Class Flashcards
What affects class in Gilead?
How is class defined?
Class is a persons place in the social hierarchy but it can also be related to income and wealth.
Historically there have been three groups: upper, middle and lower.
How does gender affect class?
This is an example of intersectionality.
It determines their role and status in society.
How does race, sexuality and age affect class?
People of colour, old women, gay people and others who don’t adhere to Gilead’s social ideals are sent to the colonies.
What are the features of a Commander?
Wealthy, educated, able-bodied, straight, white men have access to the good things.
Who would a Marxist argue is the bourgeoisie and proletariat?
B = Commander , Wives and Angels.
P = Handmaids, Marthas, Unwomen, Children of Ham, Gender Traitors, Econowives and Jezebels
Doesn’t account = Eyes, Guardians and Aunts who have some degree of power but not as much influence as the B and aren’t exploited like the P.
What is the order so social class in Gilead and why?
Unwoman, Gender Traitors (Gay), Children of Ham (Black)
You get a lower position if you threaten Gilead’s heteronormative and white supremacist ideals.
Commander quote about power over food - Chapter 2
‘And a chicken, tell them, not a hen. Tell them who it’s for and then they wont mess around.’
Wives power over the household quote - Chapter 26
‘The transgression of women in the household, whether Martha or Handmaid, are supposed to be under the jurisdiction of the wives alone.’
Wives power compared to other women - Chapter 5 and 20
`5 - ‘You don’t see the Commanders wives on the sidewalks. Only in cars.
20 - ‘They have oranges!’ ‘But they have a coffee urn and bottles of wine.’
Role of the Angels, Eyes and Guardians
1 - guard the red center
14 - neutralise rebel groups
34 - They may qualify for a wife or even a handmaid once they’ve served Gilead.
27 - torture and kill citizens suspected of subversive activities
4 - personal bodyguards and servants for Commanders and wives.
‘He hasn’t been issued a woman, not even one.’ - women are a symbol of status so Nick isn’t powerful or influential but has the freedom of his own apartment.
In the epilogue - ‘childless or infertile older women who were not married could take service in the Aunts and thereby escape redundancy, and consequent shipment to the infamous Colonies
They were disposable, they’re often sent to Colonies.
They’d be an unwoman if not an Aunt - elevate themselves.
Slightly higher class than the Handmaids - cooking baking and socialising so aren’t subjected to the horrific treatment and abuse as the Handmaids.
Despite Handmaids being called ‘A position of honour’ they are consistently dehumanised and abused.
Cant climb the social ladder, unlike others but are threatened with being moved down to the ‘reclassification [as] an Unwoman.’
Most essential class as they ensure the survival of the human race - but they are the most abused.
They are seen as status symbol for Commanders.
They have freedom that comes with a cost as they also have so much time before they are sent to the Colonies.
‘The Aunts figure we’re all damned anyway, they’ve given up on us, so it doesn’t matter what sort of vice we get up to’ - 38
Unwoman/Gender Traitors - nuns/gay people
‘They burn you up with the garbage, like an Unwoman’ - comparison between Unwoman and garbage is meant to show that Unwomen are viewed as trash and not human beings.
Children of Ham
Gilead believes in white Supremacy and it is implied that Gilead is conducting racial genocide.
Biblical allusion to Noah’s son Ham, whose children are cursed by Noah to live a life of servitude.
Many believe that this Bible verse was used as justification for slavery.