Civili Society Protests Flashcards
What does NAACP stand for?
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
What does SCLC stand for?
Southern Christian Leadership Conference.
What does CORE stand for?
Congress Of Racial Equality.
What does SNCC stand for?
Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee.
What do BPM and BPP stand for?
Black power movement and black panther party.
Explain the Little rock Arkansas incident.
In 1954 a court ruled that the segregated education was not constitutional.
In 1957 the little rock board of education admitted nine Afro Americans to the central high school in Little Rock Arkansas they were known as the little rock nine
White mobs protested and prevented the black students from entering. The Afro American students narrowly escaped physical harm.
The police did little to protect them.
After 10 days President Eisenhower intervened and a national troops were sent to protect the students and ensure compliance with federal ruling of the segregation of public schools.
Under the protection of the troops the students completed the year the following year all the schools in little rock were closed and the scholars had to take correspondence courses.
What significant civil rights event occurred in 1955?
The Buss boycott in Montgomery Alabama. Aimed at desegregating busses and largely involved Rosa Parks and MLK. Resulted in bus segregation being deemed unconstitutional.
What significant crm thing happened in 1960.
The sit ins in Woolworths, greensboro NC. Black students sat in at the restaurant and ate their food. Aimed to protest agains white only facilities in stores. This was very successful and nationwide the lunch counters were desegregated.
What significant CrM thing happened in 1961?
The congress of racial equality wanted busses and bus stations to be desegregated, local response was hostile amd the kkk set several busses alight.
What significant crm thing happened in 1963?
In April kf 1963 there was a march in birmingham Alabama in which which leaders of the SCLC including MLK went to protest. They wanted desegregated facilities and improved job opportunities for black people. Violent reactions, MLK arrested and general police brutality. Got lots of exposure.
What crm thing happened in August of 1963?
Washington march at Lincoln memorial. I have a dream soeech was guven. Very successful, large media coverage. Nobel leave prize. Increased sympathy for crm
What significant crm thing happened in March 1965?
Selma montgomery Alabama march. MLK lead the demonstrations. Aimed at protesting against delays in registering black voters as well as to draw attention to the persecution of black people in Alabama. Was called Bloody Sunday one of the three times it happened due to its violent response from white folk
List some short term gains of the crm.
In 1963 JFK proposed the civil rights bill.
Discrimination on interstate busses was abolished.
July 2nd 1963 president LB signed the Civil Rights act and congress passed this act in 1964
Vkting rights act and education act both passed in 1965
Reasons black power movement?
Promote black solidarity. Develop black self esteem and pride in being black. Defend b,ack rights and fight against oppression of other blacks.
Reject the term Negro in favor of black. Challenge white supremacy and racial discrimination.
Describe Malcolm X
Born as malcolm little. Was a part of the nation of islam u til he rebuked them and was later assassinated by gy two if it’s members. Wanted to fight against white supremacy, nkt have peaceful protests. Nkt willing to work with whites. Later changed his view to cooperate with white folk. He inspired black people and appeared on TV. He emphasized the importance of black culture and pride.
Describe Stokely Carmichael.
Admired Malcom x. First person to use the term black power. Emphasized racial pride “black is beautiful”. Believed that non-violence was not effective. Wasn’t willing to work with whites and thus criticized the CRM. His ideas were rejected by the NAACP and SCLC as black racism. Chairman of SNCC involved in march against fear. Left the SNCC and joined the black panthers.
Talk about the black panther party for self defense.
1966 to 1982.
Believed in socialist ideas and adopted Mao Zedong’s revolutionary teachings. They were self defending. Wanted socialism without racism. Aimed to protect communities from racism and police brutality.