Cindy Words Flashcards
Gap-fill exercises
Please be careful! Don’t stand on the ___ of the cliff.
1) wedge
2) edge
3) fridge
Please be careful! Don’t stand on the edge of the cliff.
the outer part of something
A cold _____ blew through the house.
1) raft
2) draft
3) craft
A cold draft blew through the house.
cold air moving through a room or building
There were only two rooms in the place _______.
1) together
2) gather
3) altogether
There were only two rooms in the place altogether.
in total; completely
I want to eat something more filling and ____ than salad.
1) terrifying
2) satisfying
3) satisfied
I want to eat something more filling and satisfying than salad.
making you feel happy by giving you what you want or need
The mouse _____ on the cheese.
1) nipped
2) kibble
3) nibbled
The mouse nibbled on the cheese.
to eat something by taking a lot of small bites
The building was burning down around Jack and Jill. They ___________ looked for the exit.
1) desperately
2) desperate
3) separate
The building was burning down around Jack and Jill. They desperately looked for the exit.
show you are ready to do anything to get what you want
There isn’t enough food in their country. If we don’t help them, they will _______.
1) star
2) starve
3) stare
There isn’t enough food in their country. If we don’t help them, they will starve.
to become very weak or die because there isn’t enough food to eat
Do you want _________ or butter on your toast?
1) marbled
2) Margaret
3) margarine
Do you want margarine or butter on your toast?
similar to butter, for spreading on bread, but made of vegetable fat
Please remember to ______ the cap back on the toothpaste.
1) crew
2) screen
3) screw
Please remember to screw the cap back on the toothpaste.
to fit something onto another thing by turning it
His Japanese is _________ improving.
1) gradual
2) gradually
3) graduation
His Japanese is gradually improving.
gradually: happening slowly over a long time
The witch was small and __________ with age.
1) drivel
2) shrivel
3) shrivelled
The witch was small and shrivelled with age.
shrivelled: dry and wrinkled from heat, cold or old age
We ________ our food and went back outside to play.
1) garbled
2) gobbled
3) gobbles
We gobbled our food and went back outside to play.
gobble: to swallow or eat something quickly
The boy _________ up the last of his dinner.
1) cobble
2) cobbled
3) gobble
4) gobbled
The boy gobbled up the last of his dinner.
to eat quickly and noisily
It is ______________ that he passed the test.
1) astonish
2) astonishing
3) astonished
4) admonish
It is astonishing that he passed the test.
very surprising; amazing
Because Cindy opened a strange email, her computer picked up a _____________.
1) viral
2) virus
3) vitamin
Because Cindy opened a strange email, her computer picked up a virus.
a tiny non-living thing that can make living things very sick; a computer program that can stop your computer working properly
The police officer ________ the driver to get out of the car and walk over to him.
1) reckon
2) beckon
3) beckoned
The police officer beckoned the driver to get out of the car and walk over to him.
moving part of your body, usually waving your hand, to tell someone to come to you
Ray was so excited to drive the new car that he _______ in his pocket for the keys.
1) fumbled
2) rumbled
3) tumbled
Ray was so excited to drive the new car that he fumbled in his pocket for the keys.
not do something carefully or smoothly; to drop or juggle something while trying to hold it
Mr. Wonka said those things were not _________.
1) edibility
2) edible
3) editable
Mr. Wonka said those things were not edible.
edible: can be eaten
Charlie picked an oar and started to __________.
1) paddle
2) piddle
3) puddle
Charlie picked up an oar and started to paddle.
paddle: to move a boat with an oar or paddle.
My father works for a ___________ company.
1) pharmacy
2) farmer
3) pharmaceutical
My father works for a pharmaceutical company.
pharmaceutical: medicine sold in pharmacies/drugstores.
When the _______ stands between the two wrestlers with his feet apart, this means the match is about to begin.
1) reference
2) referee
3) refund
When the referee stands between the two wrestlers with his feet apart, this means the match is about to begin.

I wasn’t very ___________ with the meal we ate last night.
1) satisfy
2) satisfied
3) satisfaction
I wasn’t very satisfied with the meal we ate last night.
satisfied: having a happy feeling because of something that you did or something that happened
We aren’t close friends because we don’t have a lot ______________.
We aren’t close friends because we don’t have a lot in common.
in common: to like similar things or to have similar characteristics to someone else
Do you think the ________ will get worse this year?
I hope not. If it gets worse, I’ll have to get a second job.
1) economist
2) economy
3) economical
Do you think the economy will get worse this year?
If you want to _________ the internet in the cafe, you need to enter the password.
1) excess
2) account
3) access
If you want to access the internet in the cafe, you need to enter the password.
No matter how bad the crisis, he is always _________________.
1) unimaginative
2) unflappable
3) unintelligent
No matter how bad the crisis, he is always unflappable.
unflappable (adj.): doesn’t get worried or upset easily; stays calm in difficult situations.
She gave an ____________ performance in her first movie.
1) astonishing
2) astonishingly
3) astonishment
She gave an astonishing performance in her first movie.
astonishing (adj.): very surprising; causes a feeling of great surprise or wonder.
Everyone praised the ________________ soldier.
1) courage
2) courageous
3) cowardly
Everyone praised the courageous soldier.
courageous (adj.): very brave
The island has a lot of __________ land. They grow bananas, mangoes and sugarcane.
1) edible
2) arable
3) arabic
The island has a lot of arable land. They grow bananas, mangoes and sugarcane.
arable (adj): can be used for the growing of crops
A ______________ group of people work at the company. They come from many different backgrounds.
1) divorce
2) divert
3) diverse
A diverse group of people work at the company. They come from many different backgrounds.
diverse (adj): made up of people or things that are different from each other
The introduction of foreign plants and animals can cause severe damage to an _________________.
1) economy
2) ecosystemic
3) ecosystem
The introduction of foreign plants and animals can cause severe damage to an ecosystem.
ecosystem (n): a habitat and all the plants and animals that live in it
You should ___________ the river water before you drink it.
1) purify
2) putrid
3) purifier
You should purify the river water before you drink it.\
purify (v): make something clean and not harmful in any way; to take out unwanted parts