Civil war 1642-1651 Flashcards
Who was ruler at the time?
Charles I
Who many years did Charles rule without parliament?
11 years
What were the religious causes the the civil war?
religious radical, anti-catholics, Charles was married to a catholic
How did parliament contribute to the causes of the civil war?
John Hampden and John Phyme encouraged people to rise up against the king, they also ridiculed Charles
What did Laud do to anger anti-catholics?
published a new prayer book
When was the new prayer book imposed causing the Scottish to rebel?
What did the ‘milita bill’ do and when was it passed
1940, gave parliament control of the army
When was the ‘Tliennial bill’ passed and what did it do?
1940, ensured parliament meets every 3 years
What was the ‘Grand remonstrance’ and when was it published
1941, parliament ridiculed Charles
When did the civil war start?
When did the civil war end?
When were the putney debates?
What did the diggers want?
they wanted land to be owned by a community not a indervidial
What were the levellers religous demands?
abolition of church tithes
What were the levellers demands to do with voting?
unerversual suffrage for men
What were some leveller demands?
right for women to take part in politics, free speech, secret ballots, no conscription
What military tactic allowed parliament to win?
the new model army
When was Charles executed?
january 1649