church authority Flashcards
where does the magisterium’s authority and guidence come from
it comes from christ and its guidance comes from the holy spirit
what is the magisterium
the magisterium is the Catholic church’s official teaching authority, which includes the pope and all bishops
what do the magisterium’s responsibilities include?
- interpreting and applying scripture and tradition
- serving as a guardian of the deposit of faith
- preserving and communicating truths to every generation of believers
- giving authentic interpretation of the word of god
what element is the magisterium
it is an institutional element of the church that can only exist in the church
how do people use their authority in the magisteriun
individual members of the magisterium use their authority and sacred power to build up their flocks in truth and holiness
what is the encyclical
it is a pastoral letter written by the pope for the whole roman Catholic church on matters of doctrine, morals, or discipline
who writes the encyclical
the pope
what is one encyclical
one encyclical is fraternity and social friendship (fratelli tutti)
what is fratelli tutti
fratelli tutti is a profound message that calls each of us to a deeper understanding of social friendship, community, and our shared responsibility to promote the common good
what are pastoral letters and who are they addressed to
pastoral letters are three short letters in the new testament are addressed to Christian pastors
what do pastoral letters assert
the pastoral letters assert that for one to be a priest or bishop, he must be a moral exemplar, other-centered, and be willing to undergo any kind of trial for the sake of the gospel
what is one pastoral letter
one pastoral letters is epistle to titus
what is the Epistle to Titus
The Epistle to Titus provides the earliest evidence that the church had been established on the Greek island of Crete in the Mediterranean sea
What responsibility did titus have
Titus had the responsibility of calling new bishops on the island. Paul listed some of the spiritual qualifications for bishops
What is a catechism
a catechism is the name given to a written work that contains a summary of all the beliefs of the faith that is used as a teaching tool
what functions does the catechism serve
it conveys the essential and fundamental content of Catholic faith and morals in a complete and summary way.
what is the Vatican II
Vatican II was in the 60’s but Vatican II took the opportunity to revise it to bring the catechism to more modern times