Class 1 Flashcards
Define Propagation
Making more plants
What were the first methods of propagation by humans?
Selecting seeds, vegetative propagation of potatoes, Grafting in China / England in orchards
What are the two categories of propagation?
Sexual and Asexual
What are advantages of sexual propagation?
economical, easier, new hybrids, disease-free
What are advantages of asexual propagation?
faster, easier, maintain cultivars, bypass juvenile stage
What are methods of asexual propagation?
Cuttings, Layering, Grafting, Division / Separation, Micropropagation
What type of cuttings can be used for cutting propagation?
leaf, root (entirely new plant), stem
What are some ways plants reproduce naturally (asexual)?
spreading by roots, basal suckers, rhizomes, bulbs, layering (spider plant)
plant that flowers and produces fruit / seed (300,000 species)
cone bearing plants, naked seeds inside of cone that open when ripe to release seed
Why does pollination need to occur?
Pollination must occur to get a fertilized egg, fruit, and seed set
What are the three methods of pollination?
cross pollination, self pollination (autogamy), and self pollination (geitanogamy)
What happens in self pollination (autogamy)?
Same flower pollinates itself, genes are the same
What happens in self pollination (geitanogamy)?
pollen from one flower goes into another flower on the same plant, genes are the same
What are imperfect flowers?
Flowers can be either male or female, not both
What is dioecious (“two houses”)?
male and female flowers are on separate plants
What is monoecious (“one house”)?
male and female flowers are on the same plant
What are perfect flowers?
flowers that have both male and female parts in one flower