Clan Labs Flashcards
Indicators - Outside
- Chemical odours, can be sweet, bitter, ammonia or solvent smells.
- Exhaust fans running at odd times
- Frequent visitors at odd hours
- Windows blackened out or always drawn
- people coming outside only to smoke
- Occupants behaviour paranoid, unfriendly
- Expensive security and surveillance gear
- Access denied to landlords, neighbours other visitors
- Rubbish contains a large amount of cold medication
- bottles, containers boxes with labels removed
Indicators - Inside
- Laboratory glassware, equipment and documents
- Containers with two layered liquids in them, one dark layer and one clear or pale yellow
- Containers with clear liquids in them with chalky coloured solid on the bottom or similar
- Used coffee filters containing either white pasty or reddish brown substance
- baking dishes or similar containing white crystal substance
- the presence of hotplates near chemicals
Unplanned entry
must not touch, handle, move, disconnect, deactivate or operate anything.
Police Should
- Immediately remove person of interest from premises
- isolate the site and maintain a safe preimeter
- preserve the crime scene
- notify their duty inspector or NCO, contact NCLRT and where appropriate local fire and ambulance
- seek advice from a NCLRT member and fire service about decontamination
- occupants of the address and staff who have entered are to remain separated until decontamination issues have been addressed
- seek medical advice if you experience any adverse effects
Exposure to Chemicals Symptoms
- headaches
- watery or burning eyes
- nausea
- burning skin
- coughing or choking
- pain in diaphragm
- feeling of coldness or weakness
- shortness of breath and/or dizziness
- decrease in cognitive function, vertigo and convulsions
Planned Entry considerations
- Whether it is an active or inactive laboratory
- the number of offenders or others present in the laboratory
- lab location
- proximity to persons or property
- type / size of lab
- Firearms / weapons / booby traps
Minimum level of PPE for IET(initial entry team)
- Flame retardant overalls
- chemical and flame resistant coveralls
- Boots
- Fire resistant gloves
- Balaclava
- Police BAS/SRBA vests
- APR’s with Air filters
Initial Action for children at clan lab
O/C investigation will co-ordinate
- removal of child or young person from immediate scene
- Assigning an officer to look after and monitor
- provision of age appropriate explanations given about what they need to do etc
- assessment of child by ambulance
- Request OT at scene
- Distribute appropriate PPE kit to OT and for child
- place child in Tyvek suit or wrapped in blanket
- appropriate decontamination
- photograph at scene
- Record physical condition of child, include any injuries
- record mental state of child
- consider securing clothing as exhibits
- prelimary interview of child, who lives there, where they eat, sleep and play. any drug activity, health how they are feeling, school etc
- power to remove child
- brief OT worker of relevant info from prelim
Follow up (O/C Investigation)
- locate other children who reside at address who were not present are located
- ensure any child exposed is checked ASAP within 24 hours
- ensure medical examination is completed and samples (hair, urine)for evidential purposes collected
- collect samples / toxicology kits from doctor and forward to ESR
- provide results to OT and Doctor when received
- liaise with CPT for EVI of children
Emergency Powers
Hazardous Substances & New Organisms Act 1996
Section 135 - Interpretation
Emergency means-
a) actual or imminent danger to human health or safety
b) A danger to the environment or chattels so significant that immediate action is required to remove the danger
- arising from a hazardous substance or new organism
Emergency Powers
Hazardous Substances & New Organisms Act 1996
Section 136 - declaration of emergency
Any enforcement officer has reasonable grounds to believe there is an emergency.
- declare it
- notify appropriate
- shall cease after 48 hours or declared by Civil defence or treated by chief fire officer
Emergency Powers
Hazardous Substances & New Organisms Act 1996
Section 137 - Powers
When emergency declared under 136 any enforcement officer may-
a) Enter any premises or dwelling at any time without complying with the provisions of section 103 or section 119 of this Act
b) Exercise any of the powers set out in section 103 of this Act
c) exercise any powers set out in section 119 of this act
d) Direct any person to stop any activity which may contribute to the emergency
e) Request any person, either verbally or in writing to take any action to prevent or limit the extent of the emergency
f) Direct any person to leave any place in the vicinity of the emergency
g) Direct any person to refrain from entering the vicinity of the emergency
h) requisition any property for use in the emergency
i) Destroy any property or any other thing in order to prevent or limit the extent of the emergency
j) Secure the site for up to 24hours following the decision of the enforcement officer that the immediate danger is past
Emergency Powers
Hazardous Substances & New Organisms Act 1996
Section 103 - Powers of entry for inspection
at any reasonable time
- go on, into and over any premises (excluding dwelling)
- consent from occupier go on, into under over any dwelling
for the purpose to inspect.
may take samples photographs, do test etc
provide notice of anything taken
and provide results of analysis of anything taken
Three Main types of Labs
Extraction, Conversion and Synthesis
Extraction Lab
Finished drug or precursor is removed from raw material by use of chemical solvents.
Example - Hash oil from cannabis leaf
Conversion Lab
One form of drug is changed into a more desirable form.
Example - Methamphetamine Hydrochloride to ‘Ice’
Synthesis Lab
Raw materials are combined through chemical processes to produce the desired drug. The original materials may already be controlled substances.
Example - Heroin from Morphine