CKD Flashcards
Common Causes of CKD
Diabetic Nephropathy
CKD risk factors
Small gestational birth weight
Childhood obesity
Autoimmune disease
Advanced age
Family Hx
Protein urea
Structural abnormalities
What is uremia and why does it occur in CKD
Build up of BUN, unable to be filtered by the kidneys
What are complications of uremia and what is the treatment
Abnormal metabolism
Na disturbances in CKD and treatment
If refractory to diuretics use HD
What potassium disturbances occur in CKD and how do you treat it
Hyperkalemia occurs d/t inability to filter
May need dialysis
What happens to calcium and phos in CKD and how do we treat
Calcium: Typically low but can be high. Decrease in Vit D and increase in bone turnover. Osteomalacia. If high can lead to CAlciphylaxis which causes calcification of calcium in blood vessels leading to blockages an ischemia.
Phosphorus: Typically high but can be low.
What is the common metabolic disturbance in CKD and how is it managed
Metabolic acidosis which can progress to a gapped acidosis. Occurs d/t the retention of potassium and others cations.
Management: Bicarb, avoid high protein catabolism, watch Na loading
What are CV complications of CKD
CHF, HTN, Anemia, Pericardial disease, death
What is the strongest risk factor for CKD CV M &M
What are CV complications of CKD on HD
Hypovolemia and hypotension can aggravate ischemia causing myocardial stunning, elevated Troponins (poor prognostic)
What does CKD and an absence of HTN indicate
Decompensated LVH
What are two examples of high CO states in CKD
AV fistula
What are hallmarks of pericardial disease in CKD
ST elevation, PR depression, Friction rub, chest pain
What kind of anemia occurs in CKD and why?
Normocytic, normochormic
Lack of EPO production