Class 19/03/19 Flashcards
How do you say…?
Un camping
A campsite
(We only use cam[ping] as a verb, not the place)
Example: “We went camping, to a campsite”
How do you say…?
Me temo que…
I’m afraid that
How do you you say…?
Instalaciones (in a building, sports centre etc)
How do you say…?
How do you say…?
How do you say…?
Un colegio privado, un colegio público
A public school (private), a state school
How do you say…?
(These are British terms, not used in the United States)
6th (sixth) form - “Which year of school are you in?” “I’m 17 / 18 years old and I’m in the 6th form (I’m a 6th former)”
A levels (the name of the exams you take during 6th form) - “You study for your A level exams for 2 years before university”.
How do you say…?
How do you say…?
La selectividad
University entrance exam
(The British equivalent would be ’A levels’)
How do you say…?
Prueba de acceso
An entrance exam
How do you say…?
Es capaz de…
He / she is capable of… (+verb +ing)
Example: I’m capable of doING it myself
How do you say…?
Un reto
A challenge
How do you say…?
Ir / viajar al extranjero
To go / travel abroad
How do you say…?
Hacer turismo
How do you pronounce…? Suburb / suburbs
Suburb / Suburbs
Examples: I live in the suburbs / Wembley is a suburb of London
How do you say…?
Merece la pena
It’s worth it
How do you pronounce…?
How do you say…?
No lo repetiría
I wouldn’t do it again
How do you say…?
El comedor
The dining room
Canteen (if in a school or an institution)
How do you say…?
Temporada alta / baja
High / low season
How do you say…?
No hemos reservado nada todavía
We haven’t booked anything yet
How do you say…?
The year students take off (to work and/or travel) between finishing their A levels, and starting university
A gap year
Example- “She’s on a gap year at the moment in Thailand before she starts at Oxford university next Autumn”.
How do you say…?
Irse de mochilero / un mochilero
To go backpacking / a backpacker