Civil Society Flashcards
Evolution of corporations as citizens
Philanthropy to aligned philanthropy to sustainability
In some civil law jurisdictions in the West, stakeholder theory has a prominent role and in some, it is part of national law.
Stakeholder groups
Customers, competitors, creditors, distributors, employees (and their families), government agencies, media, communities, civil society orgs, shareholders
Evolution of Advocacy
-From external critic to potential partner
- from uninformed outsiders criticizing corporations based on ethical arguments to ‘inside’ speaking the language of business
Types, tactics, and targets
Environmental space evolution was slow
IUCN was founded in 1948, WWF in 1961, EDF in 1967, NRDC in 1970, Greenpeace in 1971
Followed by a proliferation of environmental organizations. IUCN has 1300 member organizations, 90 state members, and some 130 government agencies
No agreed taxonomy of civil society organizations but from practitioner point of view:
- business origin (WBCSD)
- campaigning/activist (Greenpeace)
- partner with business (EDF)
- do project work on the ground (WCS)
- mixed approach (WWF)