Cicero Flashcards
Jan. 8, 106 BC
90 BC
served in the Social War, under the command of the father of Pompey the Great.
defence of Publius Quinctius- first known Cicero case
80 BCE
Pro Roscio
79-77 BC
he studied rhetoric in Greece. On his return to Rome, he married Terentia
76 BCE
75 BCE
quaestorship of Lilybaeum, Sicily
70 BCE
prosecution of Verres
69 BCE
: Cicero’s aedileship
66 BCE
:Cicero is Praetor
delivers the Pro Lege Manilia
campaigned for Consulship
Elected consul with Hybrida (Cataline came in 3rd)
63 BCE
Cicero’s consulship
lex Agraria of Rullus
Pro Rabirlo
Catilinarian conspiracy
31 December 63 BCE
: Quintus Metellus Nepos refused Cicero his valedictory Address (at the end of his consular mandate)
1 January 62 BCE
Cicero resumes status as private citizen; now a consular
62 BCE
:Letter sent to Pompey (PS)
62 BCE: Cicero defends the nephew of Sulla, Publius Cornelius Sulla. He is Acquitted.
Cicero buys massive house on the Palatine Hill.
January 61 BCE
: rumour spreads that Antonius, Governor of Macedonia, is extorting On behalf of Cicero
Bona Dea scandal
End of 61 BCE: concord’ between senatorial orders crumbling
Spoke against first Triumvirate
58 BCE
Cicero exiled
57 BCE
Cicero returns
51-50 BCE
Cicero’s governorship of Cilicia
46 BCE
Cicero divorced Terentia and married Publilia (a young heiress for whom he was guardian )
45 BCE
Cicero writes eulogy to Cato
Cicero’s daughter Tullia died, and he divorced Publilia
44 BCE
: Cicero starts to deliver the Philippics
43 BCE 7th December
Death of Cicero (was put on Proscription list )
To Pompey, Fam. 5.7
TO Atticus Att.2.18
(59BC june/july)
To Curio, Fam. 2.4
To Caelius Fam. 2.11
50BC 4th april
To Caesar, Att. 9.11a
49BC 19/20th March
To Atticus, Att. 8.8
(49BC 24th feb)
To Atticus, Att. 9.4
(49BC 12th march)
To Atticus, Att. 13.40 (
45BC August 17th)
To Atticus, Att. 14.4
(44BC 10th april)
To Trebonius, Fam. 10.28 (
43BC 2nd feb)
To Plancus, Fam. 10.6 (
43BC 20th march