CJS 241 Entire Course New Flashcards
UOP CJS 241 Entire Course (2 Set) NEW
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This Tutorial contains 2 Papers/PPT for each Assignment
CJS 241 Week 1 Individual Assignment Police History Paper (2 Papers) NEW
CJS 241 Week 2 Individual Assignment Police Department Roles and Functions Paper (2 Papers) NEW
CJS 241 Week 2 Team Assignment Police Department Organization Presentation (2 PPT) NEW
CJS 241 Week 3 Individual Assignment Officer Recruitment and Selection Assignment (2 Papers/PPT) NEW
CJS 241 Week 3 Team Assignment Policing Culture Paper (2 Papers) NEW
CJS 241 Week 4 Individual Assignment Unethical Police Operations Paper (2 Papers) NEW
CJS 241 Week 4 Team Assignment Police Operations Handout (2 Papers) NEW
CJS 241 Week 5 Individual Assignment Critical Issues in Policing Paper (2 Papers) NEW
CJS 241 Week 5 Team Assignment Future of Policing Proposal Presentation (2 PPT) NEW
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UOP CJS 241 Week 1 Individual Assignment Police History Paper (2 Papers) NEW
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This Tutorial contains 2 Papers
Resource: Reference and Citation Examples
Complete the following CJi Interactive activities:
Ch. 5: The Police: History, Structure, and Functions > Learning Modules > History and Professionalism of the Police
Ch. 5: The Police: History, Structure, and Functions > Learning Modules > Modern American Policing Eras
Ch. 5: The Police: History, Structure, and Functions > Myths & Issues Videos > Issue 2: Who do the Police Represent?
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper describing the history of police. Include the following in your paper:
Describe the impact of Sir Robert Peel on American policing.
Analyze the relationship between the U.S. government and the policing organizations throughout the United States.
Explain how this relationship may affect police practices.
Include information learned from the CJi Interactive activities in your paper.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
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UOP CJS 241 Week 2 Individual Assignment Police Department Roles and Functions Paper (2 Papers) NEW
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This Tutorial contains 2 Papers
Complete the following CJi Interactive activity:
Ch. 5: The Police: History, Structure, and Functions > Learning Modules > Police Roles and Functions
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you address police department roles and functions. Include the following in your paper:
Identify the principal roles and functions of police organizations and their role as it applies to the law.
Describe various types of police agencies at the local, state, and federal level and the roles and functions of each.
Explain the role and function of patrol work.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
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UOP CJS 241 Week 3 Individual Assignment Officer Recruitment and Selection Assignment (2 Papers/PPT) NEW
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This Tutorial contains 2 Papers/PPT
For this Assignment , you will choose from the following options:
Option 1: Paper
Option 2: Brochure
Option 3: Presentation
Read the instructions in the University of Material: Officer Recruitment and Selection Assignment located on the student website and select one option to complete the Assignment .
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UOP CJS 241 Week 3 Team Assignment Policing Culture Paper (2 Papers) NEW
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This Tutorial contains 2 Papers
Complete the following CJi Interactive activity:
Ch. 5: The Police: History, Structure, and Functions > Myths & Issues Videos > Issue 1: Women and Minorities in Law Enforcement
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper describing police culture in the United States. Include the following in your paper:
Analyze police culture, including the significance of stress in policing
Analyze the culture for women and ethnic minorities in policing and how they can achieve equality in law enforcement
Describe the internal and external mechanisms that control police discretion
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
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UOP CJS 241 Week 4 Individual Assignment Unethical Police Operations Paper (2 Papers) NEW
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This Tutorial contains 2 Papers
Resource: Reference and Citation Examples.
Complete the following CJi Interactive:
Ch. 7: The Police: Issues and Challenges > Learning Modules > Ethics and Corruption
Ch. 7: The Police: Issues and Challenges > Myths & Issues Videos > Issue 2: Police Ethics and Corruption
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper on police corruption, police misconduct, and police brutality.Include the following in your paper:
Describe the extent of police corruption, misconduct, and brutality in the United States.
Research two current cases within the last 10 years: one case on police corruption and misconduct and one case on police brutality.
Describe the details of the cases.
Explain the outcomes of the cases. Did you agree with the outcomes? Why or why not?
Include information learned from the CJi Interactive activities in your paper.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
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UOP CJS 241 Week 4 Individual Assignment Unethical Police Operations Paper (2 Papers) NEW
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This Tutorial contains 2 Papers
Resource: Reference and Citation Examples.
Complete the following CJi Interactive:
Ch. 7: The Police: Issues and Challenges > Learning Modules > Ethics and Corruption
Ch. 7: The Police: Issues and Challenges > Myths & Issues Videos > Issue 2: Police Ethics and Corruption
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper on police corruption, police misconduct, and police brutality.Include the following in your paper:
Describe the extent of police corruption, misconduct, and brutality in the United States.
Research two current cases within the last 10 years: one case on police corruption and misconduct and one case on police brutality.
Describe the details of the cases.
Explain the outcomes of the cases. Did you agree with the outcomes? Why or why not?
Include information learned from the CJi Interactive activities in your paper.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
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UOP CJS 241 Week 4 Team Assignment Police Operations Handout (2 Papers) NEW
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This Tutorial contains 2 Papers
Resource: Reference and Citation Examples located on the student website
Complete the following CJi Interactive activities located on the student website:
Ch. 6: The Police and Constitution > Learning Modules > The Fourth Amendment
Ch. 6: The Police and Constitution > Learning Modules > Search and Arrest Warrants
Ch. 6: The Police and Constitution > Learning Modules > Warrantless Searches
Ch. 6: The Police and Constitution > Myths & Issues Videos > Myth v. Reality: The Miranda Warnings have to be Read Immediately Upon Arrest
Ch. 6: The Police and Constitution > Myths & Issues Videos > Issue 2: Exceptions to the Exclusionary Rule
Ch. 6: The Police and Constitution > Simulation > Warrants and Searches
Imagine that you are police officer trainers. As trainers, you are asked to create a handout for new recruits about the role of police as it pertains to the constitution.
Create a 2-page handout that includes the following:
Describe the functions of a police agency as it pertains to the constitution.
Explain the role of police and the community.
Identify how police protect citizens’ constitutional rights.
Identify different types of searches and interrogation practices.
Explain probable cause and how it affects police officers and police.
Include images or graphics, if desired.
Include information learned from the CJiInteractive activities in your paper.
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UOP CJS 241 Week 5 Individual Assignment Critical Issues in Policing Paper (2 Papers) NEW
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This Tutorial contains 2 Papers
Resource: Reference and Citation Examples
Complete the following CJi Interactive activities:
Ch. 6: The Police and Constitution > Myths & Issues Videos > Issue 1: The Loss of Some Personal Liberty as a Result of the Patriot Act may Actually Protect Liberty
Ch. 7: The Police: Issues and Challenges > Learning Modules > Types of Force
Ch. 7: The Police: Issues and Challenges > Learning Modules > Police Liability
Ch. 7: The Police: Issues and Challenges > Myths & Issues Videos > Myth v. Reality: Police Often have to Confront Dangerous Situations with Deadly Force
Ch. 7: The Police: Issues and Challenges > Myths & Issues Videos > Issue 1: Profiling
Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper explaining critical issues in policing. Address the following key aspects of policing activities and operations:
Dangers of policing
Less-than-lethal weapons
Technology used in policing
Issues of homeland security and law enforcement relationships
One additional critical issue in policing that is of interest to you
Explain the issue.
Explain how the issue is relevant to this paper.
Include information learned from the CJi Interactive activities in your paper.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
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UOP CJS 241 Week 5 Team Assignment Future of Policing Proposal Presentation (2 PPT) NEW
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This Tutorial contains 2 PPT
Research the future of policing and find two future trends in policing of interest to the Team Assignment . Examples include the following:
Augmented reality technology
Radio Frequency Identification systems
Autonomous vehicles
Wearable computers
Predictive policing
Drone technology and aerial surveillance
GPS tracking (geo tracking and metadata devices)
Locate at least two articles on each trend.
Create a PowerPoint-presentation for implementing the two trends at an agency. Include the following in your proposal:
Describe the trends.
Explain the pros and cons of implementing the trends.
Provide examples of how the trends are implemented at other agencies.
Format your proposal consistent with APA guidelines.
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UOP MHA 610 Week 6 Discussion Health and Nutritional Status NEW
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Health and Nutritional Status
Since 1971, the National Center for Health Statistics had been assessing the health and nutritional status of both children and adults in the United States, through periodic National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey (NHANES) surveys. These surveys are an invaluable resource to epidemiological and public health research; the surveys can be used to determine the prevalence of major diseases and risk factors, to assess nutrition and health promotion, and to guide public health policy.
All initial and peer postings should be at least 250-500 words in APA format supported by scholarly sources.
In 2012, the NHANES National Youth Fitness Survey (NNYFS) was conducted in conjunction with NHANES to obtain physical activity and fitness levels of U.S. youths aged 3 through 15. Initial data from the NNYFS were released in 2013 and serve as the basis for this discussion problem.
Begin by downloading the Excel file MHA610_Week 6_Discussion_NNYFS_workingdata.xls. This workbook was created by merging two datasets from the NNYFS: the demographic variables dataset, and the body measures dataset. For the purposes of this discussion, many variables were eliminated from the original datasets, as well as observations with missing data on height and weight. The Excel workbook thus consists of one worksheet, with 1576 rows (the first row contains headers, and the next 1575 rows are observed values for the participants), and 11 columns of variables. The columns in the Excel file are the following:
SEQN the respondent sequence number (index for all the files)
RIAGENDR gender of the participant, 1 = male, 2 = female
RIDRETH1 race/Hispanic origin:
1 = Mexican American
2 = other Hispanic
3 = non-Hispanic white
4 = non-Hispanic black
5 = other
RIDEXAGY age in years at time of physical exam
INDHHIN2 annual household income, categorized
INDFMIN2 annual family income, categorized
INDFMPIR ratio of family income to poverty, 0 to 5
BMXWT weight, in kg
BMXHT height, in cm
BMXBMI body mass index (kg/m^2)
BMDBMIC BMI category:
1 = underweight
2 = normal weight
3 = overweight
4 = obese
. = missing
More detailed descriptions of these variables are given at the data documentation web pages for the NNYFS, at http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nnyfs/Y_DEMO.htm and at http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nnyfs/Y_BMX.htm.
For purposes of this discussion, you are asked to answer the three following questions:
• Does BMI vary significantly between boys and girls?
• Does BMI vary significantly among the racial/ethnic groups?
• Is there any trend to BMI with age?
There are several ways to address these questions. For example, you might take BMXBMI as your outcome variable of interest: it is continuous, so you could then perform a two-sample t test for (1), a one way analysis of variance for (2), and a simple regression analysis (with age as the predictor variable) for (3).
Alternatively, you might reduce the problem to consideration of binomial probabilities: for example, you could classify everyone as obese or not obese (or maybe, overweight/obese vs underweight/normal), then compare binomial outcomes for (1) and (2) (z tests with the normal approximation or contingency tables), and conduct a t test on ages for (3).
Neither approach is wrong—the key is interpreting your findings!
If you prefer to do the analyses in Stat disk, there is a file, MHA610_Week 6_Discussion_NNYFS_workingdata.csv, ready to be read into Stat disk. (It’s the original Excel workbook, saved as csv.) No need to go through any additional steps, unless you wish to restructure the data in Excel.
Incidentally, the income variables are not needed for these questions, but as a bonus, you might want to investigate whether obesity is related to socioeconomic status (as reflected by family income).
Guided Response: Respond to at least two of your peers who chose a different of analysis that you by Day 7, 11:59PM. Did you arrive at the same conclusions as your colleague even though you chose different methods? If so, which method do you think is preferable and why? If not, which method do you believe produces more credible results and why? (You might consult the text to support your argument.). All initial and peer postings should be at least 250-500 words in APA format supported by scholarly sources.
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