Class 13: Non-Linear Models Flashcards
what are the implications of Euler’s formula?
what is harmonic analysis?
What is Fourier Analysis?
Since Fourier Transforms are used to analyze real-world signals, why is it useful to have complex (or imaginary) numbers involved at all?
It turns out the complex form of the equations makes things a lot simpler and more elegant. As such, everyone uses complex numbers, from physicists, to engineers, and mathematicians.
magnitude of a complex number?
what is the saw function?
how is the Fourier Transform defined by?
How is was the convolution defined?
What is Parsevals theorem?
what are the discrete fourier transform and fast fourier transform?
What is the Secant method
What is the bisection method?
what is the intermediate value theorem?
what is pseudo code?
what is the stopping criteria?