Civil rights Flashcards
Who were the KKK
terrorized black people for just about anything
White supremacy
The belief that whites are superior to tother races
Excalamtion prcroamtion
President Lincoln promised to abolish slavery in confederate states
The 13th amendment was passed
13th amendment
passed in congress to abolish slavery
congress passed the 14th amendment
14th amendment
Granted all citizens equal protection under the law
Congress passed the 15th amendment
15th amendment
Granted Black man the right to vote
Jim Crow
he was deemed as slow and stupid, he used blackface and created a stereotype for black people
Mississippi poll tax
to register to vote you had to pay, however, poor people could not afford this
Literacy test
needed to prove that you can answer questions about the state constitution
Which of the following was NOT one the objectives outlined in the Montgomery bus boycott
Desgragtion of Montgomery buses
Did SNCC greatly praised King for being such a strong leader for the civil rights
were non-violent protests to white only segregated facilities
What court case overturned brown v. board of edu.
Plessy v. feurguson
which city was the city were 9 black students were mobbed while trying to enter school for the first time
Little rock, Arkansas
What describes the southern manifesto
a statement signed by Congressman against the brown ruling
president Eisenhower supported the speedy desegregation of the south
Which of the following is not one of the ways in which the Civil rights movement was able to make tangible advancement toward racial equality
Changing the law
Which of the following was the most common justification for lynching
13th amendment
the abolishment of slavery
the unlawful killing of black people
Which of the following was not a civil right listed in this chapter
Right to bear arms
what does NAACP stand for
National Association for the advancement of colored people
What type of government does the United States have
Federal government
the great migration 1914-1981
many African Americans were moving north, with better job but segregation
The NAACP was founded by Web dub
NAACP during WW2
started offering lessons to teach literacy skills and paying pool taxes so blacks can vote
July 1948
Tuman desegregated the armed forces
4 students in Greensboro, North Carolina sat down at the whites-only lunch counter and asked to be served. They were refused, but they didn’t leave.
rules for sit-ins
Be friendly
Be courteous
Stay non-violent
Sit straight and face the counter
Don’t retaliate or leave or laugh
what does SNCC stand for
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
Organized by Ella Baker who was originally a member of the NAACP and also SCLC
who was CORE
An interracial civil rights group founded by James Farmer, Congress of Racial Equality
The Albany movement
November 1961, hundreds in Albany were arrested for sit-ins at bus and rail stations, cinemas, and white hotels
why was the Albany movement a failure
no implementation of changes afterward
Project C
desegregate businesses (stores) and make them employ black people and allow black people to use their restrooms, try clothes on, etc.
The march on Washington Aug. 1963
Biggest demonstration in US history
People of all faiths
¼ whites
“I have a dream speech”
Bloody Sunday
March 7th 1965
March from Selma to Montgomery led by SCLC and SNCC
Leaders of both organizations wanted to show a united front on the Voting Rights Act
500+ people showed up but were blocked at a bridge and beaten and gassed
Press was present and this was televised
50 million people saw the violence
Demonstrations followed, taking place in over 80 cities
President Johnson’s Role
Attracting business investment
Economic improvement in the South
July 2nd 1964
Civil Rights Act is passed.
March from Selma to Montgomery
Two weeks after Bloody Sunday, marchers were led by MLK
Still faced verbal abuse, but violence was kept away by federal troops