CIK 104 Crime Scene Investigation Flashcards
Q. Which of the following could provide intangible evidential material?
A. Facebook account, Memory stick, CCTV camera
True or False
Q. Evidence “contamination” may occur when?
-Biological material is inadvertently added to an exhibit
-A crimes scene lacks clear boundaries, pathways and security
-An examiner wears the same gloves to uplift different exhibits
-When the material collected cannot be linked to the investigation
A. True True True True
Yes/No Q. Can an impression be left by: -A tool used as a lever -Drops of saliva or semen -The sole of a shoe or boot -A finger or palm print
A. Yes No Yes Yes
Q. DNA (blood sample) is known to deteriorate under which of the following conditions:
- When handled without gloves or masks
- When exposed to extremes of weather conditions
- When packaging creates conditions that cause it to degrade
- When it has exited the body for up to two hours
A. False True True False
Q. Select the forensic concept that best describes how the collection of forensic evidence
may be affected when:
- The offender is taken back into the scene for the interview
- The crime scene is dowsed in continuous rainfall
- The movement of exhibits is not recorded
- Many people enter and leave the scene
A. Transfer Deterioration Evidential integrity Contamination
Q. In a forensic sense, what does persistence refer to?
A. The length of time biological material can be detected following a crime.
Q. Classify the following common types of evidence:
- Semen
- Paint flakes
- Blood
- Glass fragments
A. Biological Physical Biological Physical
Q. Elimination samples refer to samples taken from people who are not under investigation
for the offence but may have come into legitimate contact with the crime scene
A. True
Q. “chain of evidence” refers to:
A. The official record of exhibit collection, security and movement.
Q. Evidential material, in relation to a particular offence, means evidence of the offence or
any other item, tangible or intangible, of relevance to the investigation of the offence. A
tangible item that could be evidential material is:
A. Locked phone
Q. Evidence is only relevant to an investigation if it has a tendency to prove anything that is
of consequence to the case.
A. False
Q. The relevance of forensic evidence is reliant upon what people say or do?
Q. “Contamination” may occur when:
-Forensic material is added to an exhibit post incident –
-Forensic material is exposed to rain or sunshine
-Equipment used has not been correctly cleaned
-Exhibits are not correctly packaged or secured
A. True False True True
Q. Mark the following statements about trace evidence true or false:
- Trace evidence may only be seen by specialist forensic personnel
- Trace evidence cannot be seen by the human eye
- Trace evidence may be of a biological or physical nature
- Trace evidence is usually found in fragments or small particles
A. False False True True
Q. The “golden hour” concept refers to the time when:
A. Evidential material is more readily available at a crime scene.
Q. Elimination samples are:
A. Taken from people who had legitimate contact with the scene or an exhibit.
Q. Entomology is the science of studying?
A. Insects
Q. Does the situation describe when transfer between Victim and Offender can occur?
- When Victim and Offender are not separated during initial action
- When professional medical assistance is given to a Victim at the scene
- When the offender is present in the scene prior to the incident
- When one vehicle is used to transport the Victim and the offender
A. Yes No Yes Yes
Q. A women dances with a man, Male A, who is wearing a red jersey and she gets red fibres
on her top. Later in the evening she dances with another male, male B and some of the red
fibres are transferred to his shirt. The scenario is an example of secondary transfer between:
A. The women and Male B.
Q. Material collected at a crime scene can be contaminated when:
- People or animals have entered the scene
- Scene equipment is not cleaned before use
- Exhibits are repeatedly handled before packaging
- A scene searcher leaves traces on an exhibit
A True True True True
Q. Initial action guidelines instruct that when setting the parameters at a serious crime scene
you should?
- Use emergency tape to establish the cordon parameters
- Cordon only the area where the incident occurred
- Arrange and brief scene guards with clearly defined duties
- Extend the parameters as widely as possible to capture any exhibits the suspect may have discarded
A. True False True True
Q. If you are a member of an initial action team at the scene of a suspicious sudden death
and a medical officer confirms the victim is deceased, then you must secure the scene and:
A. Do not touch or move the body under any circumstances
Q. An immediate statement taken in circumstances where you believe the Victim may die:
A. May be admissible if it is not signed.
Q. The initial response team must prevent post-incident cross-examination between other
witnesses, the Victim(s) and suspect(s) by considering:
- Taking photographs of the Victim’s injuries as soon as possible
- Using different interview rooms for all parties involved
- Taking physical evidence samples from witnesses at the scene
- Transporting the Victim and Suspect in different vehicles
A. False True True True
Q. Establishing a “common approach path” into the scene of a serious crime for all visitors to
the scene is the responsibility of the initial action party?
A. True
Q. The first priority for staff arriving at the scene of a serious crime is:
A. The safety of attending Police officers.
Q. The initial action scene party must not move any items in a serious crime scene unless it:
A. Will be affected by the weather and cannot be protected.
Q. The briefing and handover to the O/C investigation by the O/C of the initial incident must
include information about:
A. What has occurred What has not been done What has to be done What action has been taken
Q. En route to the scene of a serious crime the initial action team must formulate a plan for
scene entry that:
- Considers factors that may affect scene preservation
- Avoids any known suspect path from the scene.
- Delegates responsibilities for action between them.
- Priorities locating the suspect above all else
A. True True True False
Q. Your prompt initial action at a serious crime scene has led to the apprehension of a male
close by who is acting suspiciously. During a preliminary interview with him you should:
A. Make a notebook entry of his details and his demeanor.
Q. When a Victim of a Victims Rights Act 2002, s29 offence is transported to hospital from a
crime scene, an officer should accompany the Victim to ensure their:
A. Clothing is collected and preserved for the exhibit collection.
Q. The purpose of the preliminary interview with a witness at the scene of a serious crime is
-Obtain their identifying particulars and contact details
-Ascertain their legal reason to be at the scene
-Gather information for your handover briefing
-Ascertain who needs to be separated and kept apart
A. True False True False
Q. Serious crime initial action procedures aim to prevent the primary transfer of forensic
material between victim and suspect through directing that:
- Victim and suspect are not to be transported in the same vehicle
- Formal interviews are conducted in different interview rooms
- Scene guards are appointed to take care of each separately
- Victim and suspect are separated at the scene and kept apart
A. True True False True
Q. The purpose of an initial reconnaissance by the first on the scene officers at a serious
crime scene is to:
A. Survey the scene to establish the action required to secure.
Q. The I car is first to the scene of a serious crash incident where 2 people are trapped and
injured. The constables first duty is to:
A. Ensure the crash scene is as safe as possible.
Q. The O/C initial action party could decide to immediately uplift an item from a scene of a serious crime when the item:
A. Cannot be protected from the elements and will deteriorate.
Q. During a scene examination you find a cell phone, you observe that it is turned on. What
action should you take to uplift the phone?
A. Leave it switched on, uplift and contact ECL for advice.
The minimum standards governing the collection of
any item/exhibit that is likely to be submitted for DNA forensic analysis are:
- Handle one item of evidential material at a time.
- Gloves and masks should be worn.
Q. When a window frame at a crime scene shows signs of tool marks to force entry it is
important to:
- Take control samples of paint or wood from the surrounding area
- Photograph the impression or mark in full light prior to collecting evidence
- Remove the entire damaged area (if practicable) for forensic examination
- Try fitting a probable tool into the mark to confirm it as the means of entry
A. True True True False
Q. It is important to call a Fingerprint officer to a homicide scene because latent fingerprints
in blood and other contaminants on a body can be destroyed when a body is moved:
Q. During a crime scene examination you find a small amount of dry substance in a jar. To
determine if it is to be collected for analysis you can:
A. Examine it with gloves hands.
Q. The basic rule for electronic equipment located at a crime scene is “If it is off, leave it off.
If it is on, leave it on?”
A. True
Q. To avoid contamination, small quantities of powders or tablets found at a crime scene
must be packaged in self-sealing plastic bags inside a standard drug envelope?
Q. It is important to consider the sequencing of examinations when submitting crime scene
material for forensic analysis because DNA analysis can destroy the forensic evidence
required for fingerprint examination?
Q. When a cell phone is located at a crime scene, turning it of or letting the battery run flat is
advisable in the circumstances?
When packaging documents that are to be forwarded to the document examiner you
- Enclose documents package between ____ of card.
- Complete ___ for attaching to the exhibits package.
- Include warning ___ on labels if the document is also required for fingerprinting.
- Unfold dry ___ and package flat in plastic sleeve or envelop.
A. Sheets Labels Notes Papers
Q. Safety precautions are essential when uplifting blood or other bodily fluids at serious crime scenes and also to ensure evidence contaminated with blood is safe for forensic examination and Court. According you should:
- Package wet materials holding blood or bodily fluids promptly
- Package exhibits securely and label with biohazard warning
- Cover any abrasions on hands and use double gloves
- Discard used gloves and clothing in biohazard container
A. False True True True
Q. Select the correct response to complete the sentence:
- Deleted images ___ be retrieved from the memory card of a digital camera.
- Deleting images in a digital camera ___ remove images from the camera.
- Reformatting a digital camera ___ remove images from the camera.
- Digital images taken at a crime scene ___ be taken on an approved camera.
A. Can Won't ??? Should
Q. The Digital Imaging Guidelines direct that any digital image that is to be produced as evidence must:
- Have been taken by a person trained in photography
- Be validated by image numbering and the taker
- Have been downloaded to a police/secure computer
- Be secured in a master copy “read only” format
A. False True True True
Q. Scene records including photographs, sketches, drawings and notebook entries must be
completed prior to searching for an uplifting any material from the crime scene?
A. True
Q. An exhibit collected for the forensic evidence it holds, should be uplifted, packaged and
examined only by people wearing gloves and protective clothing?
A. True
Q. An exhibit that is wet should be promptly packaged, sealed and labelled to avoid further
A. False
Q. Because deleted images can very easily be recovered from digital cameras, the
guidelines direct:
A. Digital cameras are assigned to a named position or employee
Q. An exhibit package that is to be forwarded for analysis:
- May hold several items of evidence from the scene
- Must be labelled to prevent contamination
- Must be accompanied by a completed POL143
- Must be sealed by the collector at the time of collection
A. False False True True
Q. When packaging an exhibit in a windowed paper bag or kleensak you must:
A. Fold over the top of the bag 2-3 times and seal with tape.
Q. An exhibit schedule produced for the Court contains records of:
- Only those exhibits collected at the crime scene
- All the material gathered for forensic analysis
- The identification number allocated to each exhibit
- Photographs and video/DVD interview tapes
A. False False True True
True/ False
Q. A reconstruction is a theory about what took place in a given area over a relevant period of time and how it is likely to have happened?
A. True
Q. Full protective clothing consisting of overalls, gloves and foot coverings must be worn by
-Examining an exhibit found in the hot zone
-Entering the hot zone by way of the stepping plates
-Processing the exhibit collection in the warm zone
-Transitioning from the warm zone to the hot zone
A. True True False True
Q. Think about the definition of a crime scene and select the situation most likely to lead to
cross contamination?
A. When scene equipment is re-used without cleaning.
Q. Police procedures for managing the Hot Zone at a serious crime scene direct the O/C scene to:
-Place guards to monitor hot zone entry and exit
-Brief examiners on the search strategy
-Establish a transition area for hot zone protection
-Display instructions about protective clothing
A. False True True True
Q. A search is a part of most crime scene examinations. Adopting a search pattern assists
A. Examine the scene in a thorough and controlled manner.
Q.The definition of a crime scene is any place an offender may have been in relation to a
crime. In this definition scene and place cover many interpretations. Indicate which of the
following examples may fit the definition of a crime scene and so be subject to forensic
- A vehicle that has been used as a getaway car
-A police interview record of a suspect’s confession
-A suspect located soon after the incident
-A shopkeeper who is the victim of a serious assault
A. Yes No Yes Yes
Q. The O/C scene must minimise risk of contamination of the material collection by ensuring persons working in a serious crime scene:
-Package exhibits in clean and dry containers
-Work with haste to package and remove exhibits
-Are directly briefed about the zonal requirements
-Use gloves to remove and package any exhibit
A, True False True True
Q. Which of the following types of evidence located at a crime scene can be instrumental in
establishing a personal signature or characteristic (MO) of committing a crime?
-What property was removed or damaged
-Where and when the offence occurred
-When fingerprints provide positive identification
-How the offender entered the scene
A. True True False True
Q. Which of the following tasks is not the responsibility of an exhibits officer?
A. Establish the relevance of the exhibit to the enquiry.
Q. The exhibits officer is responsible for ensuring the evidential integrity of all exhibits through the receipt and control of exhibits and maintaining an exhibits register. Their
responsibilities include:
-Checking the ____ on each exhibit is complete
-Checking an exhibit ____ is sealed and signed
Maintaining a ____ of exhibit movement
Checking the ____ is safely secured.
A. Label Package Log Collection
Q. A common approach path to and from the crime scene is established to:
A. Control access to the scene to prevent contamination.
Q. A sequence of actions is undertaken prior to uplifting any exhibit from the scene of a
serious crime. Identify the correct sequence for the actions:
-Seal, label and secure the exhibit.
-Make a notebook record of the exhibit significance and consider the type of
forensic evidence that may be present on it.
- Record (sketch, diagram, photograph) the exhibit in situ.
-Use disposable gloves and appropriate equipment to uplift and package the exhibit.
A. Forth Second First Third
Q. The zone model provides a structured approach to the management of serious crime scene examinations. Zoning a scene helps to:
- Maintain an appropriate ____ of safety.
- Control ___ to the crime scene.
- Avoid ____ of the scene and exhibits
- Establish set procedures for evidence ____
A. Standard Access Contamination Protecton
Q. The “warm” zone is partly designed to provide an area for:
A. Collecting, recording and securing the exhibits collection.
Q. Which of the following actions take place at the scene headquarters in the cold zone?
-Scene examiners discard protective clothing
-The scene search strategy is communicated
-Logbook records are kept of all staff movements
-Scene exhibits are packaged, sorted and stored
A. False True True False
Q. A plan or strategy for scene examination at the location of a serious crime is the responsibility of the O/C scene. When communicating a scene examination strategy, the O/C
scene must instruct:
-How scene ___ is to be managed.
-When and where scene ___ will occur.
-How the ___ examination will be conducted.
-The search ___ for the scene examination.
A. Security briefings forensic pattern
Q. Stepping plates are used in the Hot zone of a major scene because they can:
- Be easily cleaned and can be reused
-Direct examiners to a pathway through the scene
-Conceal evidence embedded in the scene
-Be easily placed and repositioned in the scene
A. True True False True
Q. A careful search is conducted as part of most crime serious scene examinations.
Select the type of search to match the description:
-When the search begins from the centre and moves through concentric circles to the
-When the scene is divided into completely separate areas
-When the scene is divided by evenly spaced parallel lines and the examiners move in one
-When a pattern of same size squares overlays the scene and each square is examined
Q. Scene logs (name, time, date) of people movements in a serious crime scene are
essential for a serious or major crimes investigation because they:
-Verify the use of elimination samples for the forensic examination
-Show how secondary transfer occurs when exhibits are collected
-Are a component of safe systems for managing crime scenes
-Are an essential component of the “Chain of evidence”
Q. The decontamination zone model is used at a scene of major crime because.
A. The scene will contain both biological and physical evidence.
Q. To manage a serious crime scene the O/C scene will place scene guards on the
perimeter of a serious crime scene and brief them to:
-Be alert to circumstances that may cause contamination
-Give a general response to the public or media questions
-Keep notebook entries of all movements near the scene
-Prevent all unauthorized access into the scene
Q. The O/C initial action party is responsible for effectively briefing and conducting handover to an O/C scene on their arrival at a serious crime scene. What information is essential to the integrity of the crime scene examination?
A. Details of any post incident movements in the crime scene.
Q. A scene examination strategy record is a documented report providing an overview
record of the management strategies, procedures followed and outcomes achieved at the scene examination phase?
A. True.
Q. Following handover from O/C initial action party, the O/C scene examination will carry out a scene reconnaissance. What is the purpose of a reconnaissance?
- A reconnaissance includes a deliberate and purposeful ______ of the scene.
- A reconnaissance is the preliminary ____ of the crime scene.
- The outcome of a reconnaissance by the O/C scene is a plan of ____.
- A reconnaissance encompasses a four step _______.