Key thoughts- Geology #1
- As Geology develops, it shifts the understanding of God’s action in the world.
increase in understanding natural mechanisms º decrease in God-of-the-Gaps
decrease in Cosmological Interventionism º increase in Cosmological Providentialism
Therefore, Science IMPACTS Religion’s understanding of divine action
Key Thoughts- Geology #2
As Geology develops, it shifts the interpretation of the Biblical Flood Account (Gen 6-9)
increase in understanding natural mechanisms
decrease in Scientific Concordism
decrease in worldwide (global) flood interpretations increase in local flood interpretations
Science IMPACTS Religion’s understanding of the Bible
Key Thoughts - Geology #3
Logic of the Science-of-the-Day
everyone thinks within their “Intellectual Tool Box”
very rational considering their limited knowledge
Key Thoughts - Geology #4
Pattern & Process in Science
Pattern (observation) is discovered FIRST
fossil pattern in the strata (layers) of the earth’s crust
Process (mechanism) is discovered AFTERWARD
17 century eologists believed Noah’s worldwide flood produced the strata. Ex. Newton
natural mechanisms were only understood in the 19th century
It can be shown clearly in many other ways that a ______ __________ came upon the earth … these things were explained by Moses [traditional author of the Book
of Genesis]. For even today in mountains that are lofty and difficult to climb,______ remains are found; this is, shells and fragments of tortoise shells and other such things, which even ourselves have seen.”
universal flood
Redistribution of animals after flood- how did animals get to islands after worldwide flood?- Theologian who answered question is….
St. Augustine (354-430)
regarded as the most important theologian in Christianity
Roman Catholics call him “THE theologian”
Protestant Reformers Luther & Calvin were steeped in St. Augustine’s theology
“A question arises how wild animals, propagated by ordinary mating, like wolves and the rest, can be found on the islands far at sea, unless those which were destroyed by the Flood were replaced by others descended from the animals, male and female, which were saved in the ark.(There is no problem in regard to domestic animals or to those which, like frogs, spring directly from the _____.)
Augustine 4 hypothesis to explain how animals came to remote islands
- One hypothesis is that they swam to some islands, but only to those that were near.
- Of course, there is nothing incredible in the supposition that men captured the animals and took them with them and bred them for the sake of hunting.
- Another possibility is that, by the command or permission of God and with the help of angels, the animals could have been transferred to the islands.
- Another hypothesis would be that they sprang up from the earth, as they sprang up in the beginning when God said: ‘Let the earth produce a living soul’ [Gen 1: 24].
Another possibility is that, by the command or permission of God and with the help of ______, the animals could have been transferred to the islands.
St. Augustine scientific concordism & biology-of-the-day 1. very logical 2. science of the day God or angels-of the gaps Augustine's seed principles theory
St. Augustine is thinking within his “intellectual tool box”
very logical
“One hypothesis, . . . Another hypothesis”
science (biology)-of-the-day
spontaneous generation: “frogs, spring directly from the soil”
God or angels-of-the-gaps
to transport animals to distant islands: Interventionism
scientific concordism
God initially created a world with seeds of different animals termed: rationes seminales
these seeds then sprouted like plants into the various animals
1-seed theory of reproduction
Augustine appeals to the 6 Day of Creation:
“God said, ‘Let the LAND produce living creatures
according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that move
along the ground, and wild animals.’” Gen 1:24
Hypothesis 4
Augustine theorizes that some animal seeds landed on
distant islands after the flood, and they sprouted to become
the animals of those islands
scientific concordism & biology-of-the-day
Global Flood theory- David Young
paradigm of geology= science-of-the-day
Noah Flood account was accepted historical and scientific concordism
“Captivated by the new understanding of the world developed by Galileo, Kepler, and later Newton, scholars expanded their understanding of the course of creation
and the flood in terms of an intricate machine-like earth, attributing its motion, behaviour, and history to mechanical action among discrete particles. The results
of their new learning turned up in numerous global deluge [flood] theories published during the late 17th and early 18th centuries. During this period, the_____ ______ ____ ____ ________ of mainstream theoretical earth science in Europe.”
flood was at the center
scientific mindset applied to understanding the earth
shift occurs from debates over size of ark, animal migration, etc to the geological effects of a global flood
“By the beginning of the 19th century, the interpretation of geological strata had changed radically. Virtually ___ _______ ________ thought that the thick sequences
of stratified sedimentary rocks so evident in quarries, cliffs, and mountains had
anything to do with the flood.”
no established geologist
The End of Global Flood Theories
geomorphology & stratigraphy proved that it was impossible for a 1 yr global flood to lay down
all the layers in the crust of the earth
Charles Lyell & his most famous book
Principles of Geology (1830-1833)
deist and anti-evolutionist
considered the father of modern geology
Darwin boarded HMS Beagle in 1831 with Volume 1
Charles Lyell principle of…
explaining the earth’s past through the processes observed on earth today using the same forces & same intensities
Had a HUGE IMPACT on Darwin
Darwin was scared to tell him about the theory of evolution