Civil War Review. Flashcards
Who did lee and grant both serve under in the Mexican war?
Winfield Scott
Who was the superintendent at West Point?
Robert E. Lee
What person captured John brown t harpers ferry?
Robert E.Lee
Who hated the discipline of the military
Ulysses S. Grant
Who was the president of the confederacy
Jefferson Davis
What politician had no formal education
Who was lee’ stop assistant ?
Thomas Jackson
Who was in charge of the confederate Calvary?
James brown Stuart
Who was I charge of the confederate artillery?
James Longstreet
Who was in charge of the guerrilla warfare?
John mosby
What were states called thy stayed in the union,but still had slavery?
Border states
What was the important railroad center between Richmond and Washington D.C.?
At which battle were there spectators?
1st Battle of Bull run
At what battle did Jackson earn his nickname ?
1st battle of bull run
What tactics were used early in the war?
Napoleonic tactics
Name the 3 part Union strategy for victory :
- Blockade all southern ports
- Take Richmond ASAP
- Take control of Mississippi and Tennessee river
What Union general won a series of battles out west?
What battle was named after a church?
Battle of Shiloh
What Union general was slow and cautious ?
George mcCellan
What was the name of the Union ironclad?
U.S.S. Monitor
What was the name of the confederate ironclad?
C.S.S Merrimack
What was the name of the 1st submarine to ever sink a ship?
H.L Huntley
At what battle did Lee lose his battle plans?
Battle of Antietam
What battle was the 12 bloodiest hours in U.S history?
Battle of Antietam
What general wanted to build a pontoon bridge at Fredericksburg?
Who was killed at Chancellorsville?
Who was the Union general at Gettysburg?
Why did the confederacy go to Gettysburg?
Lees army needed shoes
Who led the famous charge at Gettysburg?
George Pickett
What document declared that all slaves in the south should be free?
Why battle was the turning point of the war?
Battle of Gettysburg
Where did grant cutoff all supplies and starve civilians?
Where did the Massachusetts 54th lead the attack?
What word means “river of death”?
What Union general lead a march through Georgia?
What was the name of the famous confederate POW camp?
Where did the confederacy finnaly surrender?
Appomattox court house
In what building was Lincoln assassinated?
Fords theatre
Who assassinated Lincoln?
John booth
What was the name of lincolns famous speech?
Gettysburg address
What amendment banned slavery?
The 13th
What was used to direct artillery fire?
Hot air balloons
Who was the secretary of war under pierce?
Jefferson Davis