CLASS #1 – Week of 3/18/18:Command & Control, ERP Add 3 & 3A and Appen A, Regulations Chap 11, ICS Chap 1 and 2 Add #2 RESL, Add#3 Comm Unit and Add #5 Safety Officer, AUC 230, Flashcards

  1. You are BC Ferrari operating at a 10-75 fire on the 3rd floor of a 5-story Old Law
    Tenement with two railroad flat apartments. The fire in apartment 3S is suspicious because accelerants and trailers were found in the fire room. The fire has been extinguished and all searches are complete and negative, other than the two occupants (10-45 Code 4’s) removed from apartment 3N which had a minor smoke condition. A woman from apartment 3N, who was an RMA, returns to her apartment and later informs you that a diamond necklace which was in her bathroom when the FDNY arrived is missing. She indicates that FDNY members stole the necklace. As the IC, you must take which of the action(s) below? (Regs 11.3.16, AUC 268)

A. Immediately direct a ladder company to search apartments 3S and 3N for the necklace
B. Complete form BF-26 with the occupant, and interview any witnesses from apartment 3N
C. As soon as possible, notify BITS of the alleged theft from the scene using the Battalion Cell phone
D. Inform the occupant of 3N to notify the NYPD of the alleged theft
E. Transmit a 10-41 Code 1 in order to notify the Fire Marshall

  1. A, E

11.3.16 Private Property Missing from Scene of Department Operations:
When allegations of lost, missing, or possibly stolen private property are
received the Incident Commander must immediately direct a thorough search of
the premises from which the property is missing. If the property is not found,
and the complainant alleges that the property was at the scene prior to the
arrival of the Fire Department, the Incident Commander must obtain from the complainant, information required by Form BF-26. If the Incident Commander is not a Chief Officer, the dispatcher must be immediately notified to have a Battalion Chief respond. Neither Officer should make any further independent investigation beyond ascertaining the information required to complete Form
BF-26. The Incident Commander should not interview witnesses but must immediately make the following notifications when it is alleged that private
property has been stolen or is missing from the scene of a Department operation.

A. If it is alleged that the property was taken by a Fire Department employee, notify the Inspector General’s office.

B. If the fire has been designated as a 10-41 (all codes), notify the Fire Marshall and Inspector General’s office.

C. If the complainant does not fall within items A or B above, advise the complainant to notify the Police Department.

When information involving lost private property is received after the Department leaves the scene of an operation, the Battalion Chief on duty in the Battalion responsible for the report of the operations shall be notified. This Chief shall immediately comply with the notification
procedures outlined above and complete and forward form BP-26.

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  1. You are BC Duffy, sitting in your office in Battalion 52 on a 9 x 6 tour. At 1030 hours, a community resident stops by quarters to inform you that there was a fire in his house yesterday, one block away from this firehouse. He came home to find the second floor bedroom destroyed, and also $1000 missing from his first floor bedroom. He alleges that the firefighters stole the money. You investigate and determine that from BC O’Meisty currently on duty in Battalion 46, that BC Franky — Battalion 46, was the first due BC yesterday, because Battalion 52 was out of service for medicals. In this situation, who should make the required notifications concerning the alleged FDNY theft? (Regs 11.3.16)
    A. BC Duffy, Battalion 52, because he was notified of the theft
    B. BC Duffy, Battalion 52, because it is his administrative district
    C. BC Franky, Battalion 46, because he was the first due BC yesterday
    D. BC O’Meisty, Battalion 46, because he is the current on duty BC in Battalion 46
  1. B

When information involving lost private property is received after the Department leaves the scene of an operation, the Battalion Chief on duty in the Battalion responsible for the report of the operations shall be notified. This Chief shall immediately comply with the notification procedures outlined above and complete and forward form BP-26.

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  1. You are EC Otterly, working in Battalion 45, and responding to a 3rd alarm that was
    transmitted because of a 10-66 transmitted at a alarm fire. You are informed that you will be the Staging Area Manager at 108 Street and Northern Boulevard. In this situation, you should know how many of the following points to be accurate? (Regs 11.3.26)
  2. All Chief Officers shall report to the ICP
  3. Except for the 10-66 Rescue, Squad, SSL, FAST Unit and CFR Engine, all other units responding on the 10-66 shall report to the Staging Area, unless otherwise given specific assignments by the IC
  4. Battalion 45’s vehicle shall be used as the focal point to identify the Staging Area
  5. The Staging Area may be set up adjacent to the RAC Area
  6. All communications from the Staging Area to the Command Post should be transmitted on the Command Channel by BC Otterly or on the Tactical Channel by BC Otterly’s aide

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5

  1. C

11.3.26 At 3rd or greater alarms or when deemed necessary in addition to the Command Post, the Incident Commander, shall also establish a staging area (SA) and
designate a Chief Officer as the Staging Area Manager.
A. The size and the complexity of the incident are the determining factor as
to where the Staging Area is located.
B. Initially units in reserve at an operation can be managed by the Incident
Commander. As the incident expands, a Staging Area should be established with a Chief Officer designated to manage it as the Staging Area Manager.
C. The location of the Staging Area shall be made known by the IC to the dispatcher who will direct the Staging Area Manager and effected units to that location. All responding units, unless otherwise given specific assignments by the IC, shall report to the Staging Area. Chief Officers shall report to the IC at the Command Post. The SA shall be maintained SEPERATE from the RAC Area.
Note: On transmission of a higher alarm which is part of signal 10-66, all units other than Rescue, Squad, SOC Support Ladder, FAST Unit, and CFR Engine, shall be directed by the dispatcher to report to and
remain at a Staging Area.
D. The Staging Area Manager shall verify with the dispatcher that the location of the Staging Area has been made known to all responding units.
E. The Staging Area Manager shall coordinate resources allocation through
the Command Post. While responding, the Staging Area Manager can verify units reporting to the Staging Area by use of the MDT. At the Staging Area, all communications to the Command Post shall by the designated handi-talkie frequency or the 800 MHz radio.
F. The Staging Area Manager vehicle shall be used as the focal point to identify the Staging Area.

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  1. Which statements fix)m the Regulations are correct? (11.3.27, 11.3.29, 11.3.36)
  2. Information regarding fire and emergency operations may be given to accredited news reporters by the IC of an incident at the scene or at quarters
  3. If a member receives medical treatment for a respiratory injury incurred while operating with a donned facepiece of an SCBA, an investigation of such injury must be conducted by the BC responsible for the fire report.
  4. A member who gets a first degree burn at a fire on his ears while wearing a hood must have the hood placed out of service
    A. 1,2 B. 1,3 C. 2,3 D. Only #3 E. None are correct

11.3.27 Information relative to fire or emergency operations may be given to accredited news reporters at the scene by the officer in command or any member
designated by the Fire Commissioner.
In all other situations, e.g., when not at the scene of operations, request for interviews of Fire Department members by news agencies shall be referred to the Office of the Deputy Commissioner for Public Information at Tel: (718) 694-2025 or Fax: (718) 694- 2649.
In the event a newsworthy situation develops at any fire or emergency and no
such news coverage is present, the officer in command shall promptly have the
dispatcher apprised so that the required notification may be made to the Office

C. Direct the Battalion Chief in immediate command of members at the time of injury to conduct an investigation and forward a report to the Bureau of Operations with a copy to the Bureau of Health Services and
to the Division of Safety.

11.3.36 When a member suffers an injury to an area of the body which is covered by
protective clothing/equipment intended to prevent such an injury, and it is
severe enough to cause the granting of a medical leave, the item of
clothing/equipment shall be placed out of service.
This item shall be tagged and identified with member’s name, unit, date and type of injury. Immediately upon return to quarters, the officer on duty shall notify the Division of Safety and be guided by instructions received as to disposition of said article. of Public Information 24 hours a day.

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  1. You are A Battalion Chief that has been ordered by the Deputy Chief to supervise the supply of the emergency ammonia mixer at a fire in a building due to the proximity of the fire to the refrigeration system. In this situation, you would be incorrect to think that? (11.5.17)
    A. The size of the pipe from the Siamese or inlet to the mixer indicates the capacity of the system.
    B. Insure water is started first, then open the ammonia valve as much as needed
    C. Shut down the ammonia valve before stopping the supply of water
    D. Have members check the main and connecting sewer lines for ammonia fumes while using the mixer
  1. B

E. Water shall be supplied to the mixer while danger of excessive pressure exists. Water supply shall not be shut down until the ammonia valve is closed

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  1. Fire lines that have been established at fatal fire and arson investigations due to extended investigations may not be crossed unless authorized by the? (Regs 11.5.22)

A. Assigned Fire Marshal and / or Chief of Operations
B. Assigned Fire Marshal and / or Chief of Department
C. Chief Fire Marshal and / or Chief of Operations
D. Chief Fire Marshal and / or Chief of Department

  1. A

11.5.22 At fatal fire and arson investigations, security of the incident scene is of the utmost importance. Evidence must be documented, collected and preserved. Depending on the incident, the investigation may extend over a period of time. In these situations, a fire line must be established. Relatives, neighbors, spectators, the media and members of the Department shall not cross established fire lines
unless authorized by the assigned Fire Marshal and/or Chief of Operations.

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  1. A Deputy Chief conducting a Division Conference is reviewing the Command and Control components of a recent fire. He was correct when he stated that? (Intro—Pg 1 -2)
    A. The strategy is to have two Chief Officers at the ICP at all times.
    B. Battalion Chiefs operating at the ICP with a Deputy Chief shall be delegated the critical task of ensuring a timely response to mayday or urgent situations
    C. The duties of a Deputy Chief are very similar to those of a Battalion Chief
    D. DCs shall remain focused on incident strategy while BCs ensure units under their supervision carry out the tactics to fulfill that strategy
  1. C
  2. 6 Delegation is key to ICS, and to effective command and control of fireground operations. This Command and Control Procedures bulletin ensures that the duties of a Deputy Chief remain separate and distinct from that of a Battalion Chief. A DC should remain focused on incident strategy; and BCs should ensure that the units under their supervision carry out the tactics to fulfill that strategy.
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  1. You are BC Ferry from Battalion 33, assigned first due to a reported structural fire in your response area. Because you are at another box, you ask for a 10-12. The first arriving Engine gives a 10-75 indicating heavy fire on the first floor of a three story PD. When you arrive 15 minutes later, ABC Mackey from Battalion 40 is running the fire very nicely. In this situation, you should? (Ch2 2.1.1,2.1.6)
  2. Exchange info with ABC Mackey, than assume the position of the IC, assigning ABC Mackey as the Fire Sector Supervisor.
  3. Insure the ICP is setup in proximity to the front of the fire building, outside of the collapse zone and in an area clear of smoke.
  4. Know that once the Deputy arrives, you shall operate together with the Deputy at the ICP for the duration of the incident.

A. 1,2
B. 1,3
C. 2,3
D. 1,2,3

  1. D

2.1 1st Arriving Battalion Chief Duties
2.1.1 The first to arrive Battalion Chief shall assume the position of the IC and establish
the Incident Command Post (ICP) in proximity to the front of the fire building. This position shall be near enough to the incident to personally observe operations but outside of the collapse zone, in an area clear of smoke, and not in the way of operating units. The first to arrive Battalion Chief will be the IC until the arrival of the assigned Deputy Chief.
Note: If the first to arrive Battalion Chief is an Acting Battalion Chief, the second to arrive Battalion Chief shall exchange information and assume the position of the Incident Commander. The Acting Battalion Chief shall be assigned as the Fire Sector Supervisor.

2.1.6 The first to arrive BC shall continue to manage the tactical operations of the
incident under the supervision of the IC (Deputy Chief). Both Chief Officers shall operate together for the duration of the incident. The DC and first to arrive BC shall remain at the ICP to ensure effective command and control of the incident.

Note: A critical role of the first to arrive BC is to monitor HT Channel 1 (tactical) for the transmission of mayday/urgent messages, and ensure the timely response to such.

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  1. When the first arriving BC is sizing up the situation at a fire in a Low Rise building, it would be correct to state she / he? (Ch 2 2.1.3)
    A. Should never make any sorties into the fire building
    B. May, in rare instances, make a brief sortie around the fire building, but not into the building
    C. Should normally make a brief sortie into the fire building, but not around the building
    D. May, in rare instances, make a brief sortie into or around the fire building
    E. Should normally make a brief sortie into or around the fire building
  1. D

2.1.3 In rare instances, where the IC needs to gather additional intelligence for a more
complete size-up, he/she may make a brief sortie into or around the fire building if it will not impede an expeditious return to the ICP. The IC shall not remain inside the building, nor become directly engaged in firefighting operations. Once this brief size-up is complete, IC shall exit the building and return to the ICP to maintain overall command and control of the incident.

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  1. Upon arrival of the Deputy Chief at a Low Rise building fire, the 1st arriving BC shall be designated the? (Ch 2 2.1.5)
  2. Deputy IC
  3. Operations Section Chief
  4. Deputy Operations Section Chief
  5. Planning Chief
    A. I only B. 2 only C. I or 2 D. 2 or 3 E. 4
  1. C

2.1.5 Upon arrival of the assigned Deputy Chief, the first to arrive Battalion Chief shall
be designated the Deputy Incident Commander or the Operations Section Chief (OSC). The transfer of command will include a face-to-face exchange of
information including the following:
 Location and extent of the fire
 Water supply problems
 Unusual or important information pertaining to the building or occupancy
 Persons reported trapped or missing
 Injuries to FD members or civilians
 Exposures problems
 Identity and location of engine companies operating hoselines
 Identity and location of ladder companies
 Identity and location of special units
 Identity and location of the FAST unit
 Location of the Medical Branch and resources on the scene
 Identity and location of sector/groups that have been established
 Identity and location of additional chief officers on the scene

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5, You are BC Ledgerboard working in Battalion 37, and you are the second to arrive BC at a 10-75 for a fire on the 3rd floor of a 5-story row frame. When you arrive at the ICP, the Deputy Chief and U’ Battalion Chief are operating together managing the tactics and strategy of the fire.
In this situation, it would be correct for you as the second arriving BC to take how many of the following actions? (Ch 2 2.2.1,2.2.2,2.2.3,2.2.4,2.2.6,2.2.8)
1. Exchange information with the Battalion Chief
2. Announce to all units “The Fire Sector has been established”
3. When calling the ICP use the following terminology: “Fire Sector to Command”
4. If necessary, make a brief sortie into the IDLH, then promptly return to a location outside the IDLH
5. Supervise units operating on the 3rd, 4th and 5th floors
6. Provide progress reports to Command only when requested
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5

  1. B 3&4 correct
  2. 2 2nd Arriving Battalion Chief Duties\

2.2.1 The second to arrive BC shall be designated the Fire Sector Supervisor after exchanging information with the Incident Commander.
Note: If the first to arrive Battalion Chief is an Acting Battalion Chief, the second
to arrive Battalion Chief shall exchange information and assume the position of
the Incident Commander. The Acting Battalion Chief shall be designated the Fire Sector Supervisor.

2.2.2 The IC will inform all units that the Fire Sector has been established. Ex. “Command to all units operating on the fire floor and floor above, the Fire
Sector has been established by Battalion 2, all transmissions are to go through the Fire Sector Battalion 2 unless urgent.”

2.2.3 Units and/or individual members shall use both the Sector Supervisor’s sector designation and unit number when contacting sectors. Ex. “Ladder 100 to Fire Sector Battalion 2”

2.2.4 The Fire Sector will consist of the fire floor and the floor above. The IC may
subsequently decide to establish additional sectors depending on conditions encountered and the need to maintain an adequate span of control. Command (or Operations, if staffed) shall continue to supervise units and/or individual members

2.2.6 If necessary, the Fire Sector Supervisor may make brief sorties into the IDLH to obtain better situational awareness. Once this quick size-up is complete, the Fire Sector Supervisor shall promptly return to a location outside the IDLH. Depending on the type, size and configuration of the building, and the location and extent of the fire, this location may be:
 In the public hallway on the fire floor
 In the stairwell below the fire floor
 On the floor below
 Outside the fire building
Generally, the supervisory location of the Fire Sector Supervisor shall be dictated
by his/her ability to maintain overall command and control over the entire
sector/group. not operating in the Fire Sector.

 Provide progress reports to Command at regular intervals. Include the identity
of the specific units completing the primary and secondary searches.

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  1. At Low Rise Structural fires, which Battalion firefighters must don their PPE and be prepared to enter an IDLH to team up with their Battalion Chief? (Ch 2 2.1.7,2.2.7,2.4.9)
  2. The first arriving BC’s Battalion FF
  3. The Fire Sector Supervisor’s Battalion FF
  4. Other Sector / Group Supervisor’s Battalion FF’s
    A. 1,2 B. 2,3 C. 1,2,3
  1. C

2.1.7 The Battalion firefighter assigned to the first arriving Battalion Chief, after
performing his/her primary duties and upon being relieved from monitoring the Electronic Fireground Accountability System (EFAS), shall report to and assist at
the ICP. He/she must be prepared to don PPE and enter the IDLH if necessary.

2.2.7 The Battalion firefighter shall be directed to operate outside the IDLH at a
location readily accessible for a face-to-face exchange of information with the Fire Sector Supervisor. He/she shall refrain from interfering with tactical
operations. He/she must be donned in proper PPE, and otherwise be prepared to
enter an IDLH to team up with the Fire Sector Supervisor if necessary. He/she shall anticipate the activation of a Command Channel.

2.4.9 The Battalion firefighter shall be directed to operate outside the IDLH at a
location readily accessible for a face-to-face exchange of information with the Sector/Group Supervisor. He/she shall refrain from interfering with tactical
operations. He/she must be donned in proper PPE, and otherwise be prepared to
enter an IDLH. He/she shall anticipate the activation of a Command Channel.

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Answer questions 7-12 based on the following scenario;
You are BC Controlla, the first arriving Battalion Chief, operating at an All Hands Fire with DC Commando, at the ICP. There is heavy fire in the cellar of a 3-story Queen Anne Private Dwelling with extension to the first floor. There are problems with overhead electrical lines
arcing and one 10-45 with no code being worked on by EMS. Con Ed has arrived at the ICP, and an EMS Captain is now at the ICP. DC Commando has Just requested an extra engine and ladder, has designated you as the Operations Section Chief, and established BC Rainey as the Fire Sector Supervisor. There are no other Chief Officers at the scene.

  1. In this situation, which unit(s) or individuals report directly to you, BC Controlla, the Operations Section Chief, in the Command structure on the first alarm?
    (Ch 2 Pg 6, Ch 3-Pg 2)
A. Con Ed 
B. Medical Branch Director
C. FAST Unit
D. Units on the first floor
E. Units on the second floor
F. Units on the third floor
  1. C, D
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Answer questions 7-12 based on the following scenario;
You are BC Controlla, the first arriving Battalion Chief, operating at an All Hands Fire with DC Commando, at the ICP. There is heavy fire in the cellar of a 3-story Queen Anne Private Dwelling with extension to the first floor. There are problems with overhead electrical lines
arcing and one 10-45 with no code being worked on by EMS. Con Ed has arrived at the ICP, and an EMS Captain is now at the ICP. DC Commando has Just requested an extra engine and ladder, has designated you as the Operations Section Chief, and established BC Rainey as the Fire Sector Supervisor. There are no other Chief Officers at the scene.

  1. DC Commando now transmits a second alarm due to extension of fire into Exposure 2, a similar detached PD. You would expect the BCs on the second alarm to be assigned by the dispatcher in what order? (Ch 2—Section 3.6)

A. 1st BC is Sector / Group Supervisor, 2nd BC is Safety Officer, 3rd BC is Resource Unit Leader
E. 1st BC is Safety Officer,. 2nd EC is Resource Unit Leader, 3rd BC is Sector / Group Supervisor
C.. 1st BC is Safety Officer, 2nd BC is Sector / Group Supervisor, 3rd BC is Resource Unit Leader
D. . 1st BC is Sector / Group Supervisor, 2nd BC is Resource Unit Leader, 3rd BC is Safety Officer
E. . 1st BC is Resource Unit Leader, 2nd BC is Sector / Group Supervisor, 3rd BC is Safety Officer

  1. D

3.6 The 1st Alarm through the 5th Alarm Battalion Chief assignments are as follows:
First Alarm:
 1st BC is designated:
1. IC
2. Deputy IC or Operations Section Chief (upon DC arrival)
3. Deputy Operations Section Chief (upon Command Chief arrival)
 2nd BC is designated the Fire Sector Supervisor
Second Alarm:
 1st BC is designated as a Sector/Group Supervisor (2nd Alarm Chief)
 2nd BC is designated the Resource Unit Leader (RESL)
 3rd BC is designated the Safety Officer
Note: Upon arrival of the Safety Operating Battalion, the 3rd BC is designated the
Assistant Safety Officer or reassigned as determined by the Incident
Note: Rescue Operations Battalion responds to all second and greater alarms, and all
major emergencies as outlined in Communications Chapter 7.

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Answer questions 7-12 based on the following scenario;
You are BC Controlla, the first arriving Battalion Chief, operating at an All Hands Fire with DC Commando, at the ICP. There is heavy fire in the cellar of a 3-story Queen Anne Private Dwelling with extension to the first floor. There are problems with overhead electrical lines
arcing and one 10-45 with no code being worked on by EMS. Con Ed has arrived at the ICP, and an EMS Captain is now at the ICP. DC Commando has Just requested an extra engine and ladder, has designated you as the Operations Section Chief, and established BC Rainey as the Fire Sector Supervisor. There are no other Chief Officers at the scene.

  1. On the second alarm assignment, you would also expect all of the following to occur except? (Ch2 3.6,3.9)
    A. The Rescue Operations Battalion will be assigned to respond
    E. The Safety Operations Battalion will be assigned to respond
    C. When the Safety Operating Battalion arrives, the Safety Officer may be designated as the Assistant Safety Office or be reassigned as determined by you, the Operations Section Chief
    D. The Deputy shall ensure the Portable Command Post is deployed at the ICP

3.9 Upon transmission of a 2nd alarm the DC shall ensure the Portable Command Post (PCP) is deployed at the ICP. At this time, the IC shall evaluate the current location of the ICP, and if necessary, have the PCP set up at a more ideal location. The IC, Deputy IC or
OSC, Medical Branch Director and RESL shall remain at the location of the PCP to ensure effective command and control of the incident (Figure 3).

Advantages of using the PCP include:
 Establishes a Fire Department command presence at the scene.
 Serves as a physical focal point for incoming Fire Department units, and other
 Facilitates the recording of the location and status of Fire Department units.
 Promotes accountability of personnel, efficient use of resources and tactical
 Serves as a visual aid that will assist Command in assigning and monitoring
 Serves as a visual aid that will assist Command in preparing and monitoring the
communications plan.

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Answer questions 7-12 based on the following scenario;
You are BC Controlla, the first arriving Battalion Chief, operating at an All Hands Fire with DC Commando, at the ICP. There is heavy fire in the cellar of a 3-story Queen Anne Private Dwelling with extension to the first floor. There are problems with overhead electrical lines
arcing and one 10-45 with no code being worked on by EMS. Con Ed has arrived at the ICP, and an EMS Captain is now at the ICP. DC Commando has Just requested an extra engine and ladder, has designated you as the Operations Section Chief, and established BC Rainey as the Fire Sector Supervisor. There are no other Chief Officers at the scene.

  1. Which Chief(s) report directly to you EC Controlla, the Operations Section Chief, in the Command structure of a second alarm? (More than one correct)
    (Ch 2 Pg 12 Fig 3)
    A. Safety Officer / Safety Operations Battalion
    E. Resource Unit Leader
    C. Staging Area Manager
    D. Exposure 2 Sector Supervisor
    E. EMS Deputy—Medical Branch Director
  1. B, C, D
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Answer questions 7-12 based on the following scenario;
You are BC Controlla, the first arriving Battalion Chief, operating at an All Hands Fire with DC Commando, at the ICP. There is heavy fire in the cellar of a 3-story Queen Anne Private Dwelling with extension to the first floor. There are problems with overhead electrical lines arcing and one 10-45 with no code being worked on by EMS. Con Ed has arrived at the ICP, and an EMS Captain is now at the ICP. DC Commando has Just requested an extra engine and ladder, has designated you as the Operations Section Chief, and established BC Rainey as the Fire Sector Supervisor. There are no other Chief Officers at the scene.

  1. The Field Communications Unit now arrives with BC Light, who was assigned to Field Communications for the tour. DC Commando now transmits a third alarm due to extension of fire into Exposure 4, a similar detached PD. You would expect the BC’s on the third alarm to be assigned by the dispatcher in what order? (Ch 2 3.6)

A. 1st BC is Air Recon, 2nd BC is Staging Area Manager
E. 1st BC is Sector / Group Supervisor, 2nd BC is Air Recon
C.1st BCis Air Recon, 2nd BC is Sector / Group Supervisor, 3rd BC is Staging Area Manager
D. 1st BC is Sector / Group Supervisor,2nd BC is Staging Area Manager, 3rd BC is Air Recon

  1. B

Third Alarm:
 1st BC is designated as a Sector/Group Supervisor (3rd Alarm Chief)
 2nd BC, if assigned, is designated the Staging Area Manager
Note: Only assigned if none responding with the Field Communications Unit
 3rd BC is designated the Air Reconnaissance Chief

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Answer questions 7-12 based on the following scenario;
You are BC Controlla, the first arriving Battalion Chief, operating at an All Hands Fire with DC Commando, at the ICP. There is heavy fire in the cellar of a 3-story Queen Anne Private Dwelling with extension to the first floor. There are problems with overhead electrical lines arcing and one 10-45 with no code being worked on by EMS. Con Ed has arrived at the ICP, and an EMS Captain is now at the ICP. DC Commando has Just requested an extra engine and ladder, has designated you as the Operations Section Chief, and established BC Rainey as the Fire Sector Supervisor. There are no other Chief Officers at the scene.

  1. The Command Chief now arrives and assumes the role of the IC. In this situation, you would expect the Deputy Chief to be designated as the_________ and you the BC will now be the___________ (Ch2 4.2)
    A. Deputy IC, Operations Section Chief
    B. Operations Section Chief, Deputy Operations Section Chief
    C. Operations Section Chief, Planning Section Chief
    D. Deputy IC, Deputy Operations Section Chief
  1. B

4.2 When the Operations Section is established, the DC will be designated the (OSC), and the 1st arriving BC will be designated the Deputy Operations Section Chief (Deputy OSC).
Note: A critical role of the first to arrive BC is to monitor HT Channel 1 (tactical) for the transmission of mayday/urgent messages, and ensure the timely response to such.

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  1. At every all hands or greater alarm in a Low Rise building, who must ensure that a POST radio is available at the ICP for immediate use on HT Channel 2? (Ch 3 2.5)
    A. The first arriving BC
    E. The Fire Sector Supervisor
    C. The 2^ Alarm Sector / Group Supervisor
    D. The Deputy Chief
  1. D

2.5 At every all-hands or greater alarm, the DC must ensure that a Post Radio is available at the ICP for immediate use on HT Channel 2.
Note: If an emergency situation warrants, the Post Radio (45W) can be used on HT
Channel 1, or any frequency to transmit the emergency message or to gain control of the network.

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  1. Regarding the establishment of a Command Channel at Low Rise fires, it would be correct to make which of the following point(s)? (Ch 3 3.2,3.4,3.6)
    A. It must be established at any second or greater alarm, 10-60, or 10-66
    B. Upon transmission of a second alarm, the current IC shall ensure a Command Channel is established
    C. If a second alarm is transmitted before the Deputy Chief arrives, the DC upon arrival, will immediately establish the Command Channel, and then exchange information with the U’ arriving EC
    D. The IC shall announce to all units on HT-1 that a Command Channel has been established.
    This transmission must be broadcast twice on HT-I
    E. If the Resource Unit Leader is on scene, he shall conduct a Command Channel Roll Call on
    HT Channel 2 to ensure compliance of all Battalion FF’s.

3.2 The DC shall ensure that a Command Channel (HT Channel 2) is established at the
following incidents:
 2nd and greater alarms
 Signals 10-60 and 10-66
 When needed, to assure a manageable span of control

3.4 If a 2nd or greater alarm, 10-60 or 10-66 has been transmitted before the arrival of the
assigned DC, the Command Channel shall be established by the DC upon his/her arrival
at the ICP immediately following the exchange of information.

3.6 Guidelines for establishing a Command Channel:

A. The IC shall notify the dispatcher when a Command Channel has been established.
If notification of a Command Channel activation is not received by the Borough
Dispatcher on the transmission of a 2nd alarm, 10-60, and 10-66, the dispatcher shall ascertain from the IC during the next progress report if a Command Channel will be established.

B. The dispatcher shall announce to all responding units that a Command Channel has been established. This announcement shall be followed by a notification to each
Chief Officer responding on the 2nd or greater alarm, 10-60 or 10-66. Chief Officers
will acknowledge the receipt of this notification.

C. The IC shall announce to all on-scene units on HT Channel 1 that a Command
Channel has been established.
Ex. “Command to all units, a Command Channel has been established on HT Channel 2”
Note: If time and radio traffic permits, this message shall be broadcast twice.

D. While enroute to the incident, the Resource Unit Leader (RESL) will ascertain from the MDT or dispatcher the identity of the units assigned to the incident. Upon arrival, the RESL shall report to the IC at the ICP.

E. The IC shall have the RESL conduct a roll call on HT Channel 2 to ensure
compliance. If the RESL has not yet arrived, the IC may conduct the roll call, or
delegate it to another member (e.g. Division or Battalion Firefighter).
Ex. “Resources Unit Leader to all Sectors/Groups, a Command Channel has been established. All Battalion firefighters switch to HT Channel 2. A Command Channel roll call is being conducted, acknowledge when called.”

F. The Command Channel (primary) is designated as HT Channel 2. If the complexity of the incident warrants, the IC may activate a Secondary Command Channel.

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Units are operating at a fourth alarm for a top floor fire in 3 Row Frame buildings where a Command Channel has been established. Four sectors have been established as follows: Fire Sector Battalion 18, Exposure 2 Sector Battalion 15, Exposure 4 Sector Battalion 20, and the
Roof Sector Battalion 26. DC Pesci, Division 7 is the IC and BC Cannolli, B17 is the Operations Section Chief. Battalion 16 is the Resource Unit Leader, Battalion 14 is the Safety Officer, Battalion 10 is the Staging Area Manager and Battalion 12 is the special called Communications
Unit Leader. Battalion 19 has also been special called and designated as the Branch Director of Exposure 3. The Air Recon Chief, Battalion 58 is also operating up above.

  1. Which Chief Officers should be operating on the Command Channel, with their Aides operating on Channel 1? (Ch 3 3.7 B, D, E, G)
    A. Battalion 17, Battalion 10, Battalion 12, and Battalion 58
    B. Division 7, Battalion 12, and Battalion 14, Battalion 58
    C. Division 7, Battalion 10, Battalion 14, and Battalion 58
    D. Division 7, Battalion 10, Battalion 12, and Battalion 58
    E. Division 7, Battalion 10, Battalion 12, and Battalion 16
    F. Division 7, Battalion 10, Battalion 12, and Battalion 19, Battalion 58
  1. E

B. Battalion Chiefs assigned as Sector/Group Supervisors operating in tactical positions shall continue to operate on the designated HT Channel 1 (tactical) in order to maintain control of on-going operations under their supervision. Battalion firefighters operating in these sectors/groups shall monitor and maintain communications on HT Channel 2 (command).

D. The Deputy IC or OSC (1st BC) shall monitor communications on HT Channel 1
(tactical). His/her Battalion firefighter shall monitor communications on HT Channel 2
Note: A critical role of the first to arrive BC is to monitor HT Channel 1 (tactical) for the transmission of mayday/urgent messages, and ensure the timely response to such.

E. The Deputy Chief (IC) shall operate on HT Channel 2 (command). His/her Division firefighter shall monitor communications on HT Channel 1 (tactical).

G. The RESL shall remain at the ICP at the location of the Portable Command Post
(PCP). He/she shall monitor all communications on HT Channel 1. His/her Battalion
firefighter shall monitor communications on HT Channel 2.

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  1. Sector Supervisors should provide progress reports to Command via? (Ch3 3.7 C)
    A. Channel 1, with the Battalion Chief giving the report
    B. Channel 2, with the Battalion FF giving the report
    C. Channel 2, with the Battalion Chief giving the report
    D. Channel 1, with the Battalion FF giving the report
  1. C

C. Sector/Groups Supervisers shall provide progress reports to Command via the
Battalion firefighter on HT Channel 2. In emergency situations, Sector/Group Supervisors may provide critical information directly to Command (or Operations if staffed) on HT Channel 1.

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  1. During operations, the following transmission is heard on HT Channel 1, “Ladder 19 to Command, primary search on the top floor of Exposure 2 is negative”. This transmission should be acknowledged by the? (Ch3 3.7 H)
  2. Incident Commander
  3. Operations Section Chief
  4. Exposure 2 Sector Supervisor
  5. Resource Unit Leader
A. Only#l
B. #1 or #2
C. Only #3
D. Only #4
E. #3 or #4
F. #1 or #3
  1. C

H. When sectors/groups have been established, Sector/Group Supervisors must ensure that non-urgent transmissions do not bypass the Sector/Group Supervisor. If a nonurgent message is transmitted to “Command” or “Operations,” the Sector/Group Supervisor, or the RESL, must acknowledge the message and inform the member that a sector/group has been established. He/she must then inform the member that all future non-urgent transmissions are to go through their assigned sector/group. Organized communications is the key to effective command and control; therefore it
is incumbent upon all Chief Officers to enforce this HT discipline.

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18. Battalion 11 arrives at a serious 10-77 fire on the 38"' floor of a High Rise Multiple
Dwelling in Manhattan where he will be activating a Command Channel. There is already a 3'" alarm in a High Rise Office Building in lower Manhattan where Channel 2 is being used as the Command Channel. In this situation. Battalion 11 should choose Channel as the Command
Channel? (Ch3 4.5)
A. 4 
B. 5 
C. 6 
D. 7 
E. 8
  1. E
  2. 5 Channels 4-8 are for Secondary Command and for Tertiary Tactical use, implemented at the discretion of the Incident Commander. Channels HT-4 thru HT-8 are not named to allow for a more flexible assignment. Based on testing, recommendations are that Channels 4 thru 8 be used in designated boroughs as shown in the chart below. A copy of this chart shall be maintained in all Division and Battalion vehicles for use by responding Chief Officers. All Chief Officers must be familiar with the designated Tactical and Command Channels for their response areas.
Borough Recommended Secondary
Command Channel
Recommended Tertiary
Tactical Channel
Queens 4 5
Brooklyn 5 8
Manhattan 6 8
Bronx 7 6
Staten Island 8 4
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  1. A Battalion Chief who is the IC at an all hands fire on the 3rd floor of a 5-stoiy Old Law Tenement is notified by the Fire Sector Supervisor that the second ladder has found several firearms and some ammunition on the 4*^ floor. In this situation, the EC would be incorrect to
    think? (3.1)
    A. The firearms and ammunition shall not be disturbed and an isolation zone established
    B. Both the NYPD and BFI shall be notified
    C. If consistent with safety, members may attempt to handle or move firearms or ammunition only if absolutely necessary for fire operations
    D. If consistent with safety, the IC shall assign members to safeguard evidence from a safe distance until NYPD or BFI arrives
    E. Evidence should only be handled by the NYPD or BFI
  1. C

3.1 In the performance of duties, members of the Department may find firearms, ammunition and/or possible incendiary devices. FDNY members are not sufficiently trained to accurately determine the risk. Therefore, members shall not attempt to handle or move ANY firearm, ammunition or incendiary device. General actions to be taken include the following:
􀁸 The item shall not be disturbed.
􀁸 Prompt notification shall be given to the Incident Commander (IC) upon discovery of
firearms, ammunition or possible incendiary devices at any operation.
􀁸 Members shall establish an isolation area and evacuate civilians as necessary.
􀁸 Firearms shall be considered loaded, dangerous and possibly “booby trapped”.
􀁸 Do not permit anyone to stand in line with the muzzle or breech of any firearm.
􀁸 Notifications shall be made to the New York City Police Department (NYPD) and
Bureau of Fire Investigation (BFI).
􀁸 When consistent with safety, the IC shall assign members to safeguard evidence from a
safe distance until the arrival of the NYPD or BFI.
􀁸 Evidence should only be handled by the NYPD or BFI and the disposal of dangerous
articles shall only be performed by law enforcement.

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  1. First alarm units arrive on the scene of a suspicious explosive device prior to the NYPD. The apparent lED is on the sidewalk on 42nd street between 7th and 8th Avenues. The Battalion Chief then orders the following actions:
  2. All units to stage apparatus on 8”’ Avenue between 42”’’ and 43”* street, out of the line of sight of the device, but only after searching this area for potential secondary devices
  3. An initial isolation zone of 200 feet for all members and civilians
  4. An initial ICP on 42nd street between 6th and 7’th Avenues, providing a 600 foot distance from the lED, but a clear view of the lED and the area evacuated.
  5. Members to continually survey all areas for signs of secondary devices.
  6. No apparatus radios used within 300 feet of any possible device
He was correct in how many actions? (4.1.1)
A. 1 
B. 2 
C. 3 
D. 4
E. 5
  1. C 1, 4, & 5

4.1.1 Suspicious IED: NYPD not on scene
When units are on the scene of a suspicious explosive device prior to police
department personnel, the procedure shall be as follows:
􀁸 Upon arrival, personnel and equipment should be located in a safe location, strategically positioned for quick deployment. Establish open lines of
communication, keeping in mind possible power failures resulting in elevator and fire pump failure. Apparatus should be positioned to avoid heavy window glass fallout. Apparatus staging areas should be surveyed for potential secondary devices.
􀁸 HT and cell phones shall not be used within 150’ of a suspected device, and
Apparatus, Post and Marine radios should not be operated within 300’ of a
suspected device. These distances are only guidelines and should not normally hamper FDNY operations since the isolation zone surrounding a device would generally exceed 300’.
􀁸 Since water mains in proximity to the device could be rendered inoperable
following a detonation, Engine Companies shall identify hydrants on mains other than those near the device. When necessary, the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) should be requested for assistance.
􀁸 Establish a perimeter based on recommended distances (Appendix 2) and
evacuate people from exposed areas. Always assume that if you can see the
device you are operating in a potential kill zone.
􀁸 Establish the Incident Command Post (ICP), and if possible, a Staging Area,
out of the line of sight of the device and away from any secondary threats.
Request law enforcement to search these areas for secondary devices.
􀁸 Begin planning the development of a Rescue Corridor (RC) and a Patient Removal Corridor (PRC).
􀁸 Members should be aware of possible secondary devices and survey all areas
of operation for signs of such devices. If one is found or suspected, notify the IC; withdraw members and viable victims to a safe area and request law enforcement to investigate.
􀁸 Continually survey the area for threats such as suspicious people and items.
􀁸 Members shall not enter a structure or building to search for explosive devices.
􀁸 Notify the dispatcher of your location and status, and request NYPD response
to ensure that the Medical Transport Corridor remains intact and free of
􀁸 The FDNY IC will inform all other agencies of actions taken upon their

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Answer Questions 3-12 based on the following scenario
You are a Battalion Chief that has just arrived at the scene of a suspicious lED on the corner of 1st Avenue and 38th street in Manhattan. You are standing fast with an engine, ladder, EMS Officer and a BLS unit. After 15 minutes passes, you decide to check in for an update with the NYPD IC. She informs you the NYPD Bomb Squad has confirmed the presence of an lED.

  1. In this situation, which one action would be incorrect to take? (4.1.3,4.1.4)
    A. Notify BFI
    B. Request the necessary resources to address required evacuations, the aftermath of a potential detonation, and for the Rescue Corridor and Patient Removal Corridor
    C. If safety allows, have FDNY members make contact with personnel (custodial engineers) from potentially affected buildings to furnish keys and obtain guidance
    D. If possible, stage FDNY resources to allow for a two-sided approach to the Point of Impact.
    E. Select a Joint Fire Branch / EMS Branch Staging Area remote from the scene
    F. Provide FDNY members at designated Assembly Areas to keep evacuees informed of the incident status
  1. E

The FDNY IC should begin establishing a Street Management Plan.
􀁸 Select a Staging Area remote from the scene for Fire units.
􀁸 Confirm the location for an EMS Staging Area with the Medical Branch Director.
􀁸 Ensure that the NYPD IC and all FDNY personnel are notified of staging locations. Transmit this information over the department radio for units not on scene. Consideration should also be given to transmitting this information on the 800 MHz radio and appropriate interoperability (I/O) channel.
􀁸 Responding units shall be notified to avoid the area of the device and report to
the designated staging areas.

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Answer Questions 3-12 based on the following scenario
You are a Battalion Chief that has just arrived at the scene of a suspicious lED on the corner of 1st Avenue and 38th street in Manhattan. You are standing fast with an engine, ladder, EMS Officer and a BLS unit. After 15 minutes passes, you decide to check in for an update with the NYPD IC. She informs you the NYPD Bomb Squad has confirmed the presence of an lED.

  1. A detonation now occurs injuring numerous civilians, so you transmit a preliminary report to the dispatcher describing the scene as follows: “We have no fire or smoke at this time—but a
    large explosion occurred causing numerous civilian injuries and possible structural damage to nearby buildings. Transmit a 3’^ alarm assignment as we have approximately 70 victims injured.
    There are no symptoms indicating a chemical attack. The ICP location is Second Avenue and 40th street.” In addition to this report, you would be correct to take which other action(s)?
    (5.1.1,5.1.3, 5.2)
    A. Transmit a 10-60 Code 2
    B. Insure all members don PPE and their SCBA face pieces
    C. Instruct fire units to bring meters, skeds, tourniquets, triage tags and CFR equipment to both the Point of Impact and Triage Transfer Point
    D. Remind members that the “Priority” is to remove the Red and Orange Tag patients with life- threatening injuries directly to the Transportation Sector, via the Patient Removal Corridor
    E. Request NYPD to conduct searches of FDNY Staging Areas for explosive devices
  1. C & E

5.1.1 First Arriving Units (General)
􀁸 Transmit a preliminary report describing the scene, number of victims, resources required and possible location of the ICP. Consider transmitting a 10-60 with the appropriate code.

5.1.3 Safety of Members

􀁸 Members should don appropriate PPE. However, members should not don
their SCBA face pieces unless there are indications of respiratory danger based
on victim reaction (SLUDGEM) or meter readings. Wearing the facepiece could inhibit vision at this type of operation.


􀁸 Fire units should respond to the POI and Triage Transfer Point with the
following equipment:
o Meters
o Skeds
o Tourniquets
o Triage tags
o CFR equipment

􀁸 Stage incoming units in a protected area that has been searched for threats.
Request the NYPD to conduct all searches. FDNY members assigned to a Staging Area must also conduct a thorough survey of the area to ensure that all threats and suspicious objects are identified and mitigated.
NOTE: Members of the FDNY are not trained to conduct a search for explosive devices. Members are to survey (visual observation) the Staging Area but shall not conduct a search for devices.

The rapid removal of patients from the POI can be most efficiently accomplished by
establishing the following operational plan:
􀁸 Resources at the POI should identify those most critically injured. These victims are then removed to the Triage Transfer Point via the Rescue Corridor where they shall be triaged and tagged. Red-tag patients will be moved directly to the Transportation Sector, via the Patient Removal Corridor, where they will be immediately transported to medical care facilities. The remaining patients will be removed to appropriate Treatment Areas for ongoing triage and transport.

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Answer Questions 3-12 based on the following scenario
You are a Battalion Chief that has just arrived at the scene of a suspicious lED on the corner of 1st Avenue and 38th street in Manhattan. You are standing fast with an engine, ladder, EMS Officer and a BLS unit. After 15 minutes passes, you decide to check in for an update with the NYPD IC. She informs you the NYPD Bomb Squad has confirmed the presence of an lED.

  1. During patient assessment, if a suspicious device is discovered on a victim, immediately cease the assessment, notify law enforcement, notify all first responders in the area, and evacuate
    forthwith. (5.2.5)
    A. Agree or D. Disagree?
  1. A
    5.2.5 Assessment of patients by medical providers (Paramedics, EMTs or CFRs) will
    occur following standard protocols to appropriately triage and treat patients. At
    incidents involving IEDs, there is a possibility that a victim may be one of the suspects. If a suspicious device is discovered on a victim during patient assessment, immediately cease the assessment, notify the IC, law enforcement and all first responders in the area, and evacuate forthwith.

Answer Questions 3-12 based on the following scenario
You are a Battalion Chief that has just arrived at the scene of a suspicious lED on the corner of 1st Avenue and 38th street in Manhattan. You are standing fast with an engine, ladder, EMS Officer and a BLS unit. After 15 minutes passes, you decide to check in for an update with the NYPD IC. She informs you the NYPD Bomb Squad has confirmed the presence of an lED.

  1. Regarding the removal of victims from the Point of Impact to the Triage Transfer Point, and then to Treatment Areas or the Transportation Sector, it is incorrect to state? (Pg 13, 5.3.1)
    A. Deceased victims should be left in place and black-tagged at the POI
    B. Urgent patients shall be Red-tagged and immediately removed to the Transportation Sector
    C. Non-Life-Threatened patients shall be yellow tagged and removed to a separate Yellow
    Treatment Area
    D. Verbal or Hand-signals may be used to direct ambulatory victims (minor injiuy) to the
    Green Treatment Area
  1. B

􀁸 Urgent patients shall be Orange-tagged and removed to a separate Orange Treatment Area.


Answer Questions 3-12 based on the following scenario
You are a Battalion Chief that has just arrived at the scene of a suspicious lED on the corner of 1st Avenue and 38th street in Manhattan. You are standing fast with an engine, ladder, EMS Officer and a BLS unit. After 15 minutes passes, you decide to check in for an update with the NYPD IC. She informs you the NYPD Bomb Squad has confirmed the presence of an lED.

  1. Regarding the first alarm Engine operations, it would be correct to state that? (5.3.1,
  2. The first arriving Engine should establish a water supply, stretch a 2 14” hoseline, and when
    necessary, knock down fires threatening victims
  3. The second arriving Engine should establish a water supply, remove meters, skeds, and
    CFR equipment and report to the POI
  4. The third arriving Engine Officer must remain at the Triage Transfer Point and assume
    control until relieved by a Battalion Chief.
    A. 1 B. 1,2 C. 1,3 D. 2,3
  1. A

5.3.2 Second Arriving Engine Company
􀁸 Properly position the apparatus and establish water supply. Do not block
the Patient Removal Corridor or Medical Transport Corridor.
􀁸 Remove meters, skeds and CFR equipment from the apparatus and report
to the Triage Transfer Point.

􀁸 The 2nd arriving Engine Officer must remain at the Triage Transfer Point
and assume control until relieved by a Battalion Chief. This officer will be
responsible for:


Answer Questions 3-12 based on the following scenario
You are a Battalion Chief that has just arrived at the scene of a suspicious lED on the corner of 1st Avenue and 38th street in Manhattan. You are standing fast with an engine, ladder, EMS Officer and a BLS unit. After 15 minutes passes, you decide to check in for an update with the NYPD IC. She informs you the NYPD Bomb Squad has confirmed the presence of an lED.

  1. Regarding the first alarm Ladder operations, it would be incorrect to state that?
    A. If the incident involves the Subway System, the first arriving ladder company must set up the CORE relay.
    B. If there are no EMS units at the Triage Transfer Point, then a member from the first ladder company must remain with patients until relieved by EMS personnel or a CFR Unit
    C. If the Triage Transfer Point is far away, the first ladder company may establish a Patient Relay Point to transfer each victim to the first engine company
    D. The second ladder company normally reports to the Triage Transfer Point, unless the first ladder company needed to set up the CORE relay
  1. C

􀁸 If the distance to the Triage Transfer Point is too long, the 1st Ladder Company may establish a Patient Relay Point (PRP) where they will transfer each victim to the 2nd Ladder Company. The 1st Ladder Company will return to the POI with empty skeds from the 2nd Ladder Company for retrieval of more victims. If a PRP has been established by the 1st Ladder Company, then the 2nd Ladder Company will continue victim removal from the PRP to the Triage Transfer Point. This process will be more effective and help limit the number of members operating in the POI.
NOTE: Patients MUST not be left alone at ANY location.


Answer Questions 3-12 based on the following scenario
You are a Battalion Chief that has just arrived at the scene of a suspicious lED on the corner of 1st Avenue and 38th street in Manhattan. You are standing fast with an engine, ladder, EMS Officer and a BLS unit. After 15 minutes passes, you decide to check in for an update with the NYPD IC. She informs you the NYPD Bomb Squad has confirmed the presence of an lED.

  1. Regarding Chief Officer duties at this incident, it would be incorrect to state?
    A. The first arriving Battalion Chief must be aware this is a Single Command (NYPD)
    B. All Chief Officers must report in with their assigned POST radios
    C. The need for a Command Channel should be anticipated and established early
    D. NYPD assistance should be requested at the Transportation Sector
  1. A

5.4.1 The 1st arriving Battalion Chief and NYPD Supervisor shall establish a Unified
Incident Command Post.
􀁸 According to CIMS, Incident Commanders must be in “voice, visual and
arm’s distance of each other.”


Answer Questions 3-12 based on the following scenario
You are a Battalion Chief that has just arrived at the scene of a suspicious lED on the corner of 1st Avenue and 38th street in Manhattan. You are standing fast with an engine, ladder, EMS Officer and a BLS unit. After 15 minutes passes, you decide to check in for an update with the NYPD IC. She informs you the NYPD Bomb Squad has confirmed the presence of an lED.

  1. The Deputy Chief arrives and orders the following assignments:
    1st Arriving BC — Remain at ICP
    2nd Arriving BC — Point of Impact
    3rd Arriving BC — Triage Transfer Point
    4th Arriving BC — Transportation Sector
    The Deputy was __________ in his assignments? (Pg 19)

10 incorrect

B. Second Arriving Battalion Chief
Report to the Triage Transfer Point.
􀁸 Coordinate with, and support, the EMS Officer assigned to the Triage Transfer Point. Provide situational updates to the FDNY IC and request additional Fire resources to support the operations of both the Patient Triage Group and Patient Transfer Group.
E. Third Arriving Battalion Chief
Report to the POI.
􀁸 When there are no additional hazards impacting operations, the primary responsibility of this Chief Officer will be to support assessment/triage, lifesaving medical treatment and removal operations. Call for additional Fire and EMS resources as needed, and continually monitor the scene for potential
safety hazards.


Answer Questions 3-12 based on the following scenario
You are a Battalion Chief that has just arrived at the scene of a suspicious lED on the corner of 1st Avenue and 38th street in Manhattan. You are standing fast with an engine, ladder, EMS Officer and a BLS unit. After 15 minutes passes, you decide to check in for an update with the NYPD IC. She informs you the NYPD Bomb Squad has confirmed the presence of an lED.

  1. Regarding the Triage-Transfer Point, it would be correct to state that?
    A. The IC will make the final determination of the Triage Transfer Point
    B. Operations at the Triage Transfer Point shall be directed by the 2nd Arriving BC who will be assigned as the Triage Transport Point Supervisor
    C. Early identification and establishment of the Triage Transfer Point serves as the core of a successful MCI operation
    D. The FDNY IC and Medical Branch Director shall be updated every 20 minutes with the number of Red-Tagged patients remaining at the Triage Transfer Point
  1. C

􀁸 EMS will make a final determination of the Triage Transfer Point location and communicate this location to the FDNY IC. Early identification and establishment of this point serves as the core of a successful MCI operation.

􀁸 Operations at the Triage Transfer Point shall be coordinated by the EMS
Officer and a Battalion Chief.

􀁸 Priority will be given to identifying and removing Red-tag victims. The FDNY IC and Medical Branch Director shall be updated every 15 minutes with the number of Red-tagged patients remaining at the Triage Transfer Point and any need for additional resources for transportation.


Answer Questions 3-12 based on the following scenario
You are a Battalion Chief that has just arrived at the scene of a suspicious lED on the corner of 1st Avenue and 38th street in Manhattan. You are standing fast with an engine, ladder, EMS Officer and a BLS unit. After 15 minutes passes, you decide to check in for an update with the NYPD IC. She informs you the NYPD Bomb Squad has confirmed the presence of an lED.

  1. Regarding the Treatment areas and Transportation Group, it would be correct to state that?
    (Pg 21-22)

A. Orange, Yellow and Green Treatment Areas will be established as needed. Red treatment areas will never be established.
B. EMS Officer(s) shall be assigned as the “Treatment Unit Leader” for the Orange, Yellow, and Green Treatment Areas
C. A Battalion Chief shall be assigned as the Transportation Group Supervisor
D. A Battalion Chief will be assigned as the Patient Tracking Coordinator

  1. B

Treatment Areas
􀁸 Orange, Yellow and Green Treatment Areas will be established as needed.
NOTE: Red Treatment Areas will only be established by the Medical Group if transportation is delayed.

􀁸 An EMS Officer shall be assigned as the Transportation Group Supervisor and will be assisted by a Battalion Chief.

􀁸 An EMS Officer will be assigned as the Patient Tracking Coordinator.

  1. Which of the following devices can program an Emergency Alert Channel for all FDNY and NYPD units operating at the scene? (Pg 24)
    A. ACU 1000 carried by Field Communications Unit
    B. Enhanced Post Radio carried by Communications Unit
    C. DARS carried by Field Communications Unit
    D. Handheld 800 MHZ radios carried by Communications Unit
  1. A

􀁸 ACU 1000 carried by the Field Communication Unit. (This device can
program an emergency alert channel for all FDNY and NYPD units operating at the scene).
NOTE: FDNY Communication Units have additional equipment such as the
Enhanced Post Radio, DARS and handheld 800 MHz radios. The FDNY IC should anticipate the use of these special-trained units for the implementation of communication links and the establishment of a Communication Plan.

  1. First Alarm units respond to a fire reported on the 3rd’ floor of a 3-story mixed occupancy and find a small rubbish fire in the hallway. After they knock the fire down with the can, they note what appears to be a clandestine lab in the 3rd floor occupancy. In this situation, they would be correct to take which action(s)? (8.7.5)
    A. Immediately stop operations, not touch anything, retrace their steps and back out
    B. Notify the BC and DC
    C. Request Haz Mat 1 to respond
    D. Notify the NYPD and BFI
    E. Attempt to differentiate whether it is a drug, chemical, biological, or explosive lab for relay to Haz Mat 1
  1. E

8.7.5 When members suspect or discover any type of clandestine lab, they shall
immediately stop, DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING, retrace their steps and
back out of the area. Members shall not attempt to determine the type of lab
prior to leaving.
􀁸 Members must realize that their clothing/equipment may now be contaminated and/or evidence. Consult with Haz Mat and the NYPD to verify.
􀁸 Upon the discovery of any type of lab the following notifications shall be made:
o Battalion Chief.
o Deputy Chief.
o Request Haz Mat to respond.
o NYPD (including the Bomb Squad when necessary).
o BFI.
􀁸 Evacuate surrounding occupancies as needed.

  1. Members responding to an incident involving Aggressive Deadly Behavior would be
    correct to think that? (2.2,3.1.2,3.1.3 Note, 4.2)
    A. A member confronted by NYPD in a “Challenge Situation” shall remain motionless, not turn their body unless instructed to do so by the challenging officer, and verbally identify themselves as a member of the FDNY by unit and name
    B. FDNY Staging areas shall be not in the line of site of the incident or they may instead be behind any wall that conceals members from visual sight
    C. Fire Branch units encountering an aggressive deadly behavior incident prior to NYPD arrival should provide direct notification to NYPD on NYMAC I of their unit identity, location, perpetrators, victims, weapons in use and cell phone use by perpetrators
    D. EMS units encountering an aggressive deadly behavior incident prior to NYPD arrival should consider direct notification to NYPD on the appropriate NYPD frequency
  1. D

2.2 The NYPD may have difficulty distinguishing between the perpetrators, victims or first responders. A NYPD officer may confront FDNY members to verify their identity. This is called a “challenge situation”. In this situation, the FDNY member shall strictly adhere to the following procedures:
• Comply with the commands of law enforcement personnel.
• Remain motionless (no sudden movements).
• Do not turn your body unless instructed to do so by the challenging officer.
• Verbally identify yourself as a member of the FDNY by rank and name.
• Await command of law enforcement to resume current operations.

3.1.2 Identify a staging location, which is not in the line of site of the incident or behind a wall that will not be penetrated by a ballistic weapon, to await NYPD.

3.1.3 As soon as possible, notify the dispatcher of the staging location.
Note: At any incident where the situation or NYPD information warrants caution, units should use discretion when transmitting specific information regarding ongoing operations, and staging and command post areas via portable or vehicle radios. When the potential for secondary threats is suspected, sensitive information should be transmitted via cell phone, secure frequencies, or MDT.

4.2 Communicate unit identity and location via the Borough Dispatcher to the NYPD. If possible, provide the following information to the NYPD:
• Number, location(s), and description of perpetrator(s).
• Number & location(s) of victims and hostages, if any.
• Types of weapons in use (e.g., semiautomatic rifles, hand guns, explosives, knives).
• Communication method used by perpetrator(s), if apparent (cell phones, etc.)

  1. Units are operating at the scene of an Aggressive Deadly Behavior incident where the potential for a secondary threat is suspected and confirmed by NYPD information. In this situation, which action(s) below would be correct for the first arriving Battalion to consider?
    (3.1.3 Note)
    A. Transmit a complete progress report regarding strategy and operations over the Department radio
    B. Indicate the Staging Area to the Dispatcher via cell phone
    C. Inform the dispatcher of the ICP via the MDT
    D. Advise all units on scene of the Staging and ICP location on HT Tactical I
    E. Utilize HT Channel 10 in Zone A on the new FDNY HT’s as the Command Channel
  1. B, C

3.1.3 As soon as possible, notify the dispatcher of the staging location.
Note: At any incident where the situation or NYPD information warrants caution, units should use discretion when transmitting specific information regarding ongoing operations, and staging and command post areas via portable or vehicle radios. When the potential for secondary threats is suspected, sensitive information should be transmitted via cell phone, secure frequencies, or MDT.

  1. Regarding Hot, Warm and Cold Zone establishment at an Aggressive Deadly Behavior incident, it would be incorrect to state that? (5.1)
    A. No FDNY member shall operate in a designated Hot Zone unless the NYPD IC requests members for critical life saving intervention
    B. In the Warm Zone, Firefighters and EMS personnel, escorted by NYPD personnel, may be deployed for Life Safety operations only
    C. A Warm Corridor is a route cleared and under NYPD Control for escorted entry and egress of responders, and for victims to and from the Warm Zone
    D. The ICP, TOC, Staging Areas, and Medical triage, treatment and transportation areas shall all be located in the Cold Zone
  1. A

HOT ZONE: Areas of a known hazard, where the perpetrator(s) are shooting, roaming free, or are engaged by law enforcement. IEDs may be present. No FDNY personnel are to operate in designated Hot Zones. Only law enforcement personnel with the appropriate level of ballistic protection will operate in known Hot Zones.

• WARM ZONE: A cleared area that has been deliberately searched by law enforcement, contains no identifiable threats, but has not been declared a Cold Zone. Firefighters and EMS personnel may be deployed for life safety operations ONLY and shall be escorted by NYPD personnel operating under their security. More than one Warm Zone may be designated by the NYPD.
o WARM CORRIDOR: Route that has been cleared and under NYPD control for escorted entry & egress of responders, and for victims to and from the Warm Zone.

• COLD ZONE: Areas where there is normal risk due to geographic distance from the threat, or the area has been secured by the NYPD. The Command Post, Tactical Operations Command (TOC), Staging Areas, and medical triage, treatment, and transportation areas shall be located in the Cold Zone.

  1. The response policy for a Confirmed Active Shooter will result in the dispatch of an Engine, Fire Battalion Chief, Fire Deputy Chief, EMS Conditions car, EMS Deputy Chief and 3 BLS ambulances. Additionally, it would be correct to state? (5.1,7.1,7.2,7.5)

A. The Fire Battalion Chief shall confer with the Fire Deputy Chief and if necessary, request one or more Division Task Force(s).
B. Assigned Division Task Force(s) will be given the alpha designation “A”
C. FDNY members shall only operate inside a warm zone when requested by NYPD. This request must always be approved by a FDNY Deputy Chief.
D. In any instance where units are operating under NYPD protection, the on-duty Citywide Command Chief MUST be notified via dispatcher (Fire, EMS)

  1. D
  2. 2 In the event of a Confirmed Active Shooter Incident, the Fire Deputy Chief shall confer with the appropriate Borough Commander or Citywide Command Chief and, if necessary, request the response of one or more Division Task Force(s) (DTFs).
  3. 2.1 Dispatcher shall assign the requested resources to the incident. Units assigned given alpha designation “K”.

7.5 FDNY members shall only operate inside a Warm Zone when requested by the NYPD. This operation must be approved by a FDNY Deputy Chief, unless the NYPD Incident Commander requests entry for immediate life-saving medical intervention.
Note: In any instance wherein units are operating under NYPD protection, the on duty Citywide Command Chief MUST be notified via dispatcher (Fire, EMS).


Utilize the following .scenario to answer questions 5-11.
Battalion 51 arrives at a Confirmed Active Shooter incident at the Resorts Casino in Queens.
There are 50 people that have been reported shot in the lobby of the Casino, and the police have cornered two gunmen on the 2nd floor of the building. NYPD has established a warm corridor in the area in front of the Casino. The lobby area is considered a Warm Zone.
The Division Task Force - Battalion 50, Engine 275, Ladder 133, and Engine 315 has just arrived. The DC informs Battalion 50 that the Warm Zone Tactical Channel will be Channel 7.

  1. Regarding the Incident Command responsibilities at this incident, it would be correct to state Battalion 51 should be aware that? (8.2,8.3, 8.4,8.6.2, 10.1)
    A. This incident requires a Unified Command with the NYPD
    B. FDNY and NYPD Commanders shall co-locate within sight, voice, and arms distance of each other at an ICP in the Warm Zone.
    C. When the IC establishes medical resource sectors, there may be a need to establish multiple Treatments areas, Triage-Transfer Points and Medical Transport Corridors in the Cold Zone
    D. The FDNY Rescue Task Force Supervisor should be located at the ICP
  1. 2 An Active Shooter incident is a Single Command incident with the NYPD as the IC. The FDNY will perform their core competencies and support NYPD operations.
  2. 3 A more complex situation that involves an active shooter using fire and smoke as a weapon will require a Unified Command.
  3. 4 The FDNY and NYPD Commanders shall co-locate within sight, voice, and arms distance of each other at an Incident Command Post in the Cold Zone (behind hard cover and out of the line-of-sight). The ICP location must be transmitted to dispatcher for the incoming chiefs.

• Determine location of NYPD Tactical Operations Command (TOC) and direct the FDNY RTF Supervisor to that location.


Utilize the following .scenario to answer questions 5-11.
Battalion 51 arrives at a Confirmed Active Shooter incident at the Resorts Casino in Queens.
There are 50 people that have been reported shot in the lobby of the Casino, and the police have cornered two gunmen on the 2nd floor of the building. NYPD has established a warm corridor in the area in front of the Casino. The lobby area is considered a Warm Zone.
The Division Task Force - Battalion 50, Engine 275, Ladder 133, and Engine 315 has just arrived. The DC informs Battalion 50 that the Warm Zone Tactical Channel will be Channel 7.

  1. Regarding FDNY/NYPD communications, indicate all of the correct statements?
    (10. 1, 10.3)
  2. An Interoperable Tactical Channel (NYMAC 1,2, or 3) shall be established at the ICP
  3. A Warm Zone tactical channel shall be established and monitored at the ICP and TOC
  4. Ensure TAC-U and EMS CWl are monitored at the ICP
  5. Special Call a Resource Unit Leader to assist at the ICP

A. 1,3 B. 2,4 C. 1,3,4 D. 1,2,3 E. 1,2,3,4


6 D

• Special call a Battalion Chief to act as a Communications Chief.


Utilize the following .scenario to answer questions 5-11.
Battalion 51 arrives at a Confirmed Active Shooter incident at the Resorts Casino in Queens.
There are 50 people that have been reported shot in the lobby of the Casino, and the police have cornered two gunmen on the 2nd floor of the building. NYPD has established a warm corridor in the area in front of the Casino. The lobby area is considered a Warm Zone.
The Division Task Force - Battalion 50, Engine 275, Ladder 133, and Engine 315 has just arrived. The DC informs Battalion 50 that the Warm Zone Tactical Channel will be Channel 7.

  1. At this incident, an FDNY (10.6)
    A. BLS unit shall be dedicated for members operating in the Warm Zone
    B. BLS unit shall be dedicated for members operating and / or civilians found in the Warm Zone
    C. ALS unit shall be dedicated for members operating in the Warm Zone
    D. ALS unit shall be dedicated for members operating and / or civilians found in the Warm Zone
  1. C

10.6 Dedicate an FDNY ALS unit for members operating in the Warm Zone.
• The FD Incident Commander will consult with the NYPD IC, Medical Branch Director, and RTF Supervisor to determine the best location for that unit.


Utilize the following .scenario to answer questions 5-11.
Battalion 51 arrives at a Confirmed Active Shooter incident at the Resorts Casino in Queens.
There are 50 people that have been reported shot in the lobby of the Casino, and the police have cornered two gunmen on the 2nd floor of the building. NYPD has established a warm corridor in the area in front of the Casino. The lobby area is considered a Warm Zone.
The Division Task Force - Battalion 50, Engine 275, Ladder 133, and Engine 315 has just arrived. The DC informs Battalion 50 that the Warm Zone Tactical Channel will be Channel 7.

  1. Regarding the FDNY Task Force(s) that will be used at this operation, which one of the following points would be correct to state? (11.2.1, 11.2.2, 11.2.3,11.2.4)
    A. The Battalion 50 Chief will be the RTF Supervisor. The BC should operate on Channel 7 while the aide operates on Channel 1
    B. The optimal RTF is one Fire Officer, one EMS Officer, 3 firefighters, 3 EMTs and 4
    NYPD SRG officers. Entry should not be delayed awaiting specific FDNY resources.
    C. The Fire Officer shall be in overall command of the RTF, however Fire Officers shall defer to the highest-level medical expertise for patient care
    D. If the first RTF sent in is E275, the next RTF sent in could be composed using Ladder 133 or E315, depending on what tasks are needed

11.2.1 A Battalion Chief shall be designated as RTF Supervisor.
11.2.2 The initial RTF may be limited to seven FDNY members and NYPD force protection. The optimal team consists of: (1) Fire officer, (1) EMS officer, (2) EMTs, (3) firefighters and (4) NYPD SRG officers.
This allows for rapid triage, lifesaving intervention and critical patient removal. Entry should not be delayed awaiting specific FDNY resources.
11.2.3 An NYPD SRG member shall be in overall command of the RTF. However, FDNY Officers shall maintain immediate supervision over members and defer to the highest-level medical expertise for patient care.


Utilize the following .scenario to answer questions 5-11.
Battalion 51 arrives at a Confirmed Active Shooter incident at the Resorts Casino in Queens.
There are 50 people that have been reported shot in the lobby of the Casino, and the police have cornered two gunmen on the 2nd floor of the building. NYPD has established a warm corridor in the area in front of the Casino. The lobby area is considered a Warm Zone.
The Division Task Force - Battalion 50, Engine 275, Ladder 133, and Engine 315 has just arrived. The DC informs Battalion 50 that the Warm Zone Tactical Channel will be Channel 7.

  1. RTF Supervisor (B50) would be correct to ensure that? (11.4, 11.5, 11.6,11,7.2, 11.8.2)

A. All FDNY members (Fire and EMS) on the RTF switch to the Warm Zone Tactical
B. An FDNY RTF Leader is designated. This Leader must prioritize the medical actions of the RTF
C. RTF Members do not bring any oxygen or defibrillators into the Warm Zone; and they must focus on care and removal of Red Tag patients.
D. If a RTF member suffers any type of injury in the Warm Zone, the RTF will cease all operations and when safe to do so, exit the warm Zone with the injured member

  1. C

11.5.2 NYPD SRG Supervisor and FDNY RTF supervisor shall brief all members prior to entry into the Warm Zone.
Note: One Fire member of the RTF shall monitor TAC-U.

  1. 7.2 The EMS officer or highest medical authority on the RTF must prioritize the medical actions of the RTF. This may include triage and removal of specific patients, or triage and moving on to additional victims. This will be dependent on numerous factors: time constraints, number of victims, severity of injuries etc. In all instances, the RTF Supervisor should be informed of actions and the need for additional RTFs in the Warm Zone.
  2. 8.2 If an RTF member suffers any incapacitating injury in the Warm Zone, that RTF will cease all operations and, when safe to do so, exit the Warm Zone with the injured member.

Utilize the following .scenario to answer questions 5-11.
Battalion 51 arrives at a Confirmed Active Shooter incident at the Resorts Casino in Queens.
There are 50 people that have been reported shot in the lobby of the Casino, and the police have cornered two gunmen on the 2nd floor of the building. NYPD has established a warm corridor in the area in front of the Casino. The lobby area is considered a Warm Zone.
The Division Task Force - Battalion 50, Engine 275, Ladder 133, and Engine 315 has just arrived. The DC informs Battalion 50 that the Warm Zone Tactical Channel will be Channel 7.

10. The liaison between the Operations Section Chief (B51) and the NYPD Tactical Operations Commander is? (Appendix A 3.1.2)
A. The RTF Supervisor — Battalion 50
B. The RTF Leader
C. The EMS TOC Supervisor
D. The SRG Supervisor at the TOC
    1. A

3.1.2 Rescue Task Force Supervisor: Will be designated as the liaison between the
Operations Section Chief and the NYPD Tactical Operations Commander.


Utilize the following .scenario to answer questions 5-11.
Battalion 51 arrives at a Confirmed Active Shooter incident at the Resorts Casino in Queens.
There are 50 people that have been reported shot in the lobby of the Casino, and the police have cornered two gunmen on the 2nd floor of the building. NYPD has established a warm corridor in the area in front of the Casino. The lobby area is considered a Warm Zone.
The Division Task Force - Battalion 50, Engine 275, Ladder 133, and Engine 315 has just arrived. The DC informs Battalion 50 that the Warm Zone Tactical Channel will be Channel 7.

  1. The Deputy Chief decides to make Battalion 51 the Operations Section Chief at the Operations Post, while the Deputy maintains a presence at the ICP. At the Operations Section Post, it would be correct for which member(s) to be on Channel 7? (Appendix A—Pg 3)
  2. Battalion 51 Chief
  3. Battalion 51 Aide
  4. Medical Branch Director
  5. One member shall be assigned

A. 1,3 B. 2,3 C. 3,4 D. Only #4

  1. C 3, 4
  1. A Chief Officer operating at a multiple alarm where all 5 functions (C-FLOP) of the FDNY ICS have been implemented would know which one of the following points to be inaccurate?
    (ICS Ch 1—Pg2,8)
    A. The Incident Commander Staff includes a Safety Officer, a Liaison Officer, and a Public Information Officer
    B. The Staging Area Manager reports directly to the Operations Section Chief
    C. The Resource Unit Leader reports directly to the Operations Section Chief
    D. The Communications Unit Leader reports directly to the Logistics Section Chief
  1. C


  1. Which point regarding ICS is incorrect? (ICS Ch 1 3.2.2, Pg 11-12)
    A. In general, the span of control should range from 3 to 7, with 5 being the ideal
    B. Sector Supervisors manage the activities within an assigned geographical area
    C. Group Supervisors manage a specific functional task. Groups may cross sector boundaries to accomplish their functional task
    D. A Strike Team—will have a Strike Team Leader supervising the same kind and type of resources (Engines)
    E. A Task Force—will have a Task Force Leader supervising any combination (Engines + Ladders) of resources. Generally the number of resources in a task force should be limited to 7
    for control purposes
  1. E

Generally, the number of resources in a task force should be limited to five for control purposes.

  1. Regarding the correct terminology for personnel assigned to manage each level of the ICS organization, which points below are accurate to state? (ICS Ch2 1.1.5)
    A. Sections are managed by Chiefs
    B. Branches are managed by Directors
    C. Sectors / Groups are managed by Supervisors
    D. Units are managed by Leaders
    E. Areas are managed by Managers
  1. All
    1.1.5 The following list describes personnel assigned to manage at each level of the
    ICS organization:
    Incident Command—– Incident Commander
    Command Staff——— Officer
    Section——————- Section Chief
    Branch ——————- Branch Director
    Sector/Group———— Sector Supervisor/Group Supervisor
    Unit ———————- Unit Leader
    Area ———————- Manager
  1. All of the following positions may have a “Deputy” except?
    (ICS 2 2.1.2,3.2.3)

A. Incident Commander
B. Section Chief (Operations, Planning, Logistics, Finance)
C. Branch Director
D. Safety Officer

  1. D

2.1.2 The Incident Commander(s) may also have a deputy, who may be from the same
agency or from an assisting agency. Deputies must have the same qualifications
as the person for whom they work, as they must be ready to take over that position at any time. Section Chiefs and Branch Directors may also have deputies.

3.2.3 One Safety Officer will be assigned for each incident, with assistants assigned as necessary. Safety Assistants may represent assisting agencies or jurisdictions and may be assigned specific responsibilities such as air operations, hazardous materials, confined space etc.

  1. Which point below regarding the Resource Unit Leader (RUL) is not accurately stated?
    (ICS Ch2 Add 2 1.1,3,5.1)
    A. If there is no Planning Chief, the RUL reports directly to the IC
    B. A RUL will be assigned on every 10-60, 10-76, and 2nd alarm
    C. An ABC may be assigned as the RUL
    D. The RUL shall not be used for firefighting purposes
  1. B
     A Battalion Chief shall be special called by the dispatcher to perform the duties of
    Resources Unit Leader at the following: **
    2nd & and greater alarms
    10-60 incidents

Utiilize the following scenario to answer questions 6 - 10;
It is 0430 hours and you are BC McMedical working in Battalion 33 when a second alarm is transmitted by Division 15 for a fire in a subway station. You are assigned to the second alarm and the Suffix “R” is printed on the CADS indicating you are the Resource Unit Leader. Division 15 informs the Brooklyn CO they are establishing a Command Channel. They then transmit a 3rd alarm for heavy smoke condition and special call a BC to be the Communications Unit Leader.

  1. In this situation, you would be correct in which thought(s)? (ICS Ch 2 Add 2 4.1,
    A. While responding, ascertain the identity and designation of the units that have responded, or are responding to the incident from the MDT printout. Only call the dispatcher for this info if the MDT is not available —.
    B. You should don the “Resources Unit Leader” vest, be stationed at the Command Board, and maintain the Command Board for the duration of the incident.
    C. Your Aide operates on Tactical Channel 1 and you should operate on Command Channel 2
    D. Have each sector / group called on Channel 2 to ascertain what sector / group they are operating in and the identity of units operating in that sector / group.
    E. When plotting units on the Command Board, plot the units under the designation of the Chief responsible for that sector / group
  1. C

 The Resources Unit Leader shall operate on the Tactical Channel. The Resources
Unit Leader assigned firefighter shall have his handie-talkie on the Command
Channel for relay of messages to the Incident Commander


Utilize the following scenario to answer questions 6 - 10;
It is 0430 hours and you are BC McMedical working in Battalion 33 when a second alarm is transmitted by Division 15 for a fire in a subway station. You are assigned to the second alarm and the Suffix “R” is printed on the CADS indicating you are the Resource Unit Leader. Division 15 informs the Brooklyn CO they are establishing a Command Channel. They then transmit a 3”’ alarm for heavy smoke condition and special call a BC to be the Communications
Unit Leader.

  1. Which of the following task(s) would be your specific responsibility?
    (ICS Ch 2 Add 2 2.1,4.2,4.3)
    A. Designate an area where unassigned units remain intact
    B. Determine the level of resources required at the Staging Area
    C. In conjunction with the Staging Area Manager, maintain the required level of resources at the Staging Area until the incident is placed Probably Will Hold
    D. Supervise the duties of the Communications Unit Leader
    E. Continue to monitor HT Channel 1 for emergency transmissions even after the arrival of the Communications Unit Leader
  1. A, E

 The IC shall determine the needed level of resources required at the Staging area.
The RUL in conjunction with the Staging Area Manager, shall maintain this level
until the incident is under control


Utilize the following scenario to answer questions 6 - 10;
It is 0430 hours and you are BC McMedical working in Battalion 33 when a second alarm is transmitted by Division 15 for a fire in a subway station. You are assigned to the second alarm and the Suffix “R” is printed on the CADS indicating you are the Resource Unit Leader. Division 15 informs the Brooklyn CO they are establishing a Command Channel. They then transmit a 3”’ alarm for heavy smoke condition and special call a BC to be the Communications
Unit Leader.

  1. Battalion 40’s CADS sounds and they get a response ticket with the Suffix “C” indicating Battalion 40 is the Communications Unit Leader at the 3rd alarm subway fire. Regarding Battalion 40’s response, it would be correct to make which point(s)?
    (ICS CH 2 Add 3 5.3, 5.4,5.5,5.6)
    A. An ABC cannot be assigned as the Communications Unit Leader
    B. If there is no Planning Chief, Battalion 40 will report directly to the IC
    C. While responding, she should ascertain the identity and designation of the units that have responded, or are responding to the incident fi-om the MDT, by use of the Incident History function. Only call the dispatcher for this info if the MDT is not available
    D. She should don the “Communications Unit Leader” vest
    E. She will be stationed at the Command Board and should not be used for firefighting
  1. D, E

5.3 An Acting Battalion Chief may be assigned as the COML.
5.4 While Responding:
Ascertain the identity and designation of the units that have responded, or are responding,
to the incident from the:
 MDT, by use of the “Incident Summary” function
 Dispatcher (if unavailable via MDT)
5.5 The Battalion Chief assigned as the COML shall don the ICS vest with the insert
5.6 The COML shall perform the tasks as indicated in this bulletin only. They shall not be used for firefighting purposes.

    6.1 The Communications Unit Leader shall organize and establish an effective
    communications plan as requested by the IC. The COML shall:
     Upon arrival, report to the Logistics Section Chief, if staffed. If not staffed, report
    directly to the IC.
     Be stationed at the location of the COMMAND BOARD.

It is 0430 hours and you are BC McMedical working in Battalion 33 when a second alarm is transmitted by Division 15 for a fire in a subway station. You are assigned to the second alarm and the Suffix “R” is printed on the CADS indicating you are the Resource Unit Leader. Division 15 informs the Brooklyn CO they are establishing a Command Channel. They then transmit a 3rd alarm for heavy smoke condition and special call a BC to be the Communications
Unit Leader.

9. When Battalion 40 arrives at the scene, she would be correct to think that which of the following Chiefs will be operating on Channel 2 — the Command Channel, while their Aides stay on Channel I? (ICS Ch2 Add 3 6.1)
B. Staging Area Manager
C. Resource Unit Leader
D. Air Recon
E. Safety Officer
,F. Communications Unit Leader
  1. B,D,F

o Chief Officers assigned to Command, Staging Area Manager, Air Recon, COML,
or other specific designated support assignments will operate on the Command
Channel. Their assigned firefighter will monitor the tactical channel.


It is 0430 hours and you are BC McMedical working in Battalion 33 when a second alarm is transmitted by Division 15 for a fire in a subway station. You are assigned to the second alarm and the Suffix “R” is printed on the CADS indicating you are the Resource Unit Leader. Division 15 informs the Brooklyn CO they are establishing a Command Channel. They then transmit a 3rd alarm for heavy smoke condition and special call a BC to be the Communications
Unit Leader.

10. While operations are proceeding at the 3rd alarm, a Mayday is transmitted that neither Chief at the ICP acknowledges. In this situation, who is responsible to contact the IC personally or by HT to ensure they received the emergency transmission? (ICS Ch 2 Add 3 6.1)
A. Resource Unit Leader
B. Safety Officer
C. Communications Unit Leader
D. Communications Unit
  1. A

Note: The RESL will continue to monitor the handie talkie for emergency transmissions after the arrival of a dedicated COML.

  1. Regarding the response and responsibilities of the Safety Officer at a fire, it would be incorrect to state that? (ICS Ch2 Add 5 1.1,4.1,5.1)
    A. An ABC cannot be assigned as the Safety Officer
    B. A Safety Officer is always assigned on a 10-60, 10-66,10-76, 10-77, and 2nd alarm
    C. The Safety Officer reports directly to the IC
    D. They should don the “Safety Officer” vest
    E. While responding, obtain from the MDT—a summary of responding units and the
    approximate bum time
  1. B

The Safety Officer has a specialized task at an operation. The Safety Officer is part of the Command Staff and reports directly to the Incident Commander. The Safety Officer is primarily responsible for minimizing the threat of death or injury to personnel. If there is no Safety Officer, the IC will be responsible for this function. While safety is a major part of the Incident Commander’s concerns, it is the sole concern of the Safety Officer. The Safety Officer’s full attention must be focused on the safety of operating personnel. The Safety Officer must be the role model and leader in all aspects of safety.

 The designated Battalion Chief assigned as Safety Officer shall don the ICS vest with the insert “SAFETY OFFICER”

4.1 A Battalion Chief shall be special called by the dispatcher to perform the duties of the Safety Officer at the following:
2nd & greater alarms

The dispatcher shall not assign an Acting Battalion Chief to respond as the Safety Officer


You are the Safety Officer at a 3rd alarm fire that has extended to 4 Row Frame buildings. While observing the exterior of Exposure 4C, a vacant building, you become concerned about the stability of the building and are contemplating ordering the members out of this exposure.

  1. In this situation, you would be correct to think? (ICS Ch2 Add 5 3)
  2. You have the authority to alter, suspend, or terminate operations in Exposure 4C if you determine there is a “Collapse Feared” or a “Collapse Imminent” situation
  3. If you remove members from Exposure 4C because of risk concerns, you must advise the
    IC of the action taken and reasons why
  4. The IC may reverse your decision to alter, suspend, or terminate operations in Exposure 4C
    A. 1,2 B. 1,3 C. 2,3 D. 1,2,3
  1. D

The authority to Alter, Suspend, or Terminate operations if the Safety Officer determines them to involve an imminent hazard based on a risk assessment.


    The Incident Commander must be notified immediately of any change to firefighting operations ordered by the Safety Officer

    Whenever the Safety Officer takes action to remove members from a hazardous situation, the Incident Commander must be advised of the action taken and why the Safety Officer made the determination. The situation where a Safety Officer would terminate an operation without first consulting with a Sector Officer or the Incident Commander is extremely rare and reserved for hazards that place members in imminent danger.

    Termination of one part of an operation may place members operating in other areas of the emergency in great danger. The Safety Officer must consider the impact of this action on the rest of the operation. The Incident Commander may reverse the decision of the Safety Officer and continue operations.

You are the Safety Officer at a 3rd alarm fire that has extended to 4 Row Frame buildings. While observing the exterior of Exposure 4C, a vacant building, you become concerned about the stability of the building and are contemplating ordering the members out of this exposure.

  1. The Safety Operating Battalion now arrives on scene and the IC decides to use both of you for Safety purposes. In this situation, it would be correct for you to think? (ICS Ch 2 Add 5 4.1)
    A. The Safety Operating Battalion will assume the role of the Safety Officer on arrival and you will become the Assistant Safety Officer
    B. You will remain in the role of the Safety Officer and the Safety Operating Battalion will become the Assistant Safety Officer
  1. A

The Safety Operating Battalion will assume the role as Safety Officer on their arrival.

The Special called Battalion Chief will be designated the Assistant Safety Officer after the arrival of the Safety Operating Battalion or reassigned as determined by the IC


You are the Safety Officer at a 3rd alarm fire that has extended to 4 Row Frame buildings. While observing the exterior of Exposure 4C, a vacant building, you become concerned about the stability of the building and are contemplating ordering the members out of this exposure.

  1. While operating at this incident, it would be correct for you to think that?
    (ICS Ch 2 Add 5 Pg 3-4-5 )
    A. Your HT designation will be “Safety Officer Example: “Safety Officer to Command”
    B. You as the BC should operate on Channel 2, and your aide operate on Channel 1
    C. You may never make a Command Decision
    D. You may never enter the fire building


Handie-talkie designation will be as follows:
Example; Battalion 7 is assigned as the Safety Officer, “Safety Officer to Command K.” “Command to Safety Officer proceed with your message”

When a Command Channel has been established, the Chief Officer designated as the Safety Officer should remain on the Tactical Channel and their aide should switch to the Command Channel

    It is intended that Safety Officers shall perform the tasks as stated in this bulletin. They shall not be used for firefighting purposes, nor shall they make command decisions other than those required to protect members from imminent danger.
  1. As the Safety Officer, which of the following risk guidelines are appropriate for you to consider when determining risk-taking strategy for members at this incident?
    (ICS Ch 2 Add 5 Pg 4)
  2. Keep significant risk to members limited to potential property-saving and / or life-saving situations
  3. Inherent risks of routine activities should be reduced or minimized
  4. Significant risk to the safety of members should be reduced or minimized when there is no possibility of saving life or property
    A. 2
    B. 1,2
    C. 2,3
    D. 1,3
  1. C

The Safety Officer uses the following Risk Management guidelines to determine appropriate risk taking actions by members;

o Keep significant risk to members limited to potential life saving situations
o Inherent risks of routine activities should be reduced or minimized
o No risk to the safety of members is acceptable when there is no possibility of saving life or property

  1. Regarding the establishment of Rehabilitation and Care at fires and emergencies, which point is accurate? (AUC 230 1.2,2.1,2.1.1)
    A. The difference between the member’s core body temperature and the environmental temperature is called wind chill
    B. Rehabilitation can take place with or without the establishment of a formal functional area of operation
    C. The RAC Unit should not be co-located with EMS resources
    D. The RAC firefighter will contact the EMS Officer for the proposed location of the RAC Unit
  1. B
  2. 2 The difference between the member’s core body temperature and the environmental temperature is called the thermal gradient.

2.1 The Incident Commander (IC) shall establish rehabilitation according to the
circumstances of the incident. Rehabilitation can take place with or without the establishment of a formal functional area of operation. During routine incidents, such as small non-structural fires, companies can conduct rehabilitation on their own. Company rehabilitation can occur during an SCBA cylinder change, the transition from active fire attack to overhaul, or other similar situations.

2.1.1 Upon arrival of the RAC Unit at an All Hands incident, the RAC Firefighter shall contact Command, via handie-talkie, for the proposed location to co-locate the RAC unit with EMS resources.

  1. A Rehabilitation Group shall be established by the IC at which incident(s)? (2.2)
    A. All Hands-doubtful
    B. 2nd alarm or greater
    C. Long duration incident
    D. Physically demanding incident
    E. Incidents occurring during extreme temperatures
  1. B, C, D, E

2.2 A Rehabilitation Group shall be established by the IC at 2nd alarm or greater fires. At long duration and/or physically demanding incidents or in extreme temperatures, the IC should
establish a Rehabilitation Group.


You are the IC at a long-duration, physically demanding brush fire on a very hot day. The incident went to a second alarm, but the Deputy Chief took up after he placed the fire under control to go to another job.

  1. As the IC setting up a Rehab Group, you would be correct to think? (AUC 230 2.2,
    A. The Rehab Group will consist of an EMS Officer, a MERV or MRTU, a BLS ambulance and the RAC Unit
    B. You as the IC will designate the Rehabilitation Group Supervisor
    C. Members entering rehabilitation should never be reassigned
    D. The Rehabilitation Group Supervisor, in consult with the IC, shall recommend the location of the Rehabilitation Area to the Medical Branch Director
  1. A

2.2.1 When the Rehabilitation Group is established, the Medical Branch Director will
designate an EMS Officer as the Rehabilitation Group Supervisor. The
Rehabilitation Group will consist of an EMS Officer, a MERV or the MRTU, a BLS ambulance and the Recuperation and Care (RAC) Unit.

2.3 Members entering rehabilitation should normally rest for approximately 20 minutes
before being reassigned. Depending on conditions, the IC, in consultation with the
Medical Branch Director, may modify the time frame for rehabilitation.

3.1 The Rehabilitation Group Supervisor, in consultation with the Medical Branch Director,
shall recommend the location of the Rehabilitation Area to the IC, based on the following site characteristics:


You are the IC at a long-duration, physically demanding brush fire on a very hot day. The incident went to a second alarm, but the Deputy Chief took up after he placed the fire under control to go to another job.

4. At this incident, who is responsible to assign units being relieved or released to the Rehab Group? (AUC 230 3.2)
B. Deputy IC or Operations Section Chief
C. Resource Unit Leader
D. Safety Officer
E. Medical Branch Director
  1. C

3.2 The Resource Unit Leader shall assign units being relieved or released to the
Rehabilitation Group, as appropriate (see section 3.8). The Resource Unit Leader and the Rehabilitation Group Supervisor shall maintain radio contact with each other and closely coordinate the assignment/release of units to/from the Rehabilitation Group to ensure all members are afforded the proper care. Units shall be sent in manageable groups, usually four units at a time, so as to not overcrowd the Rehabilitation Group.


You are the IC at a long-duration, physically demanding brush fire on a very hot day. The incident went to a second alarm, but the Deputy Chief took up after he placed the fire under control to go to another job.

  1. When members are being sent to the Rehab Group, it would be correct to state?
    (AUC 230—3.2,3.3,3.5)
    A. Units should be sent in manageable groups, usually three units at a time
    B. A Rehabilitation Tracking Sheet should be used to document who has reported to and been evaluated by the Rehab Group
    C. Once members complete the Rehab process, the Company Officer should report back to the IC at the ICP indicating the company is available for reassignment, if necessary
    D. The Rehab Tracking sheet must be given to the Medical Branch Director at the end of the operation
  1. B

3.2 The Resource Unit Leader shall assign units being relieved or released to the
Rehabilitation Group, as appropriate (see section 3.8). The Resource Unit Leader and the Rehabilitation Group Supervisor shall maintain radio contact with each other and closely coordinate the assignment/release of units to/from the Rehabilitation Group to ensure all members are afforded the proper care. Units shall be sent in manageable groups, usually four units at a time, so as to not overcrowd the Rehabilitation Group.
3.3 The Resource Unit Leader shall use the Rehabilitation Tracking Sheet to document which units and members have reported to, and been evaluated by, the Rehabilitation Group. Once members complete the rehabilitation process, they may become available for another assignment to augment the operation. The company officer should report back to the Resource Unit Leader at the Incident Command Post and indicate that the company has completed the rehabilitation process and is available for reassignment, if necessary.

3.5 At the end of the operation, the Resource Unit Leader shall ensure the IC receives the Rehabilitation Tracking Sheet. The IC shall ensure the Rehabilitation Tracking Sheet is reviewed for unit compliance.

  1. EMS has the authority to make which decision(s)? (AUC 230—3.8,3.9)
    A. Recommend members remain in Rehab
    B. Transport members for further evaluation
    C. Determine which members were exposed to products of combustion and require their oxyhemoglobin and carboxyhemoglobin levels measured
  1. A & B
  2. 8 EMS shall have the authority, as delegated by the IC, to use their professional judgment in recommending members remain in rehabilitation or transporting them for further medical evaluation or treatment.

3.9 At 2nd or greater alarm fires, or as determined by the IC, all members exposed to products of combustion shall have their oxyhemoglobin (SpO2), and
carboxyhemoglobin (SpCO) levels measured with a RAD – 57 Pulse CO-Oximeter. The Carbon Monoxide Information Sheet does not have to be completed for members being evaluated with the RAD – 57 Pulse CO-Oximeter.