Clarifying Reflexive Pronouns Flashcards
Verb + El uno al otro
Doing the action to each other
Nos despertamos el uno al otro.
We wake each other up.
A + pronoun +mismos=
Nos despertamos a nosotros mismos.
We wake (ourselves) up
Se engañan a sí mismos.
They’re deceiving themselves
Plural subject + plural verb=
Doing the action to each other
Se engañan.
They’re deceiving themselves.
They’re deceiving each other.
When meaning is unclear, use a clarifying phrase like the formulas below
Reflexive pronoun + reflexive verb =
Doing the action to yourself
“Me levanto.” (I get up.)
“Levanto a mi hija.” (I get my daughter up.)
reflexive verb - reflexive pronoun =
Doing the action to someone else
“Ella se lava la cara.” (She washes her face.)
“Ella lava a los niños.” (She washes the children.)