city manager directives Flashcards
Who’s responsibility is it to operate city-owned vehicles in a safe and responsible manner in compliance with Federal, State and City laws, rules and regulations
All City Employees
All city-owned vehicles and equipment shall be operated by__________, and for___________.
City Employees for official use only
Transporting passengers shall be limited to
city employees or persons in an advisory capacity to the city.
City vehicles are not to be used for….
personal business
Employees with a take home vehicle may use it…
1.) During business hours2.) Lunch3.) Health Care4.) AND personal emergencies
City vehicles are not to be driven out of state unless…
provides economic or operational benefit to the city.* requires approval by Fire/PD Chief, Deputy City Mgr*
Inspection of all city vehicles and equipment used is the responsibility of the….
Personnel operating a city vehicle are responsible for reporting vehicles problems to…
Equipment Management or take vehicles to the facility to obtain service/repairs
Operating a vehicle that has inoperative safety system or one that is overdue for service can be considered
a violation of CM 18 directive and employee is subject to disciplinary action.
All vehicular repairs will be done by
Equipment Management Division….Outside vendor repairs must be approved by EMD
All operators of city owned vehicles must maintain an…
Valid State of Arizona driver’s license
All drivers must maintain a drivers record that is.
Acceptable in accordance with the Employee Driving Record Evaluation Criteria using MVD records. managed by the Risk Management division
Employees with borderline or unacceptable records shall be subject to..
1.) counseling2.) driving restrictions3.) up to including termination
Employees will not operate electronic devices while driving unless..
using a hands free equipment* public safety may use these devises only for public safety related communications*
Employee must notify supervisor if they receive a citation within?
All drivers of a city vehicle must show their id to?
Their supervisor upon request
before you drive a 15 passenger van an operator must?
complete the Glendale van safety program
No employee may operate a vehicle while using
over the counter drugs that impair their ability to operate a moving vehicle. Employee will be personally responsible for any traffic citations
The driver of any city vehicle or any city employee who witnesses any persona injury or damage to a city vehicle must…
Notify their supervisor immediately
Two things a driver of a city vehicle will only do with their immediate supervisor/city accident investigator/ risk management personnel
1.) Admit Liability2.) Discuss accident
The vehicle must stay put until…
investigation has been completed by PD or accident investigator
Driver must call and notify who?
1.) Glendale PD and Report incident2.) Contact Supervisor3.) Notify Risk Mgt w/in 24 hours4.) Must submit complete injury/veh accident form and get to risk mgt within 24 hours
Assignment and approval of city owned take home vehicles will be completed by the supervisor using?
A completed Vehicle Authorization form
Take home vehicles are not transferable and must be justified how often?
There is a Distance requirement to city hall that employees with a take home vehicle must be how many miles radius from city hall
17 miles** larger distance requires Dep City Mgr Police/Fire Chief approval.
Per IRS regulations a city provided take-home vehicle is considered a fringe benefit will be included in what part of the employees pay stub
Gross Pay
Employees assigned a take-home vehicle on a long term basis will have a value of ______ per work day as a personal commuting benefit reflected n their payroll check, until they no longer us the vehicle
Who will maintain records of authorized take-home vehicles?
Equipment Management
Who will maintain monthly usage reports of take-home vehicles?
What department controls the content of and develops all city websites?
How can departments update their existing intranet page?
Submit a request to the web division of the marketing/communications department via email.
Who’s responsibility is to manage content
the department (EX. Fire)
Inappropriate information for intranet include 2 main areas
1.) fundraising for outside organization not related to the department2.) Special activities not city sponsored
Each department must have a designated_________ to coordinate with Web Content Managers for each department website content
Web Liaison
Who is the administrator for all “official city of Glendale” social media posts
Web Division of Marketing/Communications
All posting on Social Media will be considered
transitory in nature (events, programs, traffic alerts)
Who will be allowed to edit and update any social media networking accounts?
Only social media users selected and approved by marketing/communications Dept.
Departments can be approved to operate a separate social networking account. (True/False)
True-With the template provided by Web Division
Prior to engaging in any form of social media networking dealing with the city of Glendale news/ or activities employees must have permission form who?
Their Department Head
Social Networking sites should not be used during the work hours unless there is a city purpose. (True/False)
True* Not on the Cities network…IE Wifi*
All information and communication transmitted by, or to any person through the city network, including electronic mail (email/voice) is the property of who?
The City of Glenale
Information and communication carried on the network may be subjected to what?
public access pursuant to ARAS public records
Whose responsible to be compliant with the CM directive 21.
Department Head/DirectorSupervisorsIndividual employeesvolunteers
Employees use of the network for personal use will be at their own risks? true or false
The city has the right to inspect all communication files or data stored in any area of the network or city owned equipment? True or False
(True or False) In order to access password protected materials, employees must provide passwords to appropriate city authority upon request.
City Reps with Dept. Head or HR may monitor______ to ensure use is consistent with the provisions of CM 26
log specific use
Any computer or device to be used on the network must do what?
install operational security software specified through Information Technology Department
All network framework (servers, routers, network switches, wireless routers, etc.) must be approved prior to use by
Information Technology Department
It is prohibited to send an email message under another persons name or user id unless?
expressly authorized to do so. Or the sender ID’s themselves in the message.
It is prohibited for any employee to transfer or remove files from the network that have what designation?
confidential or privileged unless approved by department head.
If a website that shows inappropriate language or nude partially nude photographs or material, that has not been blocked contact who?
Information Technology Department
It is prohibited to download application programs or other software fro internet without approval of?
department head or designee
The Department head must consult with who, before downloading the program?
Chief Information Technology Officer
Who must approve any information copied from the internet, downloaded or disseminated?
City Attorney or designee
Who retains all property rights if any to all material posted on the internet by any employee
The City
Any individual identified as an employee must refrain form any political advocacy or unauthorized endorsement or appearance of endorsement by the city or any political position, political candidate, product, or service. (True or False)
Can an employee respond to public information request via internet?
Governing Law of CM 26 include
Federal electronic data security lawsIntellectual property rights
Who is in charge of Media Relations at the EOC
The city PIO
Employees in the field are not obligated to talk with the media at an incident True or False
True: They can refer the media to the City PIO or Department PIO
For Non-Exempt employees travel between home and work or hotel and work if traveling are considered
Normal commuting and not eligible for pay
Employees that smoke must smoke where?
a minimum of 20 feet away from the door, window, air vent etc.