Circuits and Logic Gates Flashcards
What are Transistors?
Transistors are the fundamental devices. A transistor
acts, depending on the voltage level of an input
signal, either as a wire that conducts electricity or as
a resistor that blocks the flow of electricity
What do Logic Gates do?
A logic gate processes one or more input values to
generate an output value. The values are binary (1, 0)
What are the six logic gates called?
What is the purpose of Boolean Algebra?
Boolean Algebra is used to analyse and simplify the digital
logic circuits.
Draw a circuit that simulates the following Boolean equations and give a truth table
for each ( is the bar):
a)A .B + A.D
b)A B + AB
c)A +C .A + BD
What does a decoder do?
The basic function of a decoder is to detect the presence of a
specified combination of bits on its inputs and indicate that presence by a specified output