Civil War Flashcards
Location of farms, factories, cities, railroads, banks, etc.
More on the Northern side of the nation
Southern Economy
Depended on the North to make cotton into cloth, they grew food but not a lot of it, couldn’t make The Confederate States of America
Lifestyle of free African Americans
Weren’t treated well, deprived of many rights because of black codes and Jim Crow laws
Kansas 1854
“Bleeding Kansas” because people were moving there to vote for slavery and it got violent
Stephen Douglas’s view on slavery
He was a campaigner for states’ rights
Dred Scott case
He was an enslaved African-American from Missouri his owner had taken him to Illinois a Free state then to Wisconsin, a free territory, then back to Missouri, a slave state. Then Scott’s owner died Scott went to court claiming he was a free man because he had lived in a free state Scott’s case reach the United States Supreme Court the 1857 decision was that Scott had no rights because he was not a citizen of United States many Americans were outraged. The decision was written by Chief Justice Roger Taney.
North Advantages
Had factories, which the South depended on and railroads to get them places quicker, and they managed their money better. Had more money more supplies and more railroads
South Advantages
They were fighting on their turf, and, for some time, had an ally, they had generals from The Mexican war, had a history of producing generals. They were familiar with weapons
Effect of newer weapons
It became a bloodier war
Johnson’s Reconstruction Plan
Adding amendments 13-15, having all states pledge about free African Americans, readmitting the former Confederate states, and using black codes.
Lifestyle of Southerners
A rural way, with a lot of farms and not a lot of factories or railroads
Lifestyle of Northerners
Urban, a lot of places to work, many railroads, factories, and farms
Norths point of view on slavery
Want to abolish it
Methods of resisting slavery
Refusing the owner Not doing work Working slowly Pretended to be sick Broke tools Learning to read and to write
Lincoln’s view on slavery
Spoke of the end of slavery
Reasons for secession
They thought the North was preserving their way of life and Lincoln was elected president
North and South reasons for fighting the war
North wanted to preserve the Union, and abolish slavery. The South wanted independence and keep slavery
War strategies for the North
The anaconda plan, total war, used by General Sherman
Southern plan for fighting the war
March in rows, like British soldiers. They only had to defend their territory until the Northerners got tired and gave up they also believed that there nothing to gain from victory and would not be willing to fight long they assumed that are soldiers would fight more fiercely for their land and their way of life
Soldier lifestyle
Many were unhappy, not given enough food, and were fighting to stay alive. They hated the sights of the battlefield. They sweated in the summer and were chilly in the winter. Many died of diseases.
Women’s part in the war
They worked as nurses and spies, some dressed up as men to go off to battle
African Americans part in the war
Free African Americans were at some places allowed to fight, they mainly fought for the union, and were mostly discriminated, but proved their place. They were only first allowed to join the union army in 1862. They received the less pay. They had to buy their uniforms
Reconstruction acts
Johnson plan, and Freedmen’s Bureau amendments 13-15
Nat Turner Rebellion
August 1831, killed about 60 whites in Southampton County, Virginia. U.S. and virginia troops were called to stop them. The soldiers killed more than 100 African Americans before the rebellion was ended. Turner escaped but was later captured. He was hanged on November 11, 1831
The rebellion of Joseph Cinque
In 1839 a group of 53 captive africans seized control of the amistad a Spanish slave ship carrying them from one point to another in Cuba. They were led by farmer from west Africa who became known as Joseph cinque. After taking control of the ship the Africans told a Spanish sailor to sail them back to Africa but the Spaniard tricked them and instead of sailed the amistad north along the coast of the US US Navy captured the Onsted near Long Island New York the Africans were taken as prisoners to New Haven Connecticut at first the US planned to return the ship and Africans to the Spanish abolitionist and northern newspapers printed articles against this plan in support of Africans. With the help the Africans fight for freedom eventually came before the supreme court their former President John Quincy Adams presented the Africans case he argued that the Africans were not property but human beings and should not be returned to Spain. On March 9, 1841 the Supreme Court reached its decision it agreed with Adams and freed the Africans all 35 of the Africans who survived the rebellion sailed back to Africa later that year
John Brown
Lead attacks on proslavery people in Kansas made plans to attack slave owners in Virginia to carry out his plan brown needed weapons he planned to steal them from the armies arsenal at Harpers Ferry Virginia now West Virginia. On October 16 brown and 21 other men black-and-white started the raid but federal and state soldier stopped them killing some of the Raiders Brown was taken prisoner and after being found guilty and sentenced to death he was hanged but his actions show that the struggle over slavery was growing compromise was becoming harder to find.
Pickett’s Charge
The confederates walked through protected union ground, and a lot were killed and wounded in the battle of Gettysburg
Sherman’s march to the sea
General William T Sherman and his Union soldiers burnt down and almost an entire city and causing more than $100 million in loss
Who made the anaconda plan?
Winfield Scott
Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson
He told his Confederate soldiers to not to retreat during the first battle of Bull Run
Matthew Brady
Photographer during the Civil War
William Carney
During the attack on Fort Wagner he was a sergeant and he was seriously wounded but never dropped the 54th Regiment for colored flag
Belle Boyd
Was a spy for the Confederacy and kept spying even after six arrests
Clara Barton
Nursed wounded Union soldiers and created the red cross foundation for America
Hiram R. revels
Elected state senator. One of the first colored senators
Blanche K. Bruce
Elected one of the first colored State Senator
Who was called the great compromiser
Henry clay, a senator
Daniel Webster
Spoke in favor of the compromise of 1850
Which state seceded first
South Carolina
Why was the first battle of Bull Run started
Lincoln sent 35,000 troops to invade Richmond Virginia, the capital of the Confederacy, on the way the met confederate troops near a small stream call Bull Run near the town of Manassas Junction Virginia
What battle was the colored regiment involved in
Battle of Fort Wagner