Church Office Administration Final Flashcards
What is the federal minimum wage?
Can states have their own minimum wage?
What is the definition of overtime pay?
Physically work over 40 hours in a 7 day work week.
How much are you paid for overtime?
Time and a half
When does the new overtime rule, that Bro. Obama passed, go into effect?
Dec 1,2016
The new rule only covers hourly employees.
True or False
Employees working under a certain amount within the past year must be paid overtime. Under the new law, what is the new threshold for overtime per week and per year?
$913 a week or more to be exempt from the new laws or $47,476 in a year.
On a given week, if your church secretary works 4 hours each day and all day one Saturday, would she get paid overtime for the Saturday?
If an employee is both an _________ and a ____________ both duties must be ____________ and must be __________.
What factor is considered in church enterprises to see if they are covered under the new overtime rule?
Whether if it’s for a profit or not.
If a state minimum wage is higher than the federal, which do you go by?
State or highest.
There are 3 types of people who will be doing work for you or helping you. You must know the distinction between them. List the 3 types:
Employee, volunteer and contract.
What type of form must a contractor give to you before they begin work on your property?
Form 85 - WC
What is the 3 “right to control test” the IRS goes by to determine if someone is an employee or contractor? Explain each one.
- ) Behavioral Control - does the employer have the right to control HOW the worker does the task for which they are hired.
- ) Financial Control - does the worker have the ability to affect financial decisions that impact the workers pay or profit.
- ) Relationship - is there a contract between the worker and the organization and if so, how is it worked?
Does every state require a company to have workers compensation insurance?
Does Texas?
No, no.
What is the time limit for an employee to report workers comp. charge?
30 days
Which law was passed that changed everything on how we treat employees?
Title VII (7), of the civil rights act of 1964.
What does the acronym EEOC stand for?
Equal Employment Opportunity Commissions
What is the EEOC?
A federal agency that administers and enforces civil rights laws against workplace discrimination.
Name at 7 areas the EEOC covers:
All 12:
Pregnancy Race/color Religion Retaliation Sex-based Sexual harassment National origin discrimination Harassment Genetic information Age Disability Equal compensation
Are all employees of a religious non-profit institution/organization covered by Title VII?
No, clergy are not
Under Title VII, are churches allowed to give employment preference to members of their own faith?
What are 2 factors that must be considered for a church to be exempt?
- ) articles of Incorporation must state a religious purpose.
- ) day to day operations must be religious or directed toward the propagation of the religion.
Are churches required to comply with all others areas of the Title VII besides religion?
What does the Department of Labor govern?
Occupational safety, wage and hour standards, unemployment insurance benefits.
What areas does the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) cover?
Wage an hour, overtime and benefits.
What is a steward?
- ) a person who manages another’s property or financial affairs;
- ) one who administers anything as the agent of another or others.
What does the word faithful mean?
Having or showing true or consistent support
What is integrity?
1.) the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.
What is loyalty?
The quality of being loyal to someone or something
What does it mean to learn?
To cause (something) to be in your memory by studying it.
What does instruction mean?
A direction or order
What is teamwork?
Cooperative or coordinated effort on the part of a group of persons acting together as a team or in the interest of a common
What does it mean to delegate?
Entrust a task or responsibility to another person, typically one who is less senior than oneself.
What does the word “administration” mean?
The management or control of an organization
Why is Administration important in the church? (In your own words)
Church models:
Pastor and his wife do everything.
A.) you ensure your vision is implemented.
B.) you know everything that is going on
C.) is more relationship based, versus organizational (more personal)
D.) Can begin the foundation for a soli, growing church
E.) Don’t have to entrust someone else with the money.
A.) burn out both spiritually and physically.
B.) liability issues when it comes to the finances.
C.) Limited to your individual talents
D.) limited in the number of ministries the church can have
E.) Higher risk of offending someone
F.) family time is neglected
Models of church Administration:
- ) Pastor and his wife do it all themselves.
- ) Pastor and his Wife plus one.
- ) Pastor and his wife - office secretary/receptionist
Technology recourses:
Breeze Simple Church Software
PowerChurch Plus
Servant Keeper
Why should the church have job descriptions?
Connects vision with the implementation
Reduces overlap of duties
Created value for volunteers
Job descriptions typically include:
Job title
Job objective or overall purpose statement
_____ _______ are planned around the ______ calendar!
Family lives
Things can spiral out of control ________!!!
As the administrator/church office person you must create a _________ for the flow of __________ to be _________.
When creating a calendar effectively…
Events must be presented to staff and Pastor ahead of time.
Events must then be approved by staff and Pastor.
Events must be put on the church calendar in advance.
Events must be communicated to the entire church.
Ministry leaders must be flexible with the calendar.
It is important that you create written ________ and _________ for these situations. Some examples are:
Funerals Weddings Showers Baby Dedications Graduations Birthdays
Employee documents:
All potential employees should fill out the same application and follow the same process for hiring.
Two types of taxes:
And what does the employer have to pay?
The employer pays half, 15.3%.
2 factors applied:
If you preform ministerial functions (funerals, marriages, baptisms, etc.), there is no requirement that you preform every sacrament of your religion.
Are you considered to be a religious leader by your church or parent denomination.