CiceroVocab3 Flashcards
“coepī coepisse “
” I begin have begun“
“complector complectī complexus sum “
” to include; to embrace“
“consuētūdō consuētūdinis f. “
” habit custom“
“fortasse “
” perhaps“
“gracilitās gracilitātis f. “
” slenderness“
“habitus -ūs m. “
” appearance; condition of the body“
“hortor (1) “
” to encourage urge“
“latus lateris n. “
” side lung“
“minor minus “
” less (comparative of parvus) “
“opera -ae f. “
” effort work“
“patrocinium -ī n. “
” advocacy; the services of a patron“
“peragrō (1) “
” to travel over“
“procerus/a/um “
” long“
“procul (adv.) “
” far in the distance“
“quoniam “
” since“
“rīpa -ae f. “
” bank (of a stream) “
“tenuis/e “
” I begin have begun“
“coepī coepisse “
” to include; to embrace“
“complector complectī complexus sum “
” habit custom“
“consuētūdō consuētūdinis f. “
” perhaps“
“fortasse “
” slenderness“
“gracilitās gracilitātis f. “
” appearance; condition of the body“
“habitus -ūs m. “
” to encourage urge“
“hortor (1) “
” side lung“
“latus lateris n. “
” less (comparative of parvus) “
“minor minus “
” effort work“
“opera -ae f. “
” advocacy; the services of a patron“
“patrocinium -ī n. “
” to travel over“
“peragrō (1) “
” long“
“procerus/a/um “
” far in the distance“
“procul (adv.) “
” since“
“quoniam “
” bank (of a stream) “
“rīpa -ae f. “
“tenuis/e “