Civil Rights, Korean War, VIetnam War Flashcards
Iron Curtain
Term that described the division between communist and non communist life
Truman Doctrine
U.S will give money to groups fighting Communism/Freedom everywhere
U.S will stop the spread of Communism
Marshall Plan
Created to give aid to countries to rebuild if they won’t trade with the U.S.
Berlin Airlift
U.S sends aid to West Berlin
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Warsaw Pact
Alliance between the USSR and its satellite countries in Eastern Europe
Term used to describe McCarthy’s tactics against Communism
Husband and Wife, Communist, convicted of espionage
United Nations
Set up after League of Nations. Created to enforce peace and stability between countries.
Veto Power
Being able to reject
Korean” Conflict”
Korean War
38th Parallel
Where Korea was divided in half after WW2
Firing of Macarthur
Ignored Truman’s orders and wanted to go into China after Truman wanted a negoitation with China.
1st satellite in space. Surprised the U.S.
U2 Incident
USSR shoots down a U2 and the U.S says it’s a missing weather plane
Pres. Eisenhower
1950’s America
Many Americans now lived far away from the cities
Brown V Board of Education
Supreme Court case in which they ruled schools must desegregate, but at their own convenience
Thurgood Marshall
Lawyer for NAACP, won Brown V Board of ed
Southern Manifesto
All Southern lawyers opposed and would resist Brown V. Board of Education, GA puts confederate symbol on their flag
Rosa parks
Refuses to give up her seat to a white person in Mont. Alabama. Arrested
Montgomery Bus Boycott
Blacks refuse to ride the Bus for a year
civil rights leader, leaded a bunch of bus boycotts. Assasinated
3 day march from Selma Al. to Montgomery Al. Many people were attacked
Freedom Rides
People, both black and white, would make their way in to the south on buses and trains while openly disregarding the segregation the south sought to uphold. Black people would sit in whites only sections and white people would sit in colored only sections.
Non violent protest within restaurants. A group of students would go into a white only restaurants and ask to get served. if they were not served they would move on another place until they were or would stay until closing time. if they were arrested, another group of students would take there place
Freedom Summer
1964: 3 civil rights workers killed in Mississippi. FBI is sent in to investigate.
Medgar Evers
Head of Mississippi NAACP. Main priority to integrate schools and give equal access to everyone. Assassinated in 1963
March on Washington
Organized by MLK to promote Jobs and equality
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Planed many Boycotts and was hugely involved in the Civil Rights movement.
Southern Christian Leadership. Civil Rights group. MLK founder Conference
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
Congress of Racial Equality, civil rights group.
Malcolm X
Dad died when he was young, mom was mentally insane, lived with foster parents, said something rude about Kennedy, went on a pilgram to Mecca
The Nation of Islam
Directed at racial equality for blacks and a self help.
Voting Rights Act
1965, banned racial discrimination for voting
Civil Rights Act
banned racial discrimination
Bay of Pigs
Failed invasion of Cuba. CIA comes up with a plan to remove Castro. Eisenhower approves the plan, but found out about, fails.
gains support from the working class, Socialist.
election of 1960; Kennedy looks better on tv, but he’s shot,
Soviet ruler who disapproved of Kennedy
Cuban Missile Crisis
Castro allows the USSR to place a nuclear missile on Cuban soil. A U2 plane takes pictures of the missile plane under construction
Monroe Doctrine
Dien Bien Phu
was the climactic confrontation of the First Indochina War between the French Union’s French Far East Expeditionary Corps and Viet Minh communist revolutionaries. The battle occurred between March and May 1954 and culminated in a comprehensive French defeat that influenced negotiations over the future of Indochina at Geneva
17th Parallel
Viet Minh
Ho Chi Minh created the Viet Minh to fight the Japanese during WW2, They took the “Fire bases” from the French in the valley of Diem Bien Phu and forced them to leave
Ho Chi Minh
was a Vietnamese Marxist revolutionary leader who was prime minister (1945–1955) and president (1945–1969) of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam). He formed the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and led the Việt cộng during the Vietnam War until his death.
Viet Cong
Rebel group fighting against the South Vietnamese government
North Vietnamese Army. Attack S. Vietnam
The Great Society
LBJ’s proposal for aid to public education, voting rights, conservation and beautification projects, medicare for the elderly
becomes president after Kennedy dies in 1963. Wants to create the Great Society
Robert Kennedy; Says he will end the war; killed in LA,
Tet Offensive
1968 Chinese Lunar New year Biggest Holiday in Vietnam NVA and BC attack every major city and military base in S. Vietnam. VC soldiers enter the grounds of the U.S embassy in Saigon militarily it is a failure for N. Vietnam but it is a huge success from a PR standpoint.
Considered a turning point in the Vietnam war
Operation Rolling Thunder
as the title of a gradual and sustained U.S. 2nd Air Division (later Seventh Air Force), U.S. Navy, and Republic of Vietnam Air Force (VNAF) aerial bombardment campaign conducted against the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam) from March 2nd, 1965 until November 1st, 1968, during the Vietnam War.
Election of 1968
President Johnson goes on T.V to announce he will not seek reelection Robert Kennedy gains support and says he will end the war Kennedy is killed in L.A. a few months before the convention. Democrats nominate V.P Humphrey to run against Richard Nixon. Nixon says he has a secret plan to end the war. Nixon is elected in 1968
When Nixon is elected, he expands the war into Cambodia to try to stop supplies from coming into S. Vietnam on the Ho Chi Minh Trail. War protest grow. Many students take over buildings on college campuses Governor of Ohio calls in the national Guard to restore or
Ho Chi Minh Trail
A supply route used to carry troops and supplies from N. Vietnam to S. Vietnam
kent State
4 unarmed students are killed by the National Guard at Kent State in 1970. U.S begins to negotiate for peace with the N. Vietnamese in Paris.
Nixon’s scandal during his Presidency; he broke into the Democratic office in D.C. Lead to his resignation
Gerald Ford
Proceeded Nixon. Pardoned Nixon for everything
Ngo Dinh Diem
was the first President of South Vietnam (1955–1963)
Gen. Giap
a retired Vietnamese officer in the Vietnam People’s Army and a politician. He was a principal commander in two wars: the First Indochina War (1946–1954) and the Vietnam War (1960–1975)
was a United States ArmyGeneral, who commanded US military operations in the Vietnam War at its peak (1964–68), during the Tet Offensive.
Khe San
The Battle of Khe Sanh was conducted in northwestern Quang Tri Province, Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam), between 21 January and 8 April 1968 during the Vietnam War.
de-militarilzed zone
rmy reupublic of vietnam (south Vietnamese army)
Peace With Honor
was a phrase U.S. President Richard M. Nixon used in a speech on January 23, 1973 to describe the Paris Peace Accord to end the Vietnam War
Agent Orange
is the code name for one of the herbicides and defoliants used by the U.S. military as part of its herbicidal warfare program, Operation Ranch Hand, during the Vietnam War from 1961 to 1971.
Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) was a student activist movement in the United States that was one of the main iconic representations of the country’s New Left.
My Lai
The My Lai Massacre English pronunciation: was the mass murder of 347–504 unarmed citizens in South Vietnam on March 16, 1968, conducted by a unit of the United States Army.
Pentagon Papers
Domino Theory
if Vietnam became Communist all of the Southeast Asia would become Communist.
Jim Crow Laws
nickname given to laws of segregation
Peace With Honor
Nixon’s plan to leave Vietnam
trategic Arms Limitation Treaty Reduced the number of nuclear missiles for the U.S and USSR. Helped reduce problems between the two countries and de-escalated the cold war.
Environmental Protection Agency Government agency set up to limit the massive amount of environmental destruction that was taking place in the U.S. through pollution and poor conservation practices.
The Visit to China
First President to China Secret negotiations take place to see if China would want better relations with the U.S. Nixon visits China and starts an economic relationship that continues today The trip also helps Americans recognize the split between China and the USSR.
Ngo Dinh Diem
was the first President of South Vietnam
Gen Giap
s a retired Vietnamese officer in the Vietnam People’s Army and a politician. He was a principal commander in two wars: the First Indochina War (1946–1954) and the Vietnam War (1960–1975)
Agent Orange
Agent Orange is the code name for one of the herbicides and defoliants used by the U.S. military as part of its herbicidal warfare program, Operation Ranch Hand, during the Vietnam War from 1961 to 1971.
Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) was a student activist movement in the United States that was one of the main iconic representations of the country’s New Left.
My Lai
The My Lai Massacre English pronunciation: was the mass murder of 347–504 unarmed citizens in South Vietnam on March 16, 1968, conducted by a unit of the United States Army.
was a United States ArmyGeneral, who commanded US military operations in the Vietnam War at its peak (1964–68), during the Tet Offensive.
Khe Sanh
The Battle of Khe Sanh was conducted in northwestern Quang Tri Province, Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam), between 21 January and 8 April 1968 during the Vietnam War.
de-militarized zone
army reupublic of vietnam (south vietnaseme army)