Civil Rights under Truman Flashcards
Significance of Phillip Randolph
Led CORE from its creation in 1942
He successfully used his influence to make FDR pass the FEPC and Truman to desegregate the military.
He also co-organised the 1963 March on Washington and was the first speaker there.
Fair Employment Practices Committee
Established to help enforce order in the workforce on 25 June 1941
What were the Jim Crow laws?
Established from 1876- 1965 at the state or local level which made it illegal for black people to share the same facilities as white people
What Supreme court case allowed ‘separate but equal’ ?
1896 Plessy vs. Ferguson case that states can provide separate but equal facilities. In reality, black people’s facilities were inferior.
Typical African American in the South
Worked in menial jobs or agricultural occupations roles while always closely watched by the white population.
When was the Nation of Islam established?
Established in 1930
Belief of the Nation of Islam?
From 1934 it was led by Elijah Muhammed.
Its doctrines included that the first man was black and that white men had been created by an evil scientist Yakub.
The Movement also preached ‘self-reliance’ and ‘self-respect’ encouraging black people to reject drinking to drugs and to only shop at black-owned shops.
After the death of Malcolm X, the movement declined in 1965 but the organization was still running
How did prejudice exist in the North?
Segregated through economic segregation, social pressure, and ghettoization.
How many AA lived outside the South in 1900? Why did it increase in the 1940s and 50s
Only 8 % of AA Americans lived outside the South. But after the Great Migration in the 1940s 1.4 million AA left the South and in the 1950s a further 1.1 million left.
Why did the Great Migration occur?
Fear of the revived Ku Klux Klan
The mechanization of agriculture
The creation of huge numbers of factory jobs in the North
Malcom X
He joined the Nation of Islam in 1948 during his time in prison due to a robbery for 10 years ( justice system was harsher to AA)
Appearance in a TV documentary THE hate that hate produced in 1959 where he espoused a confrontational attitude towards white people
He was assassinated in 1965 after he broke away from the Nation of Islam.
Black Sportsman and Artists
Jackie Robinson became the first baseball player in Major League Baseball in 1947 and was awarded MVP in 1949
Joe Louis was held world heavy boxing weight champion for 12 years by 1949
Billie Holiday
How did black political power grow after the migration?
Back population in the North increased while white populations decreased because they were moving to the suburbs therefore there was a higher black population all in close proximity which led to the creation of
NAACP 1909 Baltimore
CORE Chicago 1942
Nation of Islam Detroit 1930
All these groups were formed in the North
Adam Clayton Powell
He was a key African American spokesman in the North
What was the ‘Journey of Reconciliation’ ?
On 10 April 1947 CORE organized a group of 8 white people and 8 black men to go on a two-week bus trip through Virginia North Carolina Tennessee and Kentucky to end Segregation on interstate travel. The group was arrested and jailed but succeeded in generating substantial media interest in the issue of desegregation.
What was the most successful civil rights group during Truman and why?
They had a tactic of seeking to challenge segregation through the courts.
Established the Legal Defense Fund in 1939 to raise money for cases which would challenge the principle of Plessy v Ferguson. So they could hire the best Black Lawyers such as Robert Carter and Thurgood Marshall
Thurgood Marshall, what case?
NAACP Lawyer who won a series of cases
Won Brown vs Board of Education in 1954 which allowed desegregation of schools
From 1944 - 1950 Name a few cases the NAACP won and their purposes
1946- Morgan v Virginia,
Ruled that segregation on interstate buses was illegal
1944- Smith v Allwright,
allowed African Americans in Texas to vote in Primaries.
Why did the public have low expectations for Truman and Civil Rights?
Truman was from Missouri known as a former ‘slave state’ He had. Southern Background
When did Truman give a speech about CR?
In 1940 Sedalia Missouri, while seeking reelection he stated that he believed in the ‘brotherhood’ of Black and White men before the law
What did Truman do for CR?
In 1946 he established ‘The President Committee on Civil Rights’ and told its members that he wanted the Bill of Rights to become a reality.
What report did the PC release and when?
They released ‘ To secure these rights’ in 1947
What speech and when did Truman give it post TSTR?
Gave radical CR speech to congress in February 1948 asking congress to support measures including federal protection against lynching, protection of the right to vote and permanent and better funded FEPC
Opposition to CR by Truman
Dixiecrats were strongly against CR and this caused the narrowness of his election victory later that year as the party was divided by a race issue
Racism and the International Situation
Post WW2 there was a collage of European Empires therefore making more independent African and Asian countries that would have seats in the UN and if racism in America was on going it would tensions between these African states and criticisms form the pervious racist empires.
James Farmer co-founded the Congress of Racial Equality in 1942. The organization aimed at “erasing the color line through methods of direct nonviolent action.” CORE followed the approach used by Gandhi in India’s fight for independence.
NAACP membership Ike
By the time Ike came to power NAACP membership has reached over 1 million
Race Riots in Detroit
1943, 100,000 and 34 deaths
What film was made for AA
Frank Capra made the film The N Solider in 1944 to reduce prejudice