CII IF1 Chapter 9 Flashcards
The FCA’s strategic or overall objective is to:
a. minimise the effect that will arise from the failure of an insurer.
b. make markets work well.
c. identify and reduce potential systemic risks.
d. treat customers fairly and encourage competition.
make markets work well.
The FCA expects the fair treatment of customers to apply:
a. to the claims process only.
b. only to the advice provided to the customer.
c. only to the product information the customer is given.
d. to all aspects of the insurance sales process.
to all aspects of the insurance sales process.
Under Solvency II, an insurance company must maintain enough capital to give it what level of confidence that it is able to cover its liabilities in the following twelve month period?
a. 75.5%.
b. 99.5%.
c. 89.5%.
d. 85.5%
99.5%. (Tip to remember “Got 99 problems but money ain’t one”)
If Alvaro has been criminally prosecuted by the FCA, this is most likely to be because:
a. he was advising on regulated insurance products without his business being authorised.
b. his firm was found to have inappropriate and inadequate systems and controls.
c. his firm failed to maintain the required levels of capital adequacy.
d. he repeatedly provided deliberately misleading information about regulated products to customers.
he was advising on regulated insurance products without his business being authorised.
Lewis runs a small shop and has applied for insurance for his business. Under the Insurance: Conduct of Business Sourcebook, he would be classified as a:
a. consumer.
b. business customer.
c. retail customer.
d. commercial customer.
commercial customer.
What is the FCA’s online system of monitoring authorised firms known as?
Tip to remember: FCA, F can be for French, Gabriel is a French name
What specific measure is used to assess the financial strength of an insurer?
a. Solvency margin.
b. Free assets.
c. Claims ratio.
d. Debt ratio.
Solvency Margin
Tip to remember: Financial and Solvency are both money related. Use the S of strength to remember it’s Solvency not Debt
The fair treatment of customers is based on which one of the eleven FCA’s Principles for Businesses?
a. Principle 2 - conduct its business with due skill, care and diligence.
b. Principle 6 - pay due regard to the interests of customers.
c. Principle 1 - conduct business with integrity.
d. Principle 5 - observe proper standards of market conduct.
pay due regard to the interests of customers.
Employers in Great Britain must have employers’ liability insurance with an indemnity limit of at least:
a. £2m.
b. £5m.
c. £10m.
d. £7m.
£5 million
When the PRA refers to ‘judgment-based’ regulation, what is this referring to?
a. The culture of a firm.
b. Assessing the future risks of a firm.
c. Whether the firm has adequate systems and controls.
d. The current assets of a firm.
Assessing the future risks of a firm.
The FCA is able to prosecute an individual for:
a. accumulating debts above a stated amount.
b. receiving more than a stated number of complaints.
c. having a poor compliance history.
d. misleading the regulator.
misleading the regulator
What type of insurance is compulsory for an engineering firm that employs 40 staff?
a. Employers’ liability.
b. Public liability.
c. Professional indemnity.
d. Business interruption.
Employers’ liability.
Tip to remember: if they have employees they must have employers liability
The PRA’s power to take action based upon forward-looking analysis of firms is known as:
a. forward-looking regulation.
b. judgement-based regulation.
c. outcome-led regulation.
d. principles-based regulation.
Judgement-Based Regulation
Tip to remember: The PRA is Hella Judgey
An individual providing advice will need to follow the conduct of business rules of the:
a. Financial Policy Committee.
b. FCA.
c. Association of British Insurers.
d. PRA.
Harry has had his application for a senior manager function declined due to his lack of relevant experience in the role being applied for. Under the FCA’s fit and proper test, this would fall under the heading of:
a. qualifications.
b. competence and capability.
c. financial soundness.
d. honesty, integrity and reputation.
competence and capability.
Under the Certification Regime, who determines the ‘fitness and propriety’ of an individual?
a. The CII.
b. The PRA.
c. The FCA.
d. The authorised firm.
The authorised firm.
Explanation - The fit and proper person test is a benchmark the Financial Conduct Authority (‘FCA’) uses to assess whether an individual is suitable to perform a controlled or senior management function (SMF) in an authorised body. Individual firms or agencies use this measure to test managerial staff before agreeing them to join the company.
An insured cancels their insurance after two months and receives a part refund of the premium paid from the insurer. They then use the proceeds to set up multiple insurance policies by reinvesting the proceeds. In money laundering terms, these actions are an example of:
a. concealment.
b. layering.
c. integration.
d. placement.
Tip to remember: Multiple policies think of multiple cakes being layered on top of each other.
If a German insurer sets up a company in the UK, who would this subsidiary company be regulated by?
a. The PRA and the FCA.
b. The PRA only.
c. The FCA only.
d. The home regulator in Germany only.
The PRA and the FCA.
When appointing an insurance adviser to a ‘significant harm function’ who, if anyone, certifies them?
a. The PRA.
b. The FCA.
c. Approval is not necessary for this role.
d. The authorised firm.
The authorised firm.
Which UK organisation has overall responsibility for promoting fair competition for the benefit of consumers?
a. HM Treasury.
b. Competition and Markets Authority.
c. FCA.
d. Office of Fair Trading.
Competition and Markets Authority.
Tip to remember: Their whole title is competition in markets. It does what it says on the tin.
What is typically the cooling-off period for a consumer motor insurance policy?
a. 31 days.
b. 21 days.
c. 5 days.
d. 14 days.
14 days
What is the minimum amount of professional indemnity cover for a single claim that the FCA requires intermediary firms to have?
a. 1,000,000 Euros.
b. 1,250,000 Euros.
c. 1,300,380 Euros.
d. 1,924,560 Euros.
1,300,380 Euros.
Who is responsible in an authorised firm for ensuring adequate money laundering systems and controls?
a. The compliance manager.
b. The chief executive.
c. The money laundering reporting officer.
d. A nominated director.
The money laundering reporting officer.
Tip: it does what it says on the tin
The Third Parties [Rights Against Insurers] Act 2010 allows:
a. a reinsurer to sue an insurer for a breach of contract.
b. an insured to instruct their insurer to refuse any claims against their policy from a third party.
c. a third party to claim directly against the insurer of a bankrupt insured.
d. an insured to sue the insurer for negligence.
A third party to claim directly against the insurer of a bankrupt insured.
Which UK regulator would authorise a new insurance company?
a. The FCA.
b. The PRA.
c. The Financial Policy Committee.
d. The Bank of England.
Tip: Which Regulator, Prudential REGULATORY Authority
Beta Insurance has outsourced its claims handling to PDQ Ltd who in turn uses Jones’s Ltd; both are third party firms. If the FCA had concerns about how claims are dealt with, who would it hold responsible?
a. PDQ Ltd and Jones’s Ltd jointly.
b. PDQ Ltd.
c. Beta Insurance and PDQ Ltd jointly.
d. Beta Insurance.
Beta Insurance
Tip to Remember: Who sets the claims handling in motion and delegates the authority. The initial insurer.
Which type of role within a regulated firm, if any, would require an individual to obtain FCA authorisation and approval?
a. None.
b. Those individuals that have a material impact on the conduct of the firm’s regulated activities only.
c. All staff who act as managers within a regulated firm only.
d. All staff within a regulated firm.
Those individuals that have a material impact on the conduct of the firm’s regulated activities only.
Before being authorised to carry out regulated activities, a firm must demonstrate that it has met minimum regulatory requirements. These are known as:
a. Threshold Conditions.
b. Tier 1 requirements.
c. Conduct of Business rules.
d. the Senior Managers Regime.
Threshold Conditions.
What did the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 introduce?
a. Whistle-blowing requirements.
b. Anti-discrimination requirements.
c. Data protection requirements.
d. Health and safety requirements.
Whistle-blowing requirements.
What are the punishments for the following crimes?
a. Tipping off
Tipping off - 5 years in prison
Give some examples of legislations and liabilities which are compulsory
Motor insurance for third parties, public liability in regards to dangerous animals, Employers liability, public liability for specific trades, professional indemnity for certain trades
What is a privity of contract?
Means that a person can only enforce a contract if they are party to it.
What does the Third Parties (Right against insurers) Act 2010 bring into effect?
Means a third party can bring a claim against the insurance company who is responsible for supplying the liability support to a company that has gone insolvent so the monies go direct to the third party making the claim rather than company.
What are the 3 main regulatory bodies?
FCA - Financial conduct Authority
PRA - Prudential Regulatory Authority
FPC - Financial Policy Committee
What are the main features of the PRA?
-Responsible for stability and resolvability of banks, building societies and insurers
-It’s role is the regulation of firms that pose a risk to the financial system should they collapse
-They seek to ensure some firms can fail without bringing down the system
-Use the ‘judgement based” approach in terms of supervision
Name some of the main features of the FCA?
-They are responsible for the conduct of business and market issues
-They also use market-wide analysis to identify potential problems
-The FCA have the power to ban products where necessary
-Review the product lifestyle
What are the 2 main objectives of the PRA?
-To promote the safety and soundness of the firms it regulates
-Specific to Insurers, to contribute to ensuring policyholders are appropriately protected