Cisco Exam 7 Q3 Test 1 Flashcards
configure loopback
int loopback _
ip address _ _
router id
int _
router-id _
ospf config
router ospf _
network na wm area 0
ip route _
router ospf _
default-information originate
passive interface
router ospf _
passive-interface loopback _
disabling networks from election
int _
ip ospf network point-to-point
set priority for ospf
int _
ip ospf priority _
adjust cost
auto-cost reference-bandwidth _
setting hello/dead intervals
int _
ip ospf hello-interval _
ip ospf dead-interval _
configuring channels
int _
sw mo trunk
channel-group _ mode _
PAGP modes
on desirable auto
LACP modes
on active passive
int _
ip helper-address
creating dhcp pool
ip excluded-address _ _
ip dhcp pool _
network _
default-router _
dns-server _
domain-name _
How often RA is sent
200 sec
How often hello and dead packets sent
10 sec
40 sec
* by default
If changed, dead packets will always be sent 4 times after hello packets are sent