Church test Flashcards
Church suffering
Church triumphant
Not of this world, angels, god ecc
Church militant
Living in earth
Levels of church militant
Pope Cardinal Archbishop Arch diocese Bishop Priest Deacon Lay
Bishop priest and decon are
Pope is servus servorum
Servant of the servants if god
The holy trinity
3 distinct persons of god
God at his very essence is
At the heart of being human is the
Edict of milan
313 ad
St francis of assisi
Renounced his wealth
Vatican 2
Opposed by paul
95 theses
Era of the church
Vatican 1
The council of Jerusalem
49 ad
Counter reformation
2 popes
Great western schism
St benedict
Monte cassio
Christological controversy
Council of Chalcedon
Allows freedom for the church
Gaudium et spes
Vatican 2 document
Franciscans and dominican
Urban ministry
Church as a mystery
A reality in which god acts and is present. It possesses a richness and depth of meaning that cannot be fully captured
Church as community: faith, friendship and service
Pauls image of the body of christ, focuses of people, fellowship
4 ideas in pauls image of the church
- Diversity of people is important
- Churches members are united by its spirit
- The church is the presence (the body) of christ on earth
- Churches body us made up of people who are not all saints
Two elements the characterize the christian community.
Community of friendship
Community of service
Church as institution: herarchy, magisterium
A huge body of people with a goal must have some organization. Has a hierarchchail structure of authority.
Hierarchy (sacred order) is built on
The bishops and the pope. Bishops concidered to be the successors of the apostles. The bishiop of rome, the pope, is the first among equals and the succesor of peter
Bishops meet in
Synods is rome
Various teachings of the church divided as:
Doctrines: official teachings
Dogmas: doctrines essential to the church
Canon law: official laws governing the church
The church has roots in the protestant traditions
The focus is places not on the church itself, but the word of god
Evangelican element of the church
Strong biblical basis, spreading the good news
Church as servant
Serving gods people, goal of the church is to work for love, justice, and price in the world
Theology of liberation
Application of the gospel to the needs of the poor.
Preferential option of the poor
Evaluates political and social choices in terms of their impact on the poor