Class 1 Flashcards
What is the overview of the topics?
- General introduction
- Indirect taxation: VAT
- Harmonized indirect taxation
- Unharmonized = case law
- Direct taxation = big chunck
- Overview fundamental freedoms
- Harmonization
- Procedural issues: only small part, very technical and dry.
What is the positive and negative integration?
- Negative = impact of treaty rules
- Positive = harmonization in particular through directives: based on the Case law of the Court of Justice
What is the EU budget?
- Budget of the EU as a supranational organization, so not the domestic budget: 2 parts:
- Revenues
- Expenditures
What are the provisions concerning the EU budget?
- Article 6 TFEU: Part 6: “Institutional & Financial provisions”, title 2.
- Art. 310: “All items of revenue and expenditure of the Union shall be included in estimates to be drawn up for each financial year and shall be shown in the budget.”
- A financial year is to be clear a calendar year.
- “The Union’s annual budget shall be established by the European Parliament and the Council in accordance with Article 314.
- The revenue and expenditure shown in the budget shall be in balance.”
What is the MFF?
- Multiannual Financial Framework: art. 312: what is the EU using its money for
- New 7 year MFF has been adopted: New Council regulation and it is the biggest one yet
What are the typical types of EU expenditure?
- EU policy area:
- Program for certain programmes: can be purely EU, also incorporation with private organization or even outside of EU
- Areas: Single market, innovation, digital, cohesion, resilience, nature/environment, migration and borders, security and defence,…
- EU public administration
- Salary, health insurance and pensions of the EU public administration
What is not in the budget?
- Covid-19 recovery instrument: NGEU = NextGenerationEU
- Council Presidency: EP & council: 750 billion: grants & loans
- Recovery and Resilience Facility:
- 90% to MS for short term investments: MS must show a plan how they are planning to support certain sectors or industries to rebuild the structures that were there before.
- Problematic because it is on top of the budget.
- Commission is going to borrow on the financial market and everything is reused with new resources: completely new and now this has been sent to the national parliaments so the 27 states have to agree = not been finalized yet.
What is the legal basis of the EU revenue?
- Article 311:“The Union shall provide itself with the means necessary to attain its objectives and carry through its policies. Without prejudice to other revenue, the budget shall be financed wholly from own resources.”
- Between EU Institutions (Parliament, Council and Commission), but also between the MS.
- Eg. UK: net payer = paying too much that they are not receiving enough.
- Negotiated a UK rebate = from their net payments, there was always an amount cut off → but this leads to tension with other MS.
What was the previous system until 2020 for the EU revenue?
- Laid down in the Council decision = 27 Ministers of Finance who are competent for the MFF: framework of 2007.
- Traditional own resources:
- Customes duties on 3rd country imports and agricultural/sugar levies. Eg. Zaventem Airport = customs duties → money goes to the EU budget.
- Fixed share of national value added tax base (VAT)
- Customs was not enough → not the VAT amount levied of every country but the amount of taxable transactions = the basis for the VAT for each member state.
- Also added: Fixed amount based on Grossed National Income (GNI): percentages are fixed for each member state
- The GNI has to be calculated and then a certain percentage of that is calculated as a contribution by that member state, that has to be paid to the EU.
What is the new system for revenues under the new MFF 2021-2027
Plastic tax: New Council decision: a new levy on on non-recycled plastic packaging ways. That supposed to be 8 cents per kilo. That is something that the member states have to calculate, domestically on their packaging waste. And then they will have to pay that to the EU budget.
- Does not exist yet, only has been decided = EU Plastic Tax, not a real tax but more a contribution by the MS to the EU Budget.
- EU Council: Commission has to make further proposals. New types of means of levying taxes, which than are supposed to go wholly of partly into the EU budget.
- FTT = Financial Transaction Tax
- CCCTB = Consolidated Corporate Tax Base
What are the revenue numbers for the EU
- 158,6 billion in 2018 = revenue side so at the disposal of EU.
- Own resources: 142,4 billion (90%)
- Customs & duties: 12,7%
- Fixed share of national VAT base: 11%
- Fixed amount based on GNI: 66,1%
- Included: special rebated for certain MS.
- Other revenue: 15,7 billion (10%)
- Competition law fines
- Receipts of interest payments
- Repayments of unused financial assistance: programs which did not spend all their money. EU structural funds = legal instruments that have been set out by the EU to finance certain types of EU policies
- Various receipts: donations, contributions from non-EU countries, also Nobel Peace Prize.
- Tax salary of EU officials
- Small gap = carry over or carry forward: money not spend for future: 0,5 billion
How are EU officials taxed?
- Very specific “closed” system: left pocket - right pocket.
- Expenditure side: they pay out the salary of the EU officials. Taxes = wage withholding tax, which forms part of EU expenditure
- Legal basis:
- Legal basis for specific tax on officials: different protocols “Privileges and Immunities (PPI’s) and Council Regulations from 1968.
- Humblet 1960: first tax case
- Only 2% of the overall budget, so only really small but this is the only real tax part that goes into the EU budget. And that’s where the EU until now differs completely from member states because member states finance their budget, their expenditure to a very large extend through taxes, where as the EU does not levied taxes, except for this small wage withholding tax until now.
What is the conclusion on European taxation?
- Conclusion: There is no real EU tax yet.
- So currently: “European Taxation” = national tax systems of Eu Member States (MS) under the influence of Eu law = “Europeanisation of national laws”
- Intertwining of European law and domestic law, but the system of own resources might change the landscape, because the tax inflow into the EU is going to rise, but for the time being = no EU tax system.
- It’s domestic tax systems being influenced, changed, by EU law.
What are the kinds of rules that we find on the supranational level of the EU?
- EU primary law
- Secondary law
- Regulations
- Directives
- Decisions
- Non binding instruments
- Tertiary law
What is EU primary law?
2 treaties: TEU and TFEU. Explicit rules and protocols annexed, with the accession of Croatia: some provisions have been altered:
- Eg. free movement of capital.
Also art. 6(1): links the TEU to the Charter of Fundamental Rights:
- Written guarantee of fundamental rights.
- Before: unwritten principles still further developing