Chunks Flashcards
If you’re boxing with drills, what are they?
Siniwali, Hubud, Cobb Cobb, push hands, chi Sao, straight blast/elbow to palm/Cobb Cobb
Can you use a shoulder as a reference in hubud?
Shoulder reference in the hubud flow. Yes! Use it instead of hand on any beat. Frees up the hands for other things. Everything is a probe. References not just to hits; references to references. All about options. No stopping and no holding: the references monitor for you, allow you to probe and measure. These are all footwork drills.
What do you do if someone is getting in your face?
In your face:
Turn the corner to establish bubble. It is your footwork that allows your arms to do things. Any definition, where he defines himself with rigidity or bracing is something to work off. Once you move to the hit with impunity place, all that filthy clinch stuff is available, but in a one-sided manner.
How do you deal with a locomotive style aggressor?
After he surveyed the current fight landscape, he expressed that things hadn’t changed that much. Wherever you look, be it MMA, bare knuckle boxing, or street fight footage, it’s all a mess.
To deal with the aggressor with locomotive style constant forward pressure, requires 3 elements: one, use footwork, gates wiggly worm and spikes to avoid engagement; two, if engaged then disengage using wedges; three, hit when disengaged- not to disengage, but after. Elbows to main muscle groups. Note: strikes can come out of salutes or out of wiggling also.
What does he mean by building the sphere?
Maintaining the space bubble with various structures. Can’t cover everything at once. It’s part of your spiked fence
What are the variations of the Hartsell clinch arm wrench from being held in the wrestler’s underhook?
Hartsell clinch arm wrench
Often from under hook in this case from an elbow control drill
Your arm over his hooking arm
1. Arm wrench (straight)
2. Uppercut arm wrench (if eye of his elbow facing up)
3. Reach over and grab top of his elbow after lifting his chin (eye of elbow facing down)
Visualize the RAT bug out and bite
From the takedown/ the tackle
To prevent the ground and pound….go to ground but as you fall you do three things
- Wrap your legs to put him in guard
- Wrap your arms (front naked choke style) to prevent them getting posture
- Kino mutai (thumb in the eye and bite) the bite has gotta be uninterrupted so lock him into it
You are spreading out to pull in
Note: from side control, oopa, slide under, wrap chest with arms and bite uninterrupted.
What are the elements of RAT?
Destruction based: you don’t block, slip or weave. You are a porcupine of elbows and knees. No trading, no timing, no stances, no technique. Put your body in a cocoon of elbows and knees.
ENTRY interception (hit him before he hits you)/destruction(spikes) Destructions if he's hitting, interceptions if he's walking up (4 circles...eyes and groin) Low kicks: destructions High kicks: lift leg to groin kick
PRESSURE. Straight blast (they backpedal, have no base or balance to attack you) some kind of straight punches with footwork down someone’s centreline
Forward pressure and straight punches
Start outside range and you sort of shrimp standing fighting close is for sport
TERMINATION (from the clinch) headbutts knees (the groin) and elbows (the temples)
What are the RAT targets?
Eyes, throat, groin and shins
What are the RAT quick kills?
From clinch in RAT,lift chin and elbow
Drop temple to knee and elbow down
What are the RAT style escapes?
Headlock: hold, turn and bite
Bear hug: drop upper body at waist and reach through (establishes a base) then do offence
Rear naked choke: grab second arm, pin arm wrapped around your neck and bite uninterrupted
What are the nasty in-close strikes?
Nasty in-tight Face wash (eyes) Groin slap/ pull Foot stomp Inadvertent minor slaps occipital lobe etc Shoulder butt Biting (while growling) and pinching
Big guns: elbow, knees and headbutts
What are the 10 sumbrata blocks?
Sumbrata range means you have your checking hand. His stick can now hit your head if you miss hand smash.
Angle 1: roof block if point down/ inside deflection if point up
Angle 2: outside deflection/shield
Angle 3: low wing/pass
Angle 4: drop stick/outside wing
Angle 5: same as angle 3.
Go through drill to drill switches.
Hubud 1st beat
Hubud 2nd beat
Hubud 3rd beat top
Hubud 3rd beat under
Hubud to outside pak and back (1 2 3 or 1 2 3 4)
Pak Sao inside to out (feed forehand on 3rd beat)
Pak outside to inside (Add a forth beat and it’s a backhand)
Siniwali to outside pak (1st beat feeds deep then step back cause beat 1 of siniwali in deep is beat 3 of outside pak)
Outside pak to siniwali (feed beat 3 shallow instead of deep and that shallow is beat 1 of siniwali)
Inside pak Sao to siniwali (3rd beat would be to backhand hit but closes his open guard and your other hand starts beat 1)
Siniwali to hubud (double tap off beat 3 backhand reference and feed first hubud beat)
Hubud to siniwali (suppress beat 2 step out range and start Beaty 1 siniwali)
Siniwali to sumbrata (check, close range)- same for any drill to sumbrata
Sumbrata to siniwali (match leads and suppress to chamber)
Gunting cycle.
the references for all above switches)
Note: if you’re not filling spaces, you get hit)
Stick disarms
Always a smash on the hand first
Never look for it
4 basic disarms
1. SNAKE Off sumbrata roof block WHICH smashes hand. Checking hand snakes overtop and counterclockwise
2. STRIP: off sumbrata, as you smack the hand, you grab the stick and strip away. Use any part of the arm to strip the stick (butt of stick, forearm, stick, forearm abinico)
3. QUICK RELEASE: as smack the hand, circle to the outside. (Hit head with tip) come up under the arm cupping with live hand and drive stick down with stick hand.
4. VINE: for the likes of inside deflection where stick is past. Grab on to his stick and insert yours to ulna for leverage
Try these for every angle of Sumbrata.
Also use them as counters to you being stripped.