Church Fathers/Key Figures Flashcards
Clement of Rome
(died c.100) wrote “1 Clement” open letter from church at Rome to Corinth written end of 1st century (oldest extant non-NT letter); it stressed good order and faith accompanied by good works.
Polycarp of Smyrna
bishop of Smyrna; martyred about age 86 in c. 155 AD;
Justin Martyr
(c.100-c.165) perhaps the greatest Apologists; argued that traces of Christian truth could be found in pagan writers (doctrine of: “seed-bearing word”)
(c.130-c.200) vigorous defense of Christian orthodoxy against Gnosticism; Most significant work: “Against all Heresies”
(c.160-c.225) regarded as father of Latin theology because he had major impact on western church; defended unity of OT&NT against Marcion; laying foundation for doctrine of the Trinity; opposed depending on extra-scriptural sources (“What does Jerusalem have to do with Athens?”); was for the sufficiency of Scripture
studied under Polycarp; countered Gnostics in book: “Against Heresies”; stressed fundamental Christian doctrines challenged by Gnostics: world created by one God; JC, son of the Creator, died to save humanity; & there will be a resurrection of the body; developed idea: Christ=fully man & fully God; developed Christian Theology: the ‘canon (or rule) of truth’ preserved in the church as key to interpreting Scripture; eucharist contains ‘an earthly and a divine reality’; virgin Mary=new Eve.
(c.185-c.254) foundation for eastern Christian thought; developed notion of allegorical interpretation of scripture; Christology-established idea of full divinity of the Father and lesser of the Son; (maybe Arianism=natural consequence)
(courageously martyred in 258) lived during persecution of Decius which began in 250; fixed stricter readmitting of ‘lapsed’ Christians and he opposed those who spit off in his greatest work “The unity of the Catholic Church”; argued for rebaptism of people from separatist groups; argued that all bishops are equal-like apostles; fought hard for unity of the church.
Antony of Egypt
(c.251-c.356) one of most famous early hermits who gave away everything at age 20; wanted to be alone, but after many visitors, he organized cluster of hermit cells; Although physically withdrawn from world, many influenced and converted by him.
(c. 263-c. 339) first to attempt a history of the church on a grand scale: “Church History” which included long quotations from previous writers (many of his source material is now lost); he took his sources at face value (not very critical); future historians (Jerome and Bede) used extensively; bishop of Caesarea in Palestine; close friend of Constantine; suspect theology in Arian debate;
(c.296-c.373) significance relates to Christological issues; He pointed out that if, as Arius argued, Christ was not fully God=bad implications: 1. Impossible for God to redeem humanity (creature can’t redeem creature). 2. Christian church was guilty of idolatry because worship of Jesus. Led to rejection of Arianism.