Civil War Flashcards
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Industrial North
Had more then twice as many miles of railroad lines as the confederacy
Manufacturing iron and steel was important to union and confederacy, majority of factories were in the union.
Union was able to produce more more rifles, cannons, railroad tracks and other material the army needed for war
Agricultural South
Grew abundant cotton which could be sold to help cover Confederate war expenses
Supllied most of the worlds cotton
Cotton Gin
A machine for seperating cotton from its seeds made by Eli Whitney before the Civil war. It allowed slaves to pick over 50 pounds of cotton pe
Railroads were very common in the North and were used in the Civil war by Abraham Lincoln to transpiport supplies to soldiers. Railroads were very scarce in the south so they had a disadvantage
The North side of the civil war lead by abraham lincoln. They fought for slavery to be abolished and they had more people. The North also was very industrial and had a lot more railroads and factories. They eventually won the civil war and slavery was abolished
Emancipation Proclamation
5 page document written by Abraham Lincoln that states were “thenceforward, and forever free”
Formally issued on January 1, 1863
Did not apply to slaves in the union’s slave-holding border states of Maryland, Missouri, Kentucky, Delaware or West Virginia.
After this about 500,000 African Americans emancipated themselves by escaping.
The southern part of the US. They were lead by Jefferson Davis and fought to keep slavery. Even after early victories, due to their lack of organization they lost the war.
Anaconda Plan
military strategy proposed by Union General Winfield Scott early in the American Civil War. The plan called for a naval blockade of the Confederate littoral, a thrust down the Mississippi, and the strangulation of the South by Union land and naval forces
Bull Run
first major battle of the American Civil War. The battle was fought on July 21, 1861, in Prince William County, Virginia, just north of what is now the city of Manassas and about thirty miles west-southwest of Washington, D.C. The Union Army was slow in positioning themselves, allowing Confederate reinforcements time to arrive by rail. Each side had about 18,000 poorly trained and poorly led troops. The battle was a Confederate victory and was followed by a disorganized post-battle retreat of the Union forces.
the deadliest one-day battle in American military history, showed that the Union could stand against the Confederate army in the Eastern theater desperation. Battle started september 17th 1862 and lasted 1 day. Considered a draw. Geroge Mclellan commanded the Union and Robert e lee commaned the confederates
The Battle of Vicksburg was a decisive Union victory during the American Civil War that divided the Confederacy and cemented the reputation of Union General Ulysses S. Grant. The 47-day Siege of Vicksburg eventually gave control of the Mississippi River—a critical supply line—to the Union, and was part of the Union’s successful Anaconda Plan to cut off all trade to the Confederacy. Ended on July 4th 1863
Fought July 1-3 1863 in gettysburg pensylvania. The union general was Geroge Meade and the Confederate general was Robert E Lee. Major turning point of the civil war as the union won the battle because Lee got overconfidant and Ewell did not take the hill.
Civil War Technology
Clara Barton
a philanthropist and nurse who led the nursing effort during the civil war
Collected and delivered medical supplies, clothing and food for Union soldiers throughout the war.
Helped wounded Union soldiers and the Confederate prisoners they captured
Border States
The border states were slave states and consisted of Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, and West Virginia. Geographically, these states separated the North from the South during the Civil War.
Gettysburg Address
Delivered by President Lincoln on Nov 19, 1863 to commemorate the loss of so many men and to dedicate a military cemetery there.Throughout the speech Lincoln referred to the Declaration of Independence directly and to its ideas. His address reinforced the Declaration’s principle of equality and freedom for which the war ws fought and for which so many died.
Appotomax Courthouse
The Appomattox Court House cultural landscape marks the beginning of the country’s transition to peace and reunification following four years of Civil War. This is the site of General Robert E. Lee’s surrender to Lt. General Ulysses S. Grant in April, 1865
Civil War Medicine Advanvacements
discovery of Bromine, treated bacteria that caused gangrene - as a result gangrene becomes rare
Anesthesia was first used during the civil war
tSouth Carolina
First state to secede from the union in December, 1860.
One of the founding members of the confederacy in February, 1861
Had well developed rail network linking all its major cities
edFort Sumter
Claimed by the confederates
Located in Charleston, South Carolina
On April 11, 1861 Confedrate leaders demanded that the Union troops evacuate- Lincoln and Anderson refused and the next day confederate forces began bombarding the fort from all sides. The shelling lasted for 34 hours - this started the civil war
Dred Scott
sued for his freedom on the grounds that his master had taken him to live in the free state of Illinois and in the Wisconsin Territory where slavery was prohibited.
Decision was made by the Supreme Court in March 1857 that Scott should remain a slave
In explaining the ruling Chief Justice Roger Taney said members of the negro African race were not US citizens and did not have the right to bring a lawsuit to a federal court
HE also said since slaves were personal property then Congress never had the authority to restrict slavery - this made the Missouri Compromise of 1820 Unconstitutional.
This caused outrage in the North
Fugitive Slave Act
One of the most controversial parts of the Compromise of 1850
Strengthened an earlier Fugitive Slave act from 1793 enforcing greater penalties for runaway slaves and those who helped them
Federal Marshals could force ordinary citizens to help capture runaway slaves.
Anyone who helped a slave faced penalties
Law denied accused fugitives a trial by jury
Abraham Lincoln
President of the US during the civil war. Was assasinated. Famously known for the Gettysburg adress and aboloshig slavery
Stonewall Jackson
Famous southern general, got his nickname at the battle of bull run during the civil war because he held his position so well.
Lowell MIlls
19th century textile mills in Lowell Massachustes before the civil war
US Grant
Union General who led army to victory in the civil war. Eventuall became president. Made Lee surrender his army at Apptoma Courthouse
George McClellan
Union general who lead the army through antietam for a draw against the south.
Robert E Lee
Confederate general who was considered to be a military genius. He won a lot of battles early in the civil war but his greateast mistake was underestimating the union and becoming over confident which cost him the battle of gettysburg.
Charles Sumner
A,merican laywer and politician for Massachustes during the civil war. Attacked and caned for critizcizing slave holders.
John Brown
a prominent leader in the American abolitionist movement in the decades preceding the Civil War. First reaching national prominence in the 1850s for his radical abolitionism and fighting in Bleeding Kansas, Brown was captured, tried, and executed by the Commonwealth of Virginia for a raid and incitement of a slave rebellion at Harpers Ferry in 1859.
Stephen A Douglas
Abraham Lincolns rival for president. Supported slavery and was nominated for 1860 president election but lost to Lincoln . Also came up with the kansas nebraska act.
The South did this, starting with South Carloina and eventually become their own nation because of their different view on slavery
Republican Party
Abrahm Lincoln was a prominet figure in the Rebublican Party. The REpublicans belived that slavery should not be allowed
Henry Clay
Repersented Kentucky and known as the great comprimiser. Came up with the comprimise of 1850 and proposed 8 resolutions to settle dispute over terriotes won in the Mexican War
Harriet Tubman
Former slave, helped lead the underground railroad. She was a union scout, spy and nurse. She helped hundreds of slaves escape and led them to a free life in the North
Fredrick Douglas
Escaped from slavery in Maryland and become a national leader of an abolotionist group. He is famous for his writing and was one of the only slaves that knew how to read or write
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
An abolitionist novel written by Harriet Beecher Stowe. It showed many people the hororrs of slavery and showed the unfairness of the Fugitive Slave Clause
Jefferson Davis
Veteran of the Mexican war and president of the Confederate states in the civil war
Popular Sovereignty
First promoted in the 1840s, argued that in a democracy, residents of a territory, and not the federal government, should be allowed to deicde on slavery within their borders
Kansas-Nebraska Act
An act that repealed the missouri comprimise, created 2 territories and allowed for popular soverignity