cl Flashcards
events before jesus began his public ministry (3)
Jesus’ Baptism
Temptation in the Desert
The call of the first disciples
precursor/ forerunner of the Messiah
John the Baptist
I am the voice of one calling in the desert ‘Makile straight the way for the Lord.
Jn: 1:23
3 phenomena were alludions to OT’s description of Messiah
Opening of Heavens: God has come throught his Son-made-man, Jesus
The descent of the dove:
God’s spirit anointing Jesus with power He needed for public ministry
Proclamation of the voice from heaven:
God has affirmed Jesus as messiah who would save all from sin
Jesus’ baptism
Coming of Holy spirit (dove) served as:
anointing for a special mission
significant of our baptism
it made us christians
by it we have been called to be christ’s disciples
it brings us the holy spirit through whom we share God’s own life
In it we have become adopted children of the Father
initiatice from God who calls us to a particular way of life
signifies new life of grace and cleansing from sin
By this sacramental action we are incorporated into the Church which is the body of Christ
By this we become adopted children of the Father, brothers and sisters of Jesus and temples of the Holy Spirit
Pouring of Water on Forehead
consecrated oil mixed with perfume
used for anointing if kings in the ancient times
By this sacramental action, the newly baptized is set apart as God’s anointed people sharing in Jesus mission of being Prophet-Priest-King
Anointing with Chrism
stands for Christ who is the light of the world
Lighted candle
By this action, the newly baptized must also be a light for the world
lighted candle
by this action, the newly baptized is called to let Jesus Christ live in and through his life
imposition of the white cloth
1st temptation
If you are the son of God tell these stones to become bread
It is written: Man shall not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God
The temptation was for Jesus to bring material wealth to people
Jesus’ mission was to offer divine forgiveness and life eternal not material prosperity
1st temptation
2nd temptation
If you are the Son of God, he said throw yourself down
it is also written m: Do not out the Lord your God to the test
The temptation was for Jesus to prove that He was the Son of God by doing impossible and strange things
Jesus’ mission was not seek a name for Himself but to bring people His Father
2nd temptation
3rd Temptation
All this I will give you if you will bow down and worship me
Away from me, Satan! For it is written: Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only
The temptation was for Jesus to gain all the powers of the world
Jesus’ mission was to establish God’s Kingdom of love here on earth
3rd Temptation
Jesus rejected Satan’s evil desires and relied totally on his Father
He teaches us to reject the ways of the world and opt to follow God’s will
Temptation is not yet a sin
Satan tempts us to rationalize that the evil we do is good
A good end does not justify evil means
help us reject Satan’s proposition
Conscience and grace of spirit
Gos is faithful and will not let you be tested beyond your strength
Andrew Bartholomew James James son of Alphaeus John Judas Matthew Peter Philip Simon Thaddaeus Thomas
12 apostles
Jesus chose and called his disciples
Jesus called his apostles to a lasting personal relationship with him
Jesus called the apostles to work for the kingdom that Jesus started
Nature of the calling of the 12 apostles
stresses the importance of acknowledging and disclosing our sins while asking for God’s forgiving grace
emphasizes on the whole process of conversion including contrition repentance and satisfaction which the penitent enters into, both personally and as a member of the Church community
sacrament of Penance
brings out the inner relationship between being reconciled with God and being reconciled with our neighbor
Sacrament of reconciliation
it is the sacrament through which we:
-obtain pardon from God for sins committed after Baptism and for which we are truly repentant and are reconciled with the Christian community, The church
sacrament of penance/reconciliation
those who approach the sacrament of penance obtain pardon from God’s mercy for offenses committed against Him and are at the same time reconciled with the Church which they have wounded by their sins and which by charity example and prayer labors for their conversion CCC 1422
purpose of reconciliation
Father reconciles us through Himself through Christ who empowered his apostles with the Holy Spirit for the forgiveness of sins
Most Holy Trinity
Jesus Christ instituted the sacrament of reconciliation when he gave his apostles and their successors the power to forgive sins
heartfelt sorrow and aversion for the sin committed along with the intention of sinning no more
when it arises from a love by which God is loved above all else
this kind of contrition remits venial sin and forgives mortal sin if the desire to receive the sacrament of confession is present
Perfect (Contrition of Charity)
born out of sins’s ugliness or the fear of eternal damnation and other penalties threatening the sinner
per se, this kind of contrition cannot forgive mortal sin but it disposes one to obtain forgiveness in the Sacrament of Penance
imperfect (attrition)
comes from true evaluation of self before God and flows from heartfelt contrition of our sins
through it we meet the Christian community in the person of the priest and face our sinful condition in the eyes of God
we must try our best to remember all the sins that we have committed and disclose everything to the priest
a priest cannot make use of knowledge that confession gives him about penitents’ lives
sacrament seal
making up for our sins amending our lives and repairing any injuries caused by our sins
ex. prayers, corporal works of mercy, service of neighbor, voluntary self denial, sacrifices
which is the effective sign of God’s pardon, which reconciles the penitent to God and to the Christian community
only priests who have received the faculty of absolving from the authority of the church can forgive sins in the name of Christ
reconciliation with God by which the penitent recovers grace
reconciliation with the Church
remission of the eternal punishment brought by mortal sins
remission at least part of temporal punishments resulting from sin
peace and serenity of conscience and spiritual consolation
an increase of spiritual strength for the Christian battle
Effects of reconciliation
through this the faithful can obtain the remission of temporal punishment resulting from sin for themselves and also for the souls in Purgatory
physician of our souls and bodies CCC 1420
Jesus Christ
2 sacraments of healing
sacrament of the anointing of the sick
sacrament of reconciliation
priest assigned to a particular military unit
Military Chaplain