C.L. TEST 141-160 Flashcards
The primrose path is also referred to as
- What is the easy way out of a hard situation?
A life of ease and pleasure
- What is a primrose path?
This means satisfying only the minimum amount of requirements and doing it in a short way.
- What is pro forma?
The Latin term for “pro forma” is…
- What is “by form”?
This phrase is frequently used in diplomacy.
- What is a quid pro quo?
Quid pro quo in Latin means…
- What is that which was to be demonstrated?
This is to gamble foolishly
- What is to “play Russian Roulette”?
This phrase also referrers to a dangerous game where one puts a gun to one’s head and pulls the trigger to see if the gun fires.
- What is Russian roulette?
To behave deceptively
- What is to sail under false colors?
The colors of the ship are identifying its…
- What are its flags?
A new surge of energy after exhaustion.
- What is a second wind?
This “second wind” is due to a change in…
- What is metabolism?
This is Latin for “always faithful”.
- What is Semper Fidelis?
Semper Fidelis is the motto for…
- What is the U.S.M.C.?
This means we need to save our own selves or else fail.
- What is sink-or-swim?
The image states that if someone is thrown into the water without a life preserver…
- What is he or she must swim or drown?
To remain neutral
- What is to sit on the fence?
Sitting on the fence also means…
- What is to not pick a side?
A very easy target
- What is a sitting duck?
“Sitting duck” comes from…
- What is hunting?
A embarrassing secret
- What is skeleton in the closet?
This term might be asked when electing someone.
- What is skeleton in the closet?
To manage to just get something done?
- What is the skin of one’s teeth?
Accomplishing something by “the skin of one’s teeth” might associate with…
- What are deadlines?
Lovers who are doomed to fail are said to be…
- What are “star-crossed lovers”?
Stars are said to control…
- What is human destiny?
The existing order of things present.
- What is status quo?
The Latin phrase for “status quo” is…
- What is “the state in which”?
To take exception at a minor fault when missing a much major one.
- What is to “strain at a gnat but swallow a camel”?
“Strain at a gnat but swallow a camel” might occur in…
- What is politics?
To receive a degree with highest possible distinction.
- What is summa cum laude?
The Latin phrase for summa cum laude is…
- What is “with highest praise”?
To take the initiative in confronting a difficult decision.
- What is to take the bull by the horns?
To take new possibilities, you have to…
- What is to take the bill by the horns?
To make as many charges possible against an offender
- What is to throw a book at someone?
This phrase might be used in…
- What are lawsuits?
Expression of approval or disapproval.
- What is thumbs up (or down)?
The expression thumbs up or down might be used in…
- What is media?
NOW stands for
- What is the National Organization for Women?
NOW was founded in…
- What is 1966?
FBI stands for…
- What is the Federal Bureau of Investigation?
CIA stands for…
- What is the Central Intelligence Agency?