Civil Procedure - Short cards Flashcards
Civ Pro: main topics
(1) jurisdiction, (2) venue
Jurisdiction: main topics
(1) SMJ, (2) PJ
(1) federal question, (2) diversity, (3) supplemental
Federal question
Fed question on face of complaint
(1) 75,000, (2) no P state same as D state
(1) supplemental to FQ or D Jx claim (2) same case/controversy/operative facts
(a) traditional (lives in state, served while in state, consents), OR (b) long-arm statute (“minimum contacts doesn’t offend traditional notions fair play and substantial justice”
(a) (i) district where D resides if (ii) all D’s reside in same state,
(b) district where substantial part of events occurred, or
(c) if no other venue appropriate, where D is subject to personal jurisdiction
(1) DEFENDANT, (2) state to fed, (3) fed has diversity/fed question
(a) (1) convenience parties/witnesses, and (2) interests of justice,
(b) enforce valid forum-selection clause
Choice of law
(1) state substantive, (2) fed procedural
Substantive = defines parties rights and obligations (ie the black letter law itself)
–If “substantive” unclear: “Erie Doctrine”: (1) discourage forum shopping, and (2) avoid unfairness, (3) whether state law determines outcome of case, (4) whether state law expresses strong state interest, (5) whether federal policy expresses strong federal policy that should overcome state policy
Permissive: (a) same underlying events, or (b) same question of law/fact
Mandatory: (1) can’t provide complete relief, (2) their interest compromised without participation (3) doesn’t end jurisdiction,
Preliminary injunction
(1) likely succeed on merits, (2) irreparable harm, (3) harm avoided outweighs harm injunction causes, (4) injunction public interest, (5) NOTICE
Temporary Restraining Order
(1) likely succeed on merits, (2) irreparable harm, (3) harm avoided outweighs harm injunction causes, (4) injunction public interest,
(1) nonprivileged (2) relevant (3) proportional
Rule 12: motions on Pleadings
(a) definite statement (vague)
(b) strike (attacks character, irrelevant)
(c) judgement on pleadings (after answer)
Rule 12(b): dismiss
- PJ
- Venue
- Process
- Service of process
- Failure to state claim on which relief can be granted
- failure to join required party
SMJ/fail state claim/joinder can be raised anytime
Summary judgment
(1) no genuine issue of material fact, (2) entitled to judgment as matter of law
- after discovery
JMOL (judgment as matter of law)
halftime: (1) no reasonable jury could find for P
after judgment: (1) no reasonable jury could find for P, (2) party made halftime, (3) within 28 days
- court neutral view evidence/credibility
Motion for new trial
(a) prejudicial error
(b) trial unfair
(c) verdict against “manifest weight” of evidence
- court subjective view evidence/credibility
Motion relief from judgment
(a) fraud
(b) opponent misconduct
(c) new evidence
Final judgment (ends case)
Claim preclusion
(1) same cause of action
(2) prior case ended in final judgment on merits
(3) prior parties identical or in privity to current parties
Issue preclusion
(1) issue identical to prior case
(2) prior case ended in final judgment
(3) issue litigated and decided in prior case
(4) current opposing party had full and fair opportunity to litigate the issue in prior case
By who: (1) at least 18, (2) not party
To: (a) state rules, (b) (i) usual place of abode, (ii) suitable age, (iii) resides there, (c) agent
once without permission, within 21 days of service
- after one need (a) court’s consent, (b) other party’s consent
“relating back” so you can amend after SOL ran:
(a) SOL allows relating back,
(b) adds claim/defense that arose from conduct underlying original pleading,
(c) (1) changes defendant, (2) same underlying conduct, (3) within time allowed for original complaint new party had received notice such that no prejudice, (4) party knew or should’ve known it would’ve been named but-for identity mistake
Matter of right: (1) interest in underlying transaction, (2) resolving without intervenor impairs ability to protect interests, (3) current D does not adequately represent intervenor’s interests
Permissive: intervenor’s claim shares common question of law/fact
Class Action
Court must approve: (1) sufficiently numerous P’s, (2) common question of law/fact, (3) representative typical of class’s claims, (4) representative capable of fairly/adequately representing class (5) common issues to entire class predominate individual issues, (6) class resolution is superior to individual case resolution
- SMJ diversity if (1) atleast 100 class members (2) claim over 5 million, (3) any class member diverse from any D, but not if 2/3 of class lives in one state and at least 1 D