Clara Schumann Flashcards
When was Schumann alive
Describe the instrumentation
Piano triò (piano, violin, cello)
Violin has narrow range
Cello has wide range
All have fairly equal roles
Describe the structure
Exposition = bridge modulates to B flat relative minor
= brief modulation to D major, sudden return to B flat
Development = piano has downward chromatic triads
Recapitulation = modulated to C major at bridge
= plagal cadence
Describe the texture
Textures change as ideas passed around each part
Homophonic (violin melody and piano accompaniment
Polyphonic (passages of close imitation)
Describe the tonality
G minor
Sonata form
Modulations with perfect cadences
Describe the harmony
Predominantly tonal and diatonic
Perfect cadences
Diminished 7th and augmented 6th chords
Describe the melody
Sonata form = melodic contrast
Lots of chromatic writing
Describe the rhythm, tempo and metre
Allegro moderato
Common time
Harmonic rhythm