Class 3 Flashcards
How did the actions of FDR resulted in a system of
collective security that mixes multilateral principles with realistic
principles of powerhierarchy?
Franklin Rossevelt formulated a vision that the outcome of war should not only be to win the war, but win the peace, by having a different international order, in order to achieve peace. Americans assume a international leadership, to promote a different world, with a different balance of power, by replacing the anarchy of nationalism.
American started as a neutral, but keep helping more and more the English, until december 1941 entered the war due to Pearl Harbor. Atlantic charter, secret meeting held by Churchill and FDR , charter that shares the intentions (see the charter in the text) to the future after winning the war.
British were more in favor of regional agreements, instead of a international organization, due to the colonies. Then the Soviet Union enters into this talks, as they were a major part in the war effort, so Stalin enters in the talks, Stalin was a realist, so he wanted the UN to not have as much power as the states itself, the security council to have a very strict consensus rules, while being very internationalist. They refused the outvoting of a great power.
Procedural questions is what can be or not discussed in the security council, the british wanted no veto for this questions, while veto for substantive questions (questions you can talk about). So, you can talk about, but you cant reach any solution due to veto power.
San Francisco: agreement on the major charter of the United Nations. The great powers have the responsibility of being the world police in matters like peace and security, as they are the ones in the security council.
How did the actions of FDR resulted in a system of
collective security that mixes multilateral principles with realistic
principles of power hierarchy?
- Formulation of an international human rights regime: integrated or
not in such order?
the Liberal International order also includes a human rights order that is rooted most clearly in the UN Charter- Faith in fundamental human rights and dignity and worth of the human person, an committed all UN member states to promoting universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, without distinction as to raise sex, language or religion.
Adopted by the United Nations in 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights went even further.
The declaration included 30 articles detailing the basic rights and fundamental freedoms of all persons, including civil and political rights like the right to life, liberty, free speech and privacy, as well as economic, social and cultural rights like the right to Social Security, health and education.
During the Cold War, the debate between the United States and the Soviet Union often paralyse progress in guaranteeing abroad set of human rights.
After the Cold War, the human rights order was expanded and strengthened, most notably through three broad developments. First, the creation of the International Criminal Court for the first time establish an institutional framework for protecting human rights beyond the nation state. Specifically, the ICC was created to prosecute individuals for crimes of genocide. War crimes in cases where the state was unwilling or unable to do so.
- The outbreak of the Cold War in 1947, and the establishment of a
separated peace between the Western powers with the objective of
protecting democracy and liberalism. Was this a new element in the
international order?
What’s Multilateralism?
- Multilateralism: replacing the anarchy of nationalisms with laws of
morality, law and international justice.
How was and with what aim did he creat a realist multilateralism?
Aim: to create International institutions that would embody principles
and norms. But a “Realist multilateralism”.
* FDR’s aversion to the balance of power (increased intensity of
conflicts) but awareness of the impossibility of pure collective
security. Need for mechanisms of military coercion. Reconciliation of
the two principles: collective security and balance of power.
How was and with what aim did he creat a realist multilateralism?
Aim: to create International institutions that would embody principles
and norms. But a “Realist multilateralism”.
* FDR’s aversion to the balance of power (increased intensity of
conflicts) but awareness of the impossibility of pure collective
security. Need for mechanisms of military coercion. Reconciliation of
the two principles: collective security and balance of power.
Why and with what goal in mind did he create UN?
FDR was fearful
that the US would not get involved in world affairs if it was not
embedded in an organization like the UN.
* FDR strategically crafted the UN to put on the illusion that it was
“taming” its power by placing the nation within institutions’ set of
rules and rights.
* By locking the US into a guaranteed position for years to come, even if
the US power weakened in the future, the institutional framework
that it created would nonetheless remain intact.
What were the goals of UN?
- Primary objectives were to secure and defend world powers.
- Fundamental objective was to maintain peace and international security
- In order to preserve international peace, UN also sought to: promote
international development (won importance with the process of
decolonization and the development of these new nations) and to protect
human rights. - Universal Declaration of Human Rights established in 1948
Do all countries have the same importance in Sec Council?
- Veto power—given to 5 founding members.
- Way to protect their interests but also to show that they have a larger
responsibility in the international order because they have the
responsibility to preserve peace. - According to charter, 5 members with veto have more importance
than other members.
What are the main problems of Sec Council?
- Issues with Sec Council: more representation from Africa, Asia, LatAm,
Permanent members should better reflect geopolitics and economics,
Nonpermanent members should have opportunity for Veto, more open
council meetings to improve transparence
Elements of an International Order Post-WWII
- Principle of sovereign equality—process of decolonization
- Perpetual ideological war between the capitalists and the communists to earn
influence in the third world during the Cold War - Degree of high institutionalization
- Large degree of treaties, conventions, and other frameworks to regulate new
spheres of life. New institutionalized agreements made it possible for unprecedented
cooperation. - US and Order
- Big power responsible for design of the international order after 1945 was the US.
- American identity had an impact on the values reflected in the new international
order. Identity was centered on the defense of democratic and liberal values. - Post-1945 order was a function not only of American power but also of American will
and values
What are the pillars of the Post-1945 International Order
- Collective security system—creation/maintenance of UN
- Economic multilateralism—replace economic nationalism
- Political self-emancipation—decolonization
- Territorial integrity
- Freedom from external intervention, unless going against human
rights declaration - Use of force requiring collective authorization
International regime of Human Rights
established by the United Nations
- Human rights and the international order: the projection of American
liberalism for the international order. - The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), the Genocide
Convention (1948), the International Covenant of Political and Civil
Rights (1966). - The first humanitarian interventions.
How did Cold War impact the UN?
- Most of the world was divided into two dividing blocks. Due to rigid
UN structure (such as veto power to world powers) that was
supposed to maintain the status quo of international world order,
Security Council often found itself in a stalemate situation. - The Security Council could not act without joint permission of US and
USSR, thus being a venue for political gamesmanship between the