civics and citizenship Flashcards
asylum seeker
a person who seeks protection as a refugee and is still waiting to have his/ her application for refugee status assessed
bicameral system
a parliament consisting of two houses
a person standing for election
a person who is a member of a certain country or city, who is granted certain rights and privileges because of this and is expected to act responsibly
cohesive society
a society where citizens live together peacefully
A set of laws that limit the power of government
the Queen of England, who is the Head of State and a part of each parliament in Australia. The Governor-General at Commonwealth level and the Governor at state level represents the Queen.
a system of government in which the people have the power to determine how they will be ruled or managed and so elect a parliament to make and implement laws on their behalf
democratic election
an election where voters have to right to vote for whomever they choose
treating, or proposing to treat, a person or a group of people unfavourably because of personal characteristics such as age, race, disability, physical features or political beliefs
a designated geographical area that is represented by an elected member in parliament
federal system
a system of government where, for the purposes of governing and law-making, the nation has one central parliament (with the power to make laws for the entire nation) and numerous state parliaments (each of which with the power to make laws for the residents of their state)
Federation Day
1 January 1901 – the day when the British Parliament passed a law called the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK) to unite the separate colonies of Australia and form one nation with a federal system of government
the elected members of parliament who make decisions for a nation or state. The government is made up of the party or coalition that has won a majority of seats in the lower house of parliament. The lower house of federal parliament is the House of Representatives
the Queen’s Representative in Australia
House of Representatives
the lower house of the Commonwealth parliament