City Of London Past Papers Flashcards
What is the original meaning of the
name Eastcheap?
Eastcheap (Eschepe or Excheapp) was the site of a medieval food market. C[h]eap is an Anglo-Saxon verb that means to barter, buy, and sell; to trade, deal, bargain
Eastcheap was one of the main streets of medieval London. The name ‘Eastcheap’ derives from the Saxon word ‘cheap’, meaning a market, and Eastcheap was so called to distinguish it from Westcheap, later to become Cheapside.
Who is the current Lord Mayor of the City of London?
Alderman Alastair King
Alastair King is the 696th Lord Mayor of the City of London
Name the British monarch whose
statue stands in front of the steps of
St Paul’s.
In the area in front of the west entrance of St. Paul’s Cathedral is a statue of Queen Anne. The first Queen Anne statue on this spot was erected in 1712. The statue that you see here now was erected in 1885.
What is the motto of the City of London?
‘Domine dirige nos’ (Lord, direct us)
The portrait of which mathematician features on £50 notes?
Alan Turing
With which City Livery Company is
the church of St Margaret Pattens
associated today?
Who presides over the Trial of the
What practice connected with
London Bridge was discontinued in
With what trade is the Cordwainers’
Livery Company associated?
What is the oldest elected office in
the City?
Name TWO bridges over the river
Thames whose upkeep is covered
by the City Bridge House Estate.
What is the current Bank of England
base rate (interest rate)?
Which City garden commemorates
King George V?
Name the Roman Emperor whose
statue can be seen on Tower Hill.
The Knollys Rose ceremony
procession ends in which City
How many Aldermen make up the
Court of Common Council?
What right did Henry I reconfirm for
the City in 1132?
Which is the livery company of the
current Lord Mayor?
Where can you see the memorial
sculpture to John Heminges and
Henry Condell?
Name the British Monarch during
the Great Fire of London.
“My Word is My Bond” is the motto
of which City institution?
Who was Christopher Wren’s chief
assistant and Surveyor to the City of
What do the initials MOLA stand for
in the context of the City?
When does the Lord Mayor’s Show
take place?
Name the position held by the City’s
Ceremonial Officer and Chief of
Which church has a connection to
Captain John Smith?
Which Livery Company Master
serves for two years?
Where in the City can you see the
bronze bust of John Donne by Nigel
Which city garden is dedicated to
plants and herbs used in medicine?
Where is the London Stock
What type of stone was used for the
construction of the Monument?
Where can the William Wilberforce
memorial “Gilt of Cain” be seen?
In which City church does the “Spital
Sermon” take place?
Which year is covered in Daniel
Defoe’s book “A Journal of the
Plague Year”?
Which building by the river Thames
was built by Sir Robert Smirke?
How many times does the Court of
Aldermen meet every year?
What is the theme of the new
exhibition at the Guildhall Art
Name the architect selected to
rebuild the Bank of England in the
20th C.
What is the name of the garden on
20 Fenchurch Street?
The building at 70 St Mary Axe by
Foggo Associates is colloquially
known as?
The statue of which controversial
slaveowner is in the Guildhall?
What did Charles Booth’s maps
Where can you see the Lord
Mayor’s State Coach?
What were the origins of the Court
of Common Council?
Which date is conventionally
accepted as the end of the Roman
Empire in Britain?
How many wards are there in the
Which European City overtook
London in 2021 as Europe’s largest
share trading centre?
Which Italian architect influenced
Georgian Architecture?
Where are the closest accessible
toilets outside St Paul’s Cathedral?
Name the architect of the
Bloomberg building.
To whom was the chapel on the
medieval London Bridge dedicated?
Who carved the relief on the
In which City garden can you see a
memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice?
Who are elected at Wardmotes?
In which church is the oldest known
sword - rest in the City?
On what day / date is the Lord Mayor elected?
There have been TWO female Lord
Mayors. In which years were they
What is the shape of the weathervane of St Nicholas Cole Abbey?
Which service took place in St Paul’s
Cathedral on 3 June 2022?
On which days of the week is the
Royal Exchange open?
How many people live in the City?
What is the name of the current special exhibition at the Bank of England Museum?
Name ONE new Elizabeth Line station in the City?
Which ceremonial sword does the Lord Mayor offer to the Queen to touch when she enters the City?
Who was Thomas Bludworth?
(i) On which days and (ii) at what times is the Guildhall Art Gallery usually open to the public?
What is the title of the City official
responsible for the planning and
delivery of the Lord Mayor’s show?
In which year was the present London Bridge opened?
Where will you see a plaque to
Pasqua Rosée?
Which organisation uses this logo?
In 2025, the present Museum of
London will re-open in new premises in Smithfield. What will be its new name?
Why does the Lord Mayor’s Show
procession stop at St Paul’s Cathedral?
Which event is shown in the relief in
the pediment over the west door of St Paul’s Cathedral?
Dick Whittington was a member of
which Livery Company?
Name ONE City church tower that has been converted into a private
Where are both the author, Daniel
Defoe and the poet, William Blake
Name the architects of the Barbican
Name TWO people in the 20th century who were given the honorary freedom of the City.
What was the Steelyard?
Sensitive to its site’s links to colonial
history, Plantation Place, a 2004 City
office block, changed its name.
What is it now called?
Name ONE City church where you can see a work known to have been carved by Grinling Gibbons.
Which Livery company holds the
Bubble Ceremony?
What is the name of the five stone
sculptures near the west front of St
Paul’s Cathedral, by Emily Young?
Which Livery Company gives five
cheers instead of three?
Name the architect of 20 Fenchurch
Street (‘Walkie Talkie’).
In which year was Leadenhall Market rebuilt by Horace Jones?
Name TWO of the eight City Wards
that have a boundary which touches the north bank of the river Thames.
Only the tower survives of the church that once occupied the site of St Paul’s Cathedral School.
What was the name of that church?
What was the name of the Roman
road from London to Lincoln and on to York?
Where did the Dominicans have their headquarters in London?
Where in the City is a new monarch
Name the printer who first brought a printing press to Fleet Street.
In ICE Futures Europe what do the
letters ICE stand for?
In which Charles Dickens novel does
Leadenhall Market feature?
Most of the sick in the Great Plague of 1665-1666 had bubonic plague.
Name TWO of its symptoms.
The Temple Bar memorial, at the
western end of Fleet St, is topped by a griffin holding a shield.
What is a griffin?
Name ONE of the Companies without Livery.
Where can you see an outside Statue of King Henry VIII?
Name the Roman emperor at the time the Romans (i) first arrived in Britain and at the time they (ii) finally left.
Where can you see the sculptures
known as ‘Sterling’, ‘Dollar’, ‘Yen’?
Where is the City’s only fire station?
Name the Lord Mayors elected in
(i) 1983 and
(ii) 2013.
Where is the old Newgate Prison
execution bell displayed?
What is the present Bank of
England base rate (interest rate)?
Where is a memorial to Henry
Condell and John Heminges?
To which monastic order did the
Austin Friars belong?
In which year was the City of
London Police officially approved
as an independent police body?
Which Livery company has the
“I am spoken of all over the world
as one who brings help”?
Which position does Alastair King
Who carved the relief on the
Which is the only street in the City
decorated with Christmas lights
over the festive season?
Which ceremony took place in front
of the Royal Exchange on 10
September 2022?
In which James Bond film did West
Smithfield’s underground car park
Name TWO of the current Lord
Mayor’s charities.
What was the name of the Roman
road running from Bishopsgate to
Where was Oliver Cromwell
Where is the City of London
In which year was the order of
precedence of the Livery Companies established?
On which days is the Monument
usually open to visitors?
Where does the Doggett’s Coat and
Badge Race:
(i) start
(ii) finish?
Name the Roman Emperor who
visited Londinium in 122 AD.
Where was the heart of Eleanor of
Provence buried?
Who supplies the horses that pull
the Lord Mayor’s coach?
In which month does the Sheep
Drive across London Bridge take
What is the coat of arms of the Inner Temple Inn of Court?
When was the last Frost Fair held
on the river Thames?
What is the nickname of the
skyscraper at 53 Lime Street?
Which TWO offices must a Lord
Mayor have held in order to be
Where was the old Bethlehem
mental hospital?
Which City church is now a centre
for reconciliation and peace?
Which Livery Company leads the
Knollys Rose Ceremony?
Why are the red-coated porters at
Lloyd’s of London known as
In which church is there a Saxon
Arch and the tiled floor of a Roman
Name ONE of the Livery
Companies associated with the
Anointing Screen used in the
Coronation of Charles III.
When does the Lord Mayor carry
the Crystal Sceptre?
Which official wears a Mazarine
Blue gown?
Which church is beneath St Paul’s
In which year (within 10 years) was
the Lord Mayor’s coach made?
With what was Maria Hackett
Which Livery Company has this
Coat of Arms?
What does the sculpture Gilt of
Cain commemorate?
Name the Lord Mayor associated with the church of St Michael Paternoster Royal.
Who presents petitions to
Parliament on behalf of the City?
In which year did the last Lord
Mayor’s river procession take
In which church is there a
monument to Inigo Jones?
Name the garden on Gresham Street maintained by the Goldsmiths Livery Company.
Which Livery Hall has a chapel?
Who gave the Crystal Sceptre to
the City of London?
To whom was the royal house, later
known as Bridewell, granted in
After which Queen is Queenhithe
Name the current Lord Mayor of
the City of London.
In which month does the Lord
Mayor’s Show traditionally take
place in the City?
How many Livery Companies are
there in the City today?
Name the newest livery company
in the City of London.
Which TWO livery companies
dispute the 6th and 7th position
in the order of precedence?
The Skinners and the Merchant Taylors
‘Rivalry over precedence - specifically which company was entitled to be 6th in order of seniority - had been a source of trouble between the Skinners and the Merchant Taylors for some time in the 15th, and perhaps even 14th centuries.
Under an order issued by mayor Robert Billesden in 1484, the Merchant Taylors ranks in sixth or seventh place (making it one of the Great Twelve City Livery Companies) in the order of precedence of the Livery Companies, alternating with the Skinners’ Company. The annual switch occurs at Easter. The Merchant Taylors are normally sixth in the order of precedence in odd numbered years, and at seven in even numbered years.