Class 1 - Introduction to US Contract Law Flashcards
What are the 3 types of primary sources contracts law is based upon?
Constitutions, Statutes, Case Law
What are the 3 main authorities of contract law, and which of them are binding?
1: Precedent (Binding, dependant on jurisdiction), 2: Statute - the UCC (Binding), 3: Restatement of the UCC (not binding)
True or false, a contract dispute may end up in the US Supreme Court?
False. Contract law is based solely upon State level statutes
What are examples of a formal contract?
contracts under seal, the ercognazince, the negociatable instrument
what are examples of informal contracts?
Bilateral, Unilateral agreemtns
Elements of a contract?
Offer, Acceptance, Consideration, Consensus/Meeting of the Minds
What is an express contract?
Formed by verbal communication. Assent is directly expressed either verbally or in writing
An implied in law contract is…
This is a legal fiction created by the court in the absence of written or verbal assent in order to create an equitable result. Ex. When conduct implicates a contract, but the terms are indipute, an implied in law contract will be the courts resolution to that dispute.
An implied in fact contract is…
When the surrounding circumstnaces, conduct, and decalrations of the parties demonstrate the existence of an agreement (Ex. Lottary winnings case of Step v Freeman)
- Can be summarized by “tacit understandings” between people”
- conduct makes contracts
These parts of a contract must be communicated for a contract to be valid, and, which of those parts have exceptions? Which have no exceptions?
- Offer – may have excepctions (inferred offer, public rewards excepction, rewards do not need to be known to be accepted, private offers must to communicated to offeree)
- Acceptance – may have excepctions (Unilateral contracts has acceptance by performace, mailbox rule)
- Revocation – may have excepctions (death and option contracts)
- Rejection (no excepctions, rejection must always be communicated)
An offer has these 3 elements
- Must be communicated to offeree, (not nessessarily by the offeror)
- Must have some kind of commitiment to the formation of a contract
- Must be definiate in its terms
Are a professionals statements an offer?
typically do not rise to the level of an offer, unless the line of definiteness (specificity) and commitment has been objectively crossed
Are advertisements offers?
Generally not offers – mere invitations to begin negociations. UNLESS they limit the number of people who can accept, and are definite, then they matbe an offer
Are awards offers? What about private vs public awards?
: Rewaards are offers if they meet the elements. Private rewards must be communicated before acceptance, but public rewards do not need to be communicated before acceptance
Private rewards must be ___ to be a valid offer. This is contrary to public rewards
If Johnny is drunk, offers to sell his car and the buyer accepts, the issue is…
Is Johnny too drunk to have the requisite intent to contract? The interior state of mind is not relevant, only the outwardly manifested behaviour is.
In order for an implied in fact contract to be breached, the parties must…
Act outside their previously “tacitly understood” conduct in their relations with one another
This is the determinative factor if an advertisement is an offer for offers, or an offer
When the offer is clear, explicit, and leaves nothing open to negociation