Civics Benchmark Flashcards
What is the definition of “Consent Of The Governed?”
The people are the sources of any and all governmental power.
What is the definition of “Limited Government?”
Government is not all-powerful and may do only those things that the people have given it the power to do.
What is the definition of “The Rule Of Law?”
The government and those who govern are bound by the law, as are those who are governed.
What is the definition of “Democracy?”
In a democratic system of the government, the people rule.
What is the definition of “Representative Government?”
In a representative system of government, the people elect public officeholders to make laws and conduct government on the people’s behalf.
Duties of citizens
Obey the law, pay taxes, serve in the armed forces if called, serve on a jury or as a witness in court when summoned.
What are some responsibilities of citizens?
Register and vote, hold elective office, participate in political campaigns, keep informed regarding current issues.
Some personal traits of a good citizen:
Trustworthiness and honesty, patriotism, respect for the law, courtesy and respect for the rights of others.
Some forms of effective participation in civic life can include:
Formulating questions, expressing a position, devising and implementing a plan.
Qualifications you need to vote
Citizen of the United States, resident of Virginia and precinct, at least 18 years of age by day of general election.
Chief of state
Ceremonial head of the government.
Chief executive
Head of the executive branch of government.
Chief legislator
Proposer of the legislative agenda.
Head of the nation’s armed forces.
Chief diplomat
Architect of american foreign policy
Chief of party
Leader of the political party that controls the executive branch.
Chief citizen
Representative of all the people.
To level and collect taxes
To promote an informed citizenry.
Public health
To promote and protect the health of it’s citizens.
To protect natural resources.
State budget
To approve a biennial budget prepared by the governor.
14th amendment
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction therefore, are citizens of the United States
13th amendment
Abolished slavery in the United States.
15th amendment
Granted African American men the right to vote.