Civics Exam Flashcards
Define: Civics
the study of how public decisions are made, of issues that are important to the public and of the rights and responsibilities of citizens.
Define: Government
a decision making system that has the power to make laws and direct the affairs of a country, province or municipality. The word comes from the Greek and Latin words for “to steer”
Define: Civil Society
voluntary organizations of citizens that work to make a difference on important public issues
Define: Pluralist Society
a society in which different groups with a range of beliefs can influence political life
Define: Ideology
a set of beliefs and values, especially about how a society should be organized and what goals it should pursue
Define: Autocracy
a system of government in which a few rulers have the power to make decisions for the people
Define: Democracy
a system of government in which decisions are controlled by the people. The term comes from the Greek word “demo” meaning people and “cracy” meaning rule.
Define: Rights and Freedoms
those things we are morally or legally entitled to have or to do.
Define: Majority Rule
the principle that the opinion of the greater number should prevail
Define: Minority Rights
the principle that the rights of the minority must be safe guarded
Define: Consensus
a collective decision to which all parties agree
Define: Responsibility
a duty or obligation. As citizens, we all have responsibilities, often directly linked to our rights
Define: Rule of Law
the principle that people are governed by laws and that no person is above the law
Define: Constitution
the supreme law of the land. It outlines the government structure for a nation and defines and limits government power
Define: Federal System of Government
a system of government in which powers and responsibilities are divided into national and regional levels to address national and regional needs
Define: Jurisdiction
the authority to make and carry out laws
Define: Municipal Government
governing body of a city or town
Define: Residual Powers
In Canada’s constitution, any left over powers that are not specifically listed, but remain with the federal government
Define: Constitutional Monarchy
a government in which the monarch has only the powers laid out in the nations constitution and laws
Define: Direct Democracy
a democratic system of government in which every citizen participates directly in decision making
Define: Representative Democracy
a democratic system in which citizens vote for representatives who are empowered to make decisions on their behalf
Define: Referendum
the process of referring a political question to the people for a direct voice.
Define: Franchise
the right to vote in a public election for members of parliament, provincial legislatures and municipal councils
Define: Suffrage Movement
the campaign for women s rights to vote
Define: Social Movement
organized campaign by large groups of concerned citizens to lobby or otherwise influence the government
Define: Municipality
a city, town, county, district, township or other community area having local self government
Define: Metropolitan Government
a form of municipal government that provides common services to citizens of several neighbouring municipalities
Define: Amalgamation
the combination of cities, towns or other areas under one government
Define: Municipal Council
the group of people elected to govern on local issues. The head of the council is called the mayor or reeve. Other members are called Councillors or aldermen
Define: Ward
a geographic subdivision, often encompassing a neighbourhood or several neighbourhoods, which is used as the designation for an elected councillor
Define: School Board
a group of people elected to make decisions about schools in a particular area
Define: Civil Service
network of people hired to work for the government. In local government, they run the municipal departments that provide local services. Also called public service
Define: Bylaw
regulation passed by municipal councils. Provincial governments can review and overturn this legal decision
Define: Local Planning
municipal responsibility for forming policies and procedures for the future
Define: Grassroots organizing
organizing society at the local level, as distinguished from the centers of political leadership
Define: Caucus
the team of group leaders