anything that decreases our plasma proteins will make us puffy
Manifestations of Edema
- Localized edema
- Dependent areas
- Pitting edema
- Generalized
- Pulmonary edema: fluid in the lungs, shortness of breath, trouble breathing, hearing crackling sounds with stethoscope
Edema - Intracellular Space
Due to changes in tonicity/osmosis
- Hypertonic
- Hypotonic
Linked to sodium imbalances
- Major regulator of osmotic forces
Hypertonic Imbalances
Concentration of the extracellular fluid is increased Water will shift out of the cells Causes cellular dehydration Capillaries have high levels of sodium - Serum sodium > 145 mEq/L
Caused by
- Sodium excess
- Water deficit
Clinical Manifestations
- Primarily related to cell dehydration
- Neurological: agitation, restlessness, headache, seizures, coma and increased reflexes
- Thirst and dry skin
Hypotonic Imbalances
Concentration of the extracellular fluid is decreased
Water will shift into the cells causing cellular edema
Serum sodium: < 135 mEq/L
Caused by
- Sodium deficit
- Water excess
- Primarily related to cell swelling
- Neurological: agitation, restlessness, headache, seizures, coma and increased reflexes
- MSK: muscle cramps, weakness
Electrolyte Imbalances
Potassium is mostly intracellular
- Most dominant intracellular cation
- 150-160 mEq/L intracellular
- 3.5-5.0 mEq/L extracellular
- After crush injuries, potassium levels increase because cells will leak
Sodium is mostly extracellular
- 12 mEq/L is intracellular
- 135-145 mEq/L
Concentrations maintained by Na/K pump
Sodium Imbalances
+++ influence on osmosis
Hypernatremia (hypertonic)
Hyponatremia (hypotonic)
The major systems that show signs and symptoms are neuromuscular
- Movement of water into or out of brain cells and musular tissue
- MSK: muscle cramps, weakness
Potassium Imbalances
Normal values 3.5-5.0 mEq/L
Major signs and symptoms
- Cardiac: dysrhythmias, cardiac arrest
- CNS: Reflexes, LOC
- Renal disease
- Cell injury
- Too much intake (IV admin)
- Acidosis
- Hyperaldosteronism
- Medications (ACE inhibitors)
- Diarrhea, NG suction
- Too little intake (starvation)
- Alkalosis
- Hyperaldosteronism
- Medications (some diuretics)
Calcium Imbalances
Parathyroid disease Vitamin D imbalance Malignancies The major systems that show manifestations include musculoskeletal and cardiac - Blood pressure - Muscle tone
Hydrogen Ion Imbalances
H+ needed to maintain membrane potential integrity
Regulates speed of nerve impulse conduction and muscle fiber contraction
Maintains speed of enzyme reactions
pH Imbalances
pH scale measures the concentration of H+ in fluids
0-14, acidic-basic
Normal pH range in arterial blood is 7.35-7.45
Acids are formed as end products of protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism
H+ must be neutralized by buffers or excreted via the lungs or kidneys
Excretion of Acid
- Secreted by the lungs
- Carbonic acid (only one)
- Eliminated by the lungs as CO2 by increasing or decreasing ventilation rate
- Sulphuric, phosphoric and other organic acids
- Eliminated by the renal tubules
Renal system
- Excreting or conserving acid: H+
- Conserving or excreting base: bicarbonate (HC03-)
Acid-Base Imbalances
Caused by respiratory or metabolic problems
Categorized as either acidosis or alkalosis
If one system has a dysfunction, the other system will try to compensate
Best evaluated by arterial blood gases
Steps for Acid-Base Imbalance Questions
- Look at ph
a. Normal, acidosis, alkalosis? - Look at the PCO2 and HCO3-
a. Will tell you the cause
b. Will tell you if there’s compensation - PCO2 = respiratory
- HC03- = metabolic
Respiratory Acidosis
CO2 - acid. More CO2 = more acidity
HCO3 - base. More HCO3 decreases acidity
Normal values 35-45 mmHg
Too much CO2
- PCO2 > 45
- CO2 will convert to carbonic acid
- pH < 7.35
Caused by
- Slow and shallow breating
eg. Head injury, SCI, drug overdoses - Poor gas exchange due to lung disease
eg. Pneumonia and emphysema
Respiratory Alkalosis
Too little CO2
- PCO2 < 35 mmHg
Less carbonic acid
- pH > 7.45
Caused by
- Rapid and deep breathing
- Respiratory failure (early)
- Anxiety
- Some neurological disorders
Metabolic Acidosis
Not enough bicarbonate ion HCO3 to counteract acid
- HCO3 < 22 mEq/L
- pH < 7.35
Caused by
- Loss of base (kidney dysfunction, diarrhea)
- Excess production non-volatile acids (diabetic ketoacidosis, ASA overdose)
Metabolic Alkalosis
Too much bicarbonate ion / not enough acid
- HCO3 > 26 mEq/L
- pH > 7.45
- Excess loss of acid (kidney dysfunction, vomiting, gastric suction)
- Excessive intake of base (antacid overdose)
- The functional system that will try to correct the pH towards normal
Partial Compensation
- The pH wil lmove towards normal but not within normal range
- The one that doesn’t match the other two is the one that is trying to compensate
Full Compensation
- pH will become fully within normal range
- If the pH is leaning towards alkaline values, the problem is alkaline