CI/CD Flashcards
What is meant by Continuous Integration?
CI is a process of keeping everyone’s working directories up to date in a safe and comprehensible manner. CI most often implies presence of Version Control System and automated building and testing process
What is Kubernetes? Why organizations are using it?
Kubernetes manages app distribution across available servers or virtual machines, helps to scale system and make it fault-tolerant.
What do you know about serverless model?
Serverless model implies utilizing cloud provider to perform computations with resources provided on demand rather than on constant basis.
How is container different from a virtual machine?
Container uses Linux-based systems functionality of namespaces, which means creating a small partition of resources such as hard disk, cpu and network and isolate it within existing operation system instance. Virtual machine, however, is entirely different instance of an operation system and it is not even close to be as lightweight as container
What is a Pod?
Pod is a Kubernetes object, which purpose is to run one or multiple containers. Each pod have unique IP address and specific configuration.
What is a Kubernetes Cluster?
Cluster is a set of nodes, across which all other Kubernetes objects are deployed. Cluster has master node which is responsible for managing objects and maintaining healthy state of a cluster
What is the difference between ‘docker run’ and ‘docker create’?
Docker create creates a container based on provided image, dedicate resources to it, but does not execute entrypoint command. Run does exactly that, if it was not done previously, and runs entrypoint command in addition.