Chunking Flashcards
What is a chunk?
- Compact package of info you can easily access
- Breaks a large concept/problem into pieces (e.g. phone no)
- Chunks are like the bricks forming the path to expertise
How does a chunk work?
- Can begin to link pieces together, logical whole and wider context
- The working brain (octopus in front) can reach into LT memory to pull out chunks and link together
- Brain can work efficiently as doesnt need to remmeber entire concept in one piece
- Groups info more effic to better use ST memory
How do you form a chunk?
Focused practice and repetition
1 - Focus undivided attention on info at hand
2 - Understand basic ideas to chunk (using techniques listed earlier). Use both F & D. Understanding holds the ideas together and helps to link to other ideas. UNDERSTANDING IS KEY TO CHUNKING - MUST DO THIS. But understanding doesnt create a chunk - reviewing quickly and often embeds.
3 - Context (practice) - identify when to use a chunk, requires related and unrelated problems to determine when to use chunks. Context is both bottom up and top down: top down is the bigger/wider topic and how this fits, and then bottom up is the elements of the chunk.
Practical guide to chunking:
Determine size of chunk - not too small or large (review chapter and decide - top down)
Piggy back - build each chuink onm existing one, connec tot new and old