CIP Flashcards
Judges rules
1 endeavouring to discover author of crime can question anyone
2 when arresting caution
3 before question give caution
4 prisoner volunteer info caution them
5 sets out wording of caution
6 statement without caution not admissible so caution straight away
7 cannot question voluntary statement
8 2 or more same offence let them read and note reply
9 take statement in writing
Oath for court
I swear by almighty god that the evidence I shall give to the court in this case shall be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth
Bench warrant
Committal warrant
Body warrant
Arrest warrant
Penal warrant
Distress warrant
Search warrant
Designation if a crime scene
Section 5 criminal justice act 2006
What can member do at crime scene
Direct to leave
Remove failure to comply to leave
Direct not to enter
Prevent entering
Permit authorised person enter
Prevent removing smithing
Search and examine
Criminal damage and poa
Section 2 and poa section 12 cda 2001
4 Cj theft and fraud act 2001 offences
Theft section 4
Burglary section 12
Aggravated burglary section 13
Robbery section 14
Poseidon if articles section 15
4 public order 1994 offences
S4 intoxication p.p
S5 disorderly conduct p.p
S6 Thea turning abusive and insulting
S8 failure comply direction
S9 wilful obstruction
Amount of time observed
Known to witness
Any reason to remember
Time lapsed
Misuse of drugs offences 1977
S3 personal possession
S15 sale and supply
S15 A €13000
S15 B import
S15 c detention centre prison
S23 power to search
Different orders under domestic violence act 2018
S2 safety
S3 barring
S4 interim barring order
S5 protection order
Section 4 public order proofs
Public order intoxicated endanger to himself and others
Section 5 public order proof
Offensive conduct between 12-7 any other time asked to desist
Section 6 public order proofs
Threatening abusive insulting behaviour provoke breach of peace reckless to breach of peace
Section 8 public order proof
Direction to leave penalty peace orderly manner
Section 4 theft proof
Dishonestly appropriates without consent bower intention and deprive owner
Section 12 theft
Enter any building or part trespasser intent to commit or attempt having entered any building part building
Section 13 theft proofs
Commits burglary at tune had firearm imitation or weapon